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Vendors scramble as militant vegans crack down on eggs in India’s culture wars

Vanguard One

Dec 20, 2019
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Ahmadabad, India: The raid came just after sunset. Plainclothes municipal workers swarmed into the busy neighbourhood, seizing contraband. The dealers ran or watched helplessly as the authorities took their illicit goods.

And with that, the government had conducted a successful crackdown on eggs.


An Indian street food vendor prepares an egg dish for a customer in Ahmedabad.CREDIT:REBECCA CONWAY/THE NEW YORK TIMES

Not just the eggs themselves, although city officials had confiscated hundreds of trays of those, too.

Authorities grabbed everything — gas canisters, bread, vegetables, plates, glasses, stools — that one might need to run a food cart to sell eggs scrambled, fried or wrapped in a fragrant breading. On the curb, only broken shells remained.

The food-cart operators who got away counted themselves lucky to have escaped.

“We found out that the truck was approaching our location,” said Virendra Ram Chandra Singh, who added that he could prepare eggs 156 ways. “We ran home with our carts, pushing hard and fast.”

The place of the humble egg in the street food culture of Gujarat, a state in western India where people take their snacks seriously, has become the latest flashpoint in the growing role of religion in everyday life.

Food cart rules spurred by conservative beliefs have draws a backlash, showcasing the tensions around the country’s rising Hindu nationalist movement.

Food cart rules spurred by conservative beliefs have draws a backlash, showcasing the tensions around the country’s rising Hindu nationalist movement. CREDIT:REBECCA CONWAY/THE NEW YORK TIMES

Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has a Hindu nationalist base, the national government has taken steps in recent years to promote the religion and to sideline Muslims and other groups.

Emboldened local governments have followed suit, enacting rules in some places that adhere closely to Hindu doctrine.

That is especially true in Gujarat, which Modi led for 13 years before becoming Prime Minister and which is often seen as a laboratory for pushing policies to reshape India along his Hindu nationalist vision. Those include tightening a ban on alcohol and adding protections against the slaughter of cattle, which many Hindus consider sacred.

Rakesh Maheriya, third from right, who is president of a street vendor association, meets with fellow vendors in Ahmedabad, India.

Rakesh Maheriya, third from right, who is president of a street vendor association, meets with fellow vendors in Ahmedabad, India.CREDIT:REBECCA CONWAY/NEW YORK TIMES

But even devout Hindus don’t always agree among themselves what practices the faithful should follow, a conflict that also raises issues of income and class. Hence the bitter disagreement over eggs.

Many Hindus are vegetarian, particularly among the elite within the country’s traditional caste system, and some of them consider eggs to be meat products.

Citing complaints from Hindus as well as health concerns, local officials in Ahmadabad, Gujarat’s largest city, and at least four other cities banned the sale and display of meat, fish and eggs on the street in mid-November.

The mayor of one city, Rajkot, told local news media: “Carts with non-vegetarian food can be seen everywhere in the city. The religious sentiments of the people are hurt by this.”

A street vendor serves up scrambled eggs and a roll.

A street vendor serves up scrambled eggs and a roll.CREDIT:REBECCA CONWAY/THE NEW YORK TIMES

Local authorities weren’t expecting the backlash. In recent days, facing a lawsuit and protests, officials in Ahmadabad relented and allowed sales of previously forbidden food to resume for now, although the dispute is being considered by the courts. They did not respond to requests for comment.

Top leaders with Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, which dominates politics in Gujarat, deflected blame to local officials. “Some people eat vegetarian food,” the state’s chief minister, Bhupendra Patel, told local media. “Some people eat non-vegetarian food. The BJP government does not have any problem with it.”

With Hindu nationalism on the rise, food has drawn more headlines. Hundreds of people lost their jobs when one of the BJP-led states in northern India began shutting down slaughterhouses. Muslims accused of slaughtering cows have been lynched by mobs. In the southern state of Karnataka, one Hindu leader has vowed to protest a plan by some local officials to provide eggs for school lunches.

Those beliefs can run counter to India’s economic goals and changing social mores. Consumption of eggs has grown substantially in recent years as more families have entered the middle class. They now eat 81 eggs per person per year on average. (Americans, by contrast, average more than twice that.)

The central government hopes eggs will become a growing source of protein. Higher egg consumption could help the country’s troubled farm sector. Government forecasters have called for increased chicken and egg consumption, enough to double farmers’ income and prevent child malnutrition.

The ban on eggs certainly had its fans.

Naresh Kansara, an official at a large Hindu temple in Ahmadabad, said it was wrong to sell nonvegetarian food nearby. “Why don’t they eat at a hotel, away from public view?” he said. “Why so openly?”

Still, the egg ban caused an uproar. The confiscation of carts in November galvanised street vendors, who began protesting outside government offices.

Singh, the Ahmadabad food-cart operator who escaped the November crackdown, migrated from poorer Bihar state in the 1990s during a period of economic liberation. Bit by bit, he built a name for himself on the versatility of his eggs.

The president of the street vendors association in Gujarat, Rakesh Maheriya, said mostly Hindu vendors and customers were being punished. Many vendors are from the lower castes, a large voting bloc, and many Hindu customers were incensed as well.

