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Uzbek Militants arrested in Swat

Don't you consider that the money could be coming from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Emirates?.

No we do not beacuse

1. Iran does have stalks in Afghanistan and wants to hold power there
as much as we want but If at all Iran wants to fund it will fund NA Not Taliban.

2. samilarly Saudi Arabia dint nor they will fund anti-Pakistan northern Alliance.

If you think logically for one tiny moment, you will realize that the last thing India wants to do is push the Taliban right to its doorstep..
I do understand what u wana say that what if India support Taliban but it is not possible as

1.Taliban are the biggest threat to Indian Intrests in Afghanistan so India will never and it can never trust Taliban nor India has guts to support Taliban mainly for Their (Talibans or Pashtuns affiliation with Pakistan)
2. secondly India can not afford wrath of the world by going in hands with Taliban.
3. recently it was INDIA who was crying like anything telling the world "Oh we are in deep trouble Taliban are getting strength in Afghanistan".
India was the most up set country when there was news of Negotiations by allied forces and Afghan government with Taliban cuz India was sensing losing its grip again.

Currently Indian Intellegence have a free hand in Afghanistan under these brutal warlords of Northern Alliance. which during Taliban rule was not there even one percent.

On other hand no matter whatever India does, Taliban and Pashtuns will never side with India
so india can only dream about teaming up with Taliban that too against Pakistan
Think!! India doesn't want a pakistan that is run over by Islamists. IT IS NOT IN THE INTEREST OF INDIA.

we also do not want India to be RUn by Hindu Fanatics but what can we do they still manages to get into power ;)
Don't you consider that the money could be coming from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Emirates?

If you think logically for one tiny moment, you will realize that the last thing India wants to do is push the Taliban right to its doorstep.

Think!! India doesn't want a pakistan that is run over by Islamists. IT IS NOT IN THE INTEREST OF INDIA.
Dude India and Pakistan both want extremists at the other side to get a hold of power.

BJP was belligerent but during it's time Pakistan only rose in stature. A moderate India has always gone to war with Pakistan. It was an extremist Hindu (Sardar Wallabai Patel) who convinced the moderate Nehru and Gandhi to let Pakistan be formed as he feared the Muslims are no longer tamable.

Extremists have always been pushovers and are more accustomed to fight on the back foot. India under a Hindu fanatic is a weak India and Pakistan under a Muslim fanatic is a weak nation as well.

Let the obvious realities remain.
Dude India and Pakistan both want extremists at the other side to get a hold of power.

BJP was belligerent but during it's time Pakistan only rose in stature. A moderate India has always gone to war with Pakistan. It was an extremist Hindu (Sardar Wallabai Patel) who convinced the moderate Nehru and Gandhi to let Pakistan be formed as he feared the Muslims are no longer tamable.

Extremists have always been pushovers and are more accustomed to fight on the back foot. India under a Hindu fanatic is a weak India and Pakistan under a Muslim fanatic is a weak nation as well.

Let the obvious realities remain.
Btw, we would've considered the Emirates, but recently the cooperation meted out by Shaikh Khalifa has been phenomenal.

The Sheikhdom is once again slowly becoming Pro-Pakistani.
Dude India and Pakistan both want extremists at the other side to get a hold of power.

Oh comeon. Thats a ridiculous statement by any standards of logic.

India DOES NOT want extremists to get hold of Pakistan. IT will be a complete disaster for India. They will use the nukes at the first chance they get, and pull out all the stops for terrorist attacks.

A stable moderate Pakistan can be contained by India by conventional strength. An extremist Pakistan will forget all sense of self-preservation and destroy itself as well as its neighbours. Haven't you learnt anything from the taliban?

BJP was belligerent but during it's time Pakistan only rose in stature. A moderate India has always gone to war with Pakistan. It was an extremist Hindu (Sardar Wallabai Patel) who convinced the moderate Nehru and Gandhi to let Pakistan be formed as he feared the Muslims are no longer tamable.

Really? Who gave you that idea?

Extremists have always been pushovers and are more accustomed to fight on the back foot. India under a Hindu fanatic is a weak India and Pakistan under a Muslim fanatic is a weak nation as well.

Islamic extremists don't give a damn about this life. They only care about death. An extremist pakistan would pull out all stops to destroy India. There would be total chaos in the subcontinent and everyone knows this.

Let the obvious realities remain.

There is nothing obvious about this.
Oh comeon. Thats a ridiculous statement by any standards of logic.
Let me point to you the obvious.

India DOES NOT want extremists to get hold of Pakistan. IT will be a complete disaster for India. They will use the nukes at the first chance they get, and pull out all the stops for terrorist attacks.
They won't use nukes as they are going to get nuked back if they did so. Mind you the MMA are fundamentalists not radicals. They do care about self-preservation. Yes they will start some weird mis-adventure of epic proportions and India will be there to fight Pakistan in an alliance. India would like that.

Also no way would they come to power without totally defeating the Pak Army and thereby weakening the foundations of Pakistan. India would like that too.

A stable moderate Pakistan can be contained by India by conventional strength. An extremist Pakistan will forget all sense of self-preservation and destroy itself as well as its neighbours. Haven't you learnt anything from the taliban?
The Taliban follow the Afghan culture which is like that. The Mullahs of Pakistan are very political in nature and would prefer scheming rather than going gung ho against India. They would however be outsmarted and outwitted as they have been on numerous occasions. Not to forget the current set of politicians amongst our Mullahs have said time and again that they were against the formation of Pakistan as it lessened their chances of taking over all of India. They might even concede Pakistan in this desire.

The same goes for Indian radicals. BJP is more manageable than the congress.
Well Icy the problem is we cant beacause there is no prove that Uzbekistan is sponsering them officialy. Secondly most of the Uzbeks here who are fighting against Pak Army are those who sneak into Pakistan from Afghanistan illegaly through un-traditional routes and also they are being backed by anti-Pakistan elements in Afghanistan.
Northern Alliance is also a party to this.

So problem dosnt originate from Uzbekistan itself rather Afghanistan is the main ground.

If a pakistani based european citizen or for that matter US citizen who is not even born in pakistan and for generations they have been living into that country, if they do anything wrong the first thing that happens is the blame being put on pakistan and the government for not doing enough. So if this theory applies to us this means it applies anywere in the world.
Uzbeks and Chechan terrorists are involved in the killing of PA personal which means that some one has to be answerable for it. If uzbek government cannot do anything then perhaps taking russian into confidence PAF should be authorized to do something about it. How long will we be standing and watching our soilders getting killed by these foreign bastards.
I was listenting to the presidents interview on Atv where he said that one cant imagine how cruel these people are and what they do. Just imagine how would it feel if someone cuts the head from the back.
We cannot be defensive at all times, we will have to take the battle to their grounds. Afghanistan wants to mess with us so be it, same stands with the other two countries if they are unable to put a control over their own citizens perhaps then we know how to do it.:sniper:
who said india wants pakistan run by extremists.i am saying that our intelligence agency have been at this for a veryy long time.ISI disrupts indian peace the moment they get a chance n RAW does the same wen ever they get a chance.theres no question of extremists taking over the country its just disturbing the peace.
why is india opening so many counslates in afghanistan?They also have more then 170 special forces personnel there.dont u think these factors can be used in supporting militants
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