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Veena Malik Vs Molvi Sahab - Justifying her act in Big Boss

I am no fan of her but she raises valid points.

why the media and moral brigade is after soft targets like her. She have not done anything new and there are more burning issues than this.

Let her live , support her family and concentrate on bigger issues. Move on
Because mullahs are involved with raping kids in their madrassas and Mullahs kill so they can't speak against them.

Because theft and robbering is happening in the country, but they are armed and speaking against them is dangerous

Because people take bribes in Pakistan but they are powerful people so they remain silent against them

Because there is violence against women by husbands and mother in laws but thats something they routinely do too

So after all that, le de ke inki mardaangi sirf Veena Malik ko attack karne pe hi utarti hai. Veena Malik is a soft target, its difficult to fight back after you've gone through character assassination. Billawal Bhutto was caught in lip-locked photos - and he is the ruling party's chief! He IS supposed to represent Pakistan. How much hue and cry was done over him, people have moved on - people still voted for his party.

Either we're hypocrites or humari phatthi hai while being on the forefront of battling real issues - you choose.
Quite an interrogation Ashmit Patel had to suffer there.

I assume if he had said he was thinking up becoming a Muslim , there would have been fire crackers busting in studio itself and Veena Malik would had prized herself status of a gazi.

jamima khan also became muslim but no body threw fire crackers to celebrate in her honour

reality is if somebody ecomes muslim by heart only then muslims celebrate in their honour..
what eva she did was wrong, but am least bothered........... the best option is to jus ignore her, the profession to which she belongs to always find a way to get involve in some kinda scandal to stay alive & be in news.. lastly she gonna go in her grave & will be answerable for her deed .as we will go in ours .. so all is well with me.. Malvi shaab 1st enjoyed the program than came out all guns blazing ... these malvis along with this veena malik need to get a life
I am no fan of her but she raises valid points.

why the media and moral brigade is after soft targets like her. She have not done anything new and there are more burning issues than this.

Let her live , support her family and concentrate on bigger issues. Move on

sirji, if up dig up old threads and you will find a thread that an indian started saying napaki to pakistanis and was saying bad things about pakistan only because veena being pakistani did such acts which would create bad impression for pakistanis, what veena does in private life is her own life but doing such things in TV watched by entire world is a diff senario..

if i go to west and strat drinking and inviting girls on my apartment then people will indeed question my back ground and my country and nationality which produces ad impression
Because mullahs are involved with raping kids in their madrassas and Mullahs kill so they can't speak against them.

Because theft and robbering is happening in the country, but they are armed and speaking against them is dangerous

Because people take bribes in Pakistan but they are powerful people so they remain silent against them

Because there is violence against women by husbands and mother in laws but thats something they routinely do too

So after all that, le de ke inki mardaangi sirf Veena Malik ko attack karne pe hi utarti hai. Veena Malik is a soft target, its difficult to fight back after you've gone through character assassination. Billawal Bhutto was caught in lip-locked photos - and he is the ruling party's chief! He IS supposed to represent Pakistan. How much hue and cry was done over him, people have moved on - people still voted for his party.

Either we're hypocrites or humari phatthi hai while being on the forefront of battling real issues - you choose.

So you want to say that they should also stop condemning the things they are doing? :wave:

During video i heard that he said i condemn those who has bad character being a molvi.
I have no sympathy with any molvi but you have hatred towards them with your limited knowledge.
Whom did you see supporting corrupt politicians if they are not speaking against them. Which survey you are coming up with saying that they do not speak against evil?
This issue was highlighted by media so we saw people going against veena, and we saw ulema hazraat going against her.
At the end of the show Kamran said write things...
she should not have gone there at first place.
these mullahs are mostly pedophiles they dont like women expressing themselves , what a liar molvi sahab is "" he says never watched the show thus he knows all about it "" so how does he know all the details ??
Alas women of pakistan like veena malik and sherry rehman are the only one who have courage to stand up against maulvis and religious-right.

Ok, first of all I don't know why all you guys hate molvis, because I've met very educated ones, and to hate them all shows your ignorance as well. I don't know when all of a sudden, you've all become so western. In truth, I don't know why you all are supporting this gashti behaviour. Whether you like it or not, Molvie is right. He said how would your son, or future husband look at you? Would you be proud? And when he asked those questions, she would tilt her face and laugh. She doesn't even have enough sharam to admit what she was doing was wrong. She kept mentioning how she stayed on the show so long and gave everyone a massage and is a great muslim. LOLOL. She may not have been trying to respresent Pakistan, but when she went to India, thats how their media was showing her. "Pakistani actress Veena Malik". She was indirectly respresenting Pakistan. And to compromise her self respect for a reality tv show, basically radiates her cheap behaviour.

