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Uttar Pradesh riots: Five more dead in UP riots, toll hits 34

Yes i have done DNA test on 23andme unlike wannabe aryans here on PDF, and the result was what i already expected. It confirmed once again origin of ANI not being India. You guys follow Hindusism, basically triball customs combined to make single religion after muslim invasions. Vedic religion has been dead thousands of years ago, after we started following bhuddism in Pakistan.

go to harappadna.org to learn more

Do you guys have PCR? I doubt iti donno how you did,yes what did you expect please scan your copy and upload it here so all can see if not its a load of BS.
Did the Dna test say Aryan gene? and Indian gene?
I still don't get your ANI word what is that?Prove with logic not BS to cover up your self loathing inferiorty complex and a confused identity as to who you are.
Here are some sane views from your countrymen.

Hasan Nisar About Kashmir & Pakistan - YouTube
So what are your results?

Can you explain?

Im waiting for harappadna to break down it. Me and my friend both did it, both punjabis. 23andme have almost every Pakistani populations samples apart from punjabis. So my DNA composition was related to Pathan & Baloch and my friend Sindhi & Baloch. Some Indian also added me to share result and his dna didnt match any Pakistani population. 23andme have these populations samples from South Asia, apart from South Asians who already tested there.

Balochi HGDP 25
Brahui HGDP 25
Burusho HGDP 25
Kalash HGDP 25
Makrani HGDP 25
Sindhi HGDP 25
Hazara HGDP 24
Pathan HGDP 23
Uygur HGDP 10
I think the problem is with people of U.P and Bihar, they are always into religous and ethnic riots. I dont hear about any hindu muslim riots in kerala where muslims are 25% of population.
I think the problem is with people of U.P and Bihar, they are always into religous and ethnic riots. I dont hear about any hindu muslim riots in kerala where muslims are 25% of population.

Your people never had to live with them, so how would you know?
I think the problem is with people of U.P and Bihar, they are always into religous and ethnic riots. I dont hear about any hindu muslim riots in kerala where muslims are 25% of population.

Accurate analysis . These riots have got to do with people's mentality and politicians trying to leverage the situation for political gains .
Im waiting for harappadna to break down it. Me and my friend both did it, both punjabis. 23andme have almost every Pakistani populations samples apart from punjabis. So my DNA composition was related to Pathan & Baloch and my friend Sindhi & Baloch. Some Indian also added me to share result and his dna didnt match any Pakistani population. 23andme have these populations samples from South Asia, apart from South Asians who already tested there.

Balochi HGDP 25
Brahui HGDP 25
Burusho HGDP 25
Kalash HGDP 25
Makrani HGDP 25
Sindhi HGDP 25
Hazara HGDP 24
Pathan HGDP 23
Uygur HGDP 10

How can one tell from DNA composition that he is baloch, pashtun, punjabi etc? I dont understand the terminologies, can u make me understand in simple langauge?
How can one tell from DNA composition that he is baloch, pashtun, punjabi etc? I dont understand the terminologies, can u make me understand in simple langauge?

It just tell what population you are related out of all the samples 23andme have from all over the world, they have over 300k samples and it keep growing. Also out of these 300k they also match and find DNA relatives from all over the world, so far i have 47 of them.

Couple of days ago pashtun from Lahore added me to share, her mother is punjabi and from father side Daudzai Pashtun tribe of Ghazni. His global similarty map showed 3 populations, sindhi, pathan & baloch. They dont have punjabi samples, so they match with next closest related population.
Oh please you aren't even a paklander. You probably look like an African.

African? Paklander? Yeah I do look more black than pakistani but what does that have to do with anything here? You are getting personal.:pissed:
1)LoL ok you have your reasons to laugh
Well 1 of my reasons were that calculus was being compared to something strange thats it.

2)I said in the last part you even have problems with countries who dont share natural boundaries.An example:--
If in a society if a person A has problem with person B--ok
If person A has problem with person C---ok
But is the same person A has problems with every person B,C,D,E,....Z then the problem is not with others but with Person A.Do you agree with this?
Yea I agree with the point you are making but who is person A in your opinion?

3)Yeah read my old posts, i said we don't need to do anything just sit back and watch while people go into self-destruct mode..This context came cos someone was claiming to outbreed us by 2063 and make us minority and probably finish us off this world.That was for them.
Well that issue is between you and him.I don't wanna be a part of that. If you go through my old posts You quoted me first (which I don't know why) The person I was addressing was saying something messed up.
Oh please you aren't even a paklander. You probably look like an African.

And and look at the picture of my avatar and see your ancestors. I will not remove my avatar till racist Indians infest PDF. Every wannabe aryan Bharti should look into the mirror some times.
African? Paklander? Yeah I do look more black than pakistani but what does that have to do with anything here? You are getting personal.:pissed:

Then why are you so interested in the affairs of people you look nothing like? If someone saw you on the street they would only see an African.

Stfu indian. Nobody looks more African than you scrawny zombie faced Indians.

Your avatar sure does.
Then why are you so interested in the affairs of people you look nothing like? If someone saw you on the street they would only see an African.

Your avatar sure does.

Aryan wannabe have a look at my avatar and read my sig, be proud of your ancestors. :laughcry:
Then why are you so interested in the affairs of people you look nothing like? If someone saw you on the street they would only see an African.

Your avatar sure does.

The way I look doesn't matter and It doesn't change the fact that I am still half :pakistan: and this is PDF you know. So chill.
Can somebody explain to me what is the relation between riots in UP and Aryan-Dravidian theories ???

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