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Variants of Baktar Shikan missiles

Variants of Baktar Shikan missiles..

I was searching for Pakistani ATGMs when i found this. Not that i didnt know about HJ-8/ Baktar Shikan but it also has variants? Interesting.....

Pakistani ATGMs

Intresting Artical Nabil, Thanx for sharing , is their any Baktar shikan carrier in Pakistan like indian namika?
We have ITVs or Improved Tow Vehicles imported from US and making our own version with modified Baktar Shikan launchers indigenously for many years now.
Intresting Artical Nabil, Thanx for sharing , is their any Baktar shikan carrier in Pakistan like indian namika?

yes, they are carried by the armoured vehicle MAAZ. :pakistan:

Maaz is a Talha based APC carrying Baktar Shikan Weapon System along with its crew of 4 persons.


There is capacity for 8 rounds that can be carried on board. The missile firing unit on the roof is retracted into the cabin for reloading.

Pakistan develops APC variants
Joshua Kucera JDW Staff Reporter

Pakistan has continued its development of armoured personnel carrier (APC) variants, producing engineering and infantry fighting vehicles for domestic use and potential export.

Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) has mounted the Baktar Shikan anti-tank guided weapon on a modified M113A1 and designated the vehicle 'Maaz'. It will be used by the Pakistan Army's mechanised units while light infantry battalions will continue to use the Baktar Shikan mounted on light utility vehicles.

HIT has modified the shape of the M113A1, extending its nose slightly and adding additional diesel fuel tanks on the back. The company expects good export potential for the Maaz, in particular to countries that already field the Baktar Shikan, said HIT chairman Major General Israr Ahmad Ghumman.

The company has also begun production of the Al Hadeed, a recovery vehicle based on a Talha APC with a crane, 15-tonne hydraulic winch, mill, lathe and other tools to fix and recover vehicles in the field. It weighs 12,521kg and has armour similar to that of the M113P APC, according to company data. The Al Hadeed will probably not be exported.

Gen Ghumman said that Saudi Arabia is keen to acquire the Saad, an APC also based on the M113 that can carry 14 soldiers. Saad has a Ukrainian 3TD 500hp engine and a maximum speed of 75kph. It weighs 13.5 tonnes fully loaded.

HIT has also begun full production of the Al Humza infantry fighting vehicle, Al Qaswa logistics vehicle and Sakb command post vehicle (similar to the US M577 vehicle) for the Pakistan Army. Gen Ghumman declined to say how many the army was procuring.

The Sakb and the Al Khalid and Al Zarrar main battle tanks are all being equipped with the Integrated Battlefield Management System (IBMS), a system to track friendly and enemy positions similar to the US Army's Blue Force Tracking.

The IBMS uses VHF and UHF communications and each vehicle can act as a relay. The integration of the systems is already under way and is scheduled to be finished by December, said Mohsin Rahmatullah, director of business development for the Centre for Advanced Research in Engineering, which developed the IBMS together with HIT. The hardware from the system may be exported, most likely first to the United Arab Emirates, Rahmatullah said.
'HIT's vehicle showcase'

hope it helps..
Variants of Baktar Shikan missiles..

I was searching for Pakistani ATGMs when i found this. Not that i didnt know about HJ-8/ Baktar Shikan but it also has variants? Interesting.....

Pakistani ATGMs

already posted in another atgw thread!
Variants of Baktar Shikan missiles..

I was searching for Pakistani ATGMs when i found this. Not that i didnt know about HJ-8/ Baktar Shikan but it also has variants? Interesting.....

Pakistani ATGMs

PA also currently operates air launched version of the Baktar Shikan missile.
they arm the PA's Cobra Gunships.

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well i guess what we require is to further modify Maaz to carry missile in atleast a Quard Pack Assembly so that it do not have to be reloded after firing just one missile.
it would become something like

the most option that we will most probably see provided PA do chose to induct something like this will be:
this is the chines HJ-9 ATGM Launch Vehicle.

We should get something like this (Tow ITVs kind) with either HJ-9 or the new HJ-10 ATGM, but should be having top attack capability.


yes, thats what i was talking about in above post...

boy our approach is still quite same toward these topics...

already posted in another atgw thread!

I did a search on forums but could not find anything similar so i started a new thread. Moderators can do justice as they feel.

We need to extend its range from 4000 m to 6000+, to counter NAG

the HJ-9 have a range of 5000m.

as far as competing with Nag is concerned, it is not an anit missile system, i mean being carried by soldiers it can be easily fired from a close range to get a kill.

this range really matter when we talk about tank-to-tank fight where both have detected each other and now the case is who is able to fire at enemy first.

just my 2cents

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the HQ-9 have a range of 5000m.

as far as competing with Nag is concerned, it is not an anit missile system, i mean being carried by soldiers it can be easily fired from a close range to get a kill.

this range really matter when we talk about tank-to-tank fight where both have detected each other and now the case is who is able to fire at enemy first.

just my 2cents


I am sure you mean HJ-9 and not HQ-9 :P

@ Echelon

In the link i gave a special variant range is given as 4 km so range is not an issue, even 3 km is respectable and in actual battle, this is considered as the most appropriate range. Just look at ATGMs around the world and you see a similar range for most systems.
I am sure you mean HJ-9 and not HQ-9 :P

ahh, those SAMs,,, :hitwall:
i guess soon enough i would be telling friends that i had an Ft-2000 in dinner last night.. :lol:
i guess i am giving a bit too much to these.. :)

anyway thanks for pointing out, i have made the correction

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