Btw, another point I would like to add is that you guys keep saying Molvi sab has no right to comment because he watched the show. I'm going to just say that my parents are older, and never seen that show. But they did hear about Veena's actions and seen clips of her gashtiness on our own media channels. So maybe he just saw it on our news channels.
She was cheated by asif babrak and treated badly in Pakistan she went India but surprise that she went India:blink: and to live amongst the most extremist people hatred as well specially Hindus who are all time in racism ego and full of jealousy even against their own Hindus bal tokrai

A very racist post. Reported!!!:mod:
we are done with it.....

everyone can do whatever they want given they are not hurting anyone else.....

thread closed
I know this is another thread on Veena Malik, but the author makes some very good points on the hypocrisy that runs in Pakistan.

Last night, I happened to watch the most brilliant (and at the same time, disgusting) TV show on a local Urdu news channel. Brilliant, because in an hour it summarised everything that is wrong with this country and our mindset. The show featured our entertainment industry’s starlet Veena Malik and, Mufti Abdul Qawi.

Not that I was expecting anything but vitriol on the show, but even then I was shocked. From the way Veena Malik was introduced to the closing statement of the show, every single minute was filled with chauvinistic and downright derogatory remarks.

The programme started with clips from the Indian reality show (Bigg Boss) that Veena was a part of, a show that has stirred quite a controversy. The subject of controversy being that apparently, Veena did not correctly represent Pakistan or Islam on the Indian TV show.

Throughout the hour-long programme, the host kept attacking Veena by using words such as “oryan,” “fahash” and kept insisting that Veena had brought shame to Islam, Pakistan and our culture. The Mufti on the show was asked to judge Veena’s presence on Bigg Boss in the light of Islam. Here, I must also add that the host tried his best to emphasise that the Mufti had the right to impose a fatwa on Veena for her actions.

I must commend Veena for standing her ground with such grace. Despite the kind of language and slander that was being hurled her way, she braved a response and a commendable one too: “From my wardrobe to everything else, nothing on that show was in anyway different than what we see our actresses doing or wearing in our films. I was representing the entertainment industry of the country. One click on the internet can justify it all.”

Her response to the Mufti and the host, brought to the forefront the harassment women have to face that has conveniently been camouflaged as ‘honour and dignity’. But what really pushed me to write this blog was a question Veena asked Mufti Abdul Qawi: “Why am I being treated this way? Why am I being questioned? What is my fault, Mufti sahab? Because I am a woman? A soft target?”

It is true, no one would have dared to speak in such a way to a man, call him names or even questioned his character or his activities on national television. Not that they should, but has anyone ever questioned Atif Aslam, Ali Zafar, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan or the numerous others who have worked in Indian films, produced music and music videos in India? Has anyone ever scrutinised their actions? We have never discussed if any of their videos merit Islam or our culture. Yet, we consider it our right to slander a woman and make her look like the sole custodian of the country’s ‘honour’.

Those who believe such vehement reactions are justified need to rethink their definition of ‘honour and dignity’. Honour that gets disrupted because of a woman’s appearance on a reality show but remains unscathed when over a 1,000 infants – most of them girls – are killed or abandoned to die. This is nothing short of hypocrisy.

In a country, struggling with insurgencies, poverty, inflation, and failure of governance, what Veena Malik did or said on a reality show should be the least of our concerns. But it seems as though moral policing has become our favourite past time. To be more precise, such slurs are actually called ‘slut-shaming.’ What this means is that when a woman acts in a way that is not considered acceptable in the society she lives in, she is verbally attacked and slandered in order to rule out her credibility; in order to divert focus from the main issue.

Veena Malik is just one example how certain factions of our media have resorted to moral policing and even advocating fatwas on anyone and everyone. Never mind that we have never pushed for fatwas against suicide bombings, honour killings and many other heinous acts justified in the name of Islam.

I recall thinking at one point during the show, how Veena Malik did not represent me and that we should stop making this about the ‘country’s image’. But after watching her response to the slurs being hurled her way, I take it back. Veena Malik represents me and many, many women in this country who have been subjected to moral policing. In a country where rape is justified, murderers glorified and women threatened by fatwas, Veena speaks for me and many others.

At the end of the programme, a teary-eyed Veena questioned the absence of outrage from her fellow countrymen, when she was being abused, bullied and subjected to hate for being a Pakistani on the same show. In those last minutes, she struck at the very heart of hypocrisy that is rampant in this country.

The Moral Police or the Ghairat Brigade conveniently turns a blind eye to horrific incidents like when infants get raped, but creates uproar if a woman dares to make choices for herself. It is my request to my readers and everyone who indulges in such behaviour to please stop; stop this madness, the moral policing and the fatwa factory before it devours us all.

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