Dhara Patel, a 20-year-old engineering student who consumed her favourite dish, minced eggs, a few times a week in the roadside stalls near her college, said the meal was her only source of protein.

“Why does the government have a problem if we want to eat eggs?” she said. “It’s also about the livelihoods of those street vendors.”

Although the local government now says coercive action won’t be taken against egg sellers, municipal officials have yet to rescind their ban formally.

Vendors said they had been given assurances that they could come back.

Still, along the lakeside road where they once sold their eggs, the number of food carts has dwindled, a sign to them that the egg crackdown is far from over.

“Who knows how long we will be allowed to be here?” Singh said. “They can do anything, anytime.”

I'm vegetarian but I eat eggs and never get offended if someone eats meat in front of me.

Not my place to dictate what others can eat.

This is not vegetarian problem this is fascism problem.
It's like they want their kids to suffer from malnutrition.

I can't ever survive in India. I eat eggs every morning and my favorite food is steak. I eat beef literally almost every single day.
Dear Indian members, lety report egg vendors, and do our part as citizens.

I saw one and reported just a while ago.


egg vendor spotted, sir, police. #mumbaipd
How do you find out if someone is vegan?

You don't, the pompous pricks will tell you themselves
It's like they want their kids to suffer from malnutrition.

I can't ever survive in India. I eat eggs every morning and my favorite food is steak. I eat beef literally almost every single day.

Those who are vegan in India, derive their protein requirements from pulses, lentils, gram, soyabean, etc. that have high protein content. There are several vegan bodybuilders as well, even in the West.

As for 'militant veganism', it is quite common in Gujarat, parts of Rajasthan & Haryana, and some other states. Many landlords clearly put out the sign that they don't want non-vegetarian tenants either. Don't get blown away now just because an old matter is brought up to create some sort of controversy.

Have you tried yak meat? It's much heavier. But too much red meat isn't good for your heart. Ask American insurance companies.
this has been going on for a long time in Gujarat, irrespective of your religion , cast , customs or what ever its common for most of the people in that state will discriminate you if you are a non vegetarian, it is know all over India that this state is Weird
this has been going on for a long time in Gujarat, irrespective of your religion , cast , customs or what ever its common for most of the people in that state will discriminate you if you are a non vegetarian, it is know all over India that this state is Weird

I won't call it weird, just a little different and we can appreciate its uniqueness. Pretty sure gujjus will be shocked to death when they visit Lachung (northern Sikkim) where we eat yak meat with vegetables, spices, and the likes due to climatic conditions. Each state has its uniqueness to be amused of/appreciated.

Militant Vegans - they are a dangerous cult
I won't call it weird, just a little different and we can appreciate its uniqueness. Pretty sure gujjus will be shocked to death when they visit Lachung (northern Sikkim) where we eat yak meat with vegetables, spices, and the likes due to climatic conditions. Each state has its uniqueness to be amused of/appreciated.


I tried it on my last visit to Sikkim Khyopeh great dish I love it also Phagshapa love the pork, goes well with chang its back in 2006, well will visit again hope I will meet you will have some chang together
I tried it on my last visit to Sikkim Khyopeh great dish I love it also Phagshapa love the pork, goes well with chang its back in 2006, well will visit again hope I will meet you will have some chang together

Ah I see! You have tasted the heavy meats of the Himalayas!:p: Sure thing, bud!
Those who are vegan in India, derive their protein requirements from pulses, lentils, gram, soyabean, etc. that have high protein content. There are several vegan bodybuilders as well, even in the West.

As for 'militant veganism', it is quite common in Gujarat, parts of Rajasthan & Haryana, and some other states. Many landlords clearly put out the sign that they don't want non-vegetarian tenants either. Don't get blown away now just because an old matter is brought up to create some sort of controversy.

Have you tried yak meat? It's much heavier. But too much red meat isn't good for your heart. Ask American insurance companies.
well too much red meat is bad for you then let ban red meat completely and lynch anyone who eat it

sorry the logic to me seems flawed

A malnourished retarded enemy is a better enemy.
well too much red meat is bad for you then let ban red meat completely and lynch anyone who eat it

sorry the logic to me seems flawed

For vegetarians, there are several vegetarian options like lentils, pulses, gram, etc. that are excellent sources of protein that many vegan bodybuilders take internationally. So the bullshit myth of "malnourishment" is only that, a myth.

Every state in India has its own flavor. If you can't appreciate the differences, then don't visit. Simple. We don't change our food habits in Sikkim if Gujarati tourists visit.

Same way, we don't expect them to change if we or anyone else from other parts of India visits. Live and let live. There's nothing to be debated here.

Endlessly pursuing homogenization of everything has resulted in endless wars in the Middle East. We don't do that here.
Nice it is news like this that makes me hopeful of a ruined Hindia ruled by Hindutva Bigots. Modi has been a blessing for Pakistan. Soon Indians will start killing each other and all Pakistan needs to do is get popcorn. In a congress led India Pakistan was effectively isolated in International domain now due to BJP bigots we are finally not under microscope. Modi fcuked decades of work done by hard working Indians.

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