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USS Zumwalt update thread

si, soy hablo poco espanol

So, (soy) me hablo[un] poco espanol

The proper response should be

Me hablo un poquito espanol

See, see (soy) is a processive pronoun, you use to indicate you are something or you have something, soy 'medico" I am a doctor, or soy espanol a, I am Spanish

When you were ask a questionto you, you answer with out any preposition

Como se llama? - what is your name
Me llamo Gary - my name is Gary





The ship’s tumblehome hull is plainly visible in this sharp bow view. Unlike more conventional hull forms, the tumblehome hull is fuller and wider at the waterline and below than above. The ship’s maximum beam is 80.7 feet on a length of 600 feet.


Mount 61 is open and displaying its 155 mm weapon. Mount 62 behind it is closed up. The Advanced Gun System is one ten major newly-developed technologies in the DDG 1000 design. Flanking the guns are the launch cells of the Peripheral Launch System, another new technology that moves the ship’s missiles from the centerline to the edge of the hull, where they also form part of the ship’s protective system.


The superstructure is virtually devoid of masts and projections. All sensors are embedded in the superstructure and hull.

A closeup of the forward superstructure. The bridge is on the lower levels; while there is only one set of windows, the interior is actually a unique two-level arrangement.


The exceptionally narrow forward hull body is intended to slice through waves, damping down pitch action to enhance low-level signature qualities.


A painter touches up the bow.



The Zumwalt is in the midst of receiving a new paint job before she’s launched. (General Dynamics Bath Iron Works photo)

Sorry, just had to post this.

several dozen small fishing boats loaded with explosives, floating and wobbling in the water, toward the Zumwalt, place the explosives onto its hull [and blow many holes in the hull], said rear admiral Zhang Zhaozhong of the PLA Navy during an interview with national broadcaster China Central Television. "It will be finished then. The Zumwalt is no good!" he said.

This should work against CVN-78. @jhungary
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Sorry, just had to post this.

several dozen small fishing boats loaded with explosives, floating and wobbling in the water, toward the Zumwalt, place the explosives onto its hull [and blow many holes in the hull], said rear admiral Zhang Zhaozhong of the PLA Navy during an interview with national broadcaster China Central Television. "It will be finished then. The Zumwalt is no good!" he said.

This should work against CVN-78. @jhungary

lol, I forgot what he called a long time ago, but this was a fun thing to watch.

If they want to underestimate the US Naval strength, that would be their business, we never underestimate, we only overestimate
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How the hell US is calling it destroyer.. This junk-making machine is 10,000 Tonns.. I think It doesn't fit for Frigate , destroyer or Carrier

USA must get new name for it...

This is really bad A$$ machine, I wonder some kids saying X will destroy it or Y will destroy it :P
After embarrassing troubles with its latest class of surface warships, the Navy is hoping for a winner from a new destroyer that's ready to go into the water.

So far, construction of the first-in-class Zumwalt, the largest U.S. Navy destroyer ever built, is on time and on budget, something that's a rarity in new defense programs, officials said. And the Navy believes the ship's big gun, stealthy silhouette and advance features will make it a formidable package.

The christening of the ship bearing the name of the late Adm. Elmo "Bud" Zumwalt was canceled a week ago because of the federal government shutdown. Without fanfare, the big ship will be moved to dry dock and floated in the coming days.

Meanwhile, the public christening ceremony featuring Zumwalt's two daughters will be rescheduled for the spring.

Adm. Zumwalt served in destroyers during World War II and was awarded a Bronze Star for valor at the Battle of Leyte Gulf. As the nation's youngest chief of naval operations, appointed at age 49 by President Richard Nixon, he fought to end racial discrimination and allowed women to serve on ships for the first time.

Like its namesake, the ship is innovative.

It is so big that Bath Iron Works, a General Dynamics subsidiary, built a 106-foot-tall, $40 million "Ultra Hall" to accommodate its large hull segments. The ship is 100 feet longer than the existing class of destroyers.

It features an unusual wave-piercing hull, electric drive propulsion, advanced sonar and guided missiles, and a new gun that fires rocket-propelled warheads as far as 100 miles. Unlike warships with towering radar- and antenna-laden superstructures, the Zumwalt will ride low to the water to minimize its radar signature, making it stealthier than others.

Originally envisioned for shore bombardment, the ship's size and power plant that can produce 78 megawatts of electricity — enough to power 78,000 homes — make it a potential platform for futuristic weapons like the electromagnetic rail gun, which uses a magnetic field and electric current to fire a projectile at seven times the speed of sound.

There are so many computers and so much automation that it'll need fewer sailors, operating with a crew of 158, nearly half the complement aboard the current generation of destroyers.

"The concept of the Zumwalt is sort of a bridge between the traditions of the past and the new world of networked warfare and precision guided munitions," said Loren Thompson, defense analyst at the Lexington Institute. "It's not so much a radical concept as it is an attempt to pull off a full range of missions with a ship that has one foot in the present and one foot in the future."

The Navy once envisioned building more than 20 of the ships. But the ship has so many sophisticated features and its cost grew so high that senior Navy officials tried to kill the program. Instead, it was truncated to just three ships, the first being Zumwalt.

The Zumwalt will cost more than $3.5 billion — about three times that of current destroyers — but the program has not been beset by big cost overruns or delays, officials said.

The fact that construction has gone smoothly is a relief for the Navy, which has dealt with embarrassing troubles on its new class of speedy warship, dubbed the "littoral combat ship."

Those smaller ships, designed to operate close to shore in littoral waters, have been plagued by escalating costs, production delays and mechanical problems. Mission modules that give them the flexibility to perform roles including anti-submarine warfare and minesweeping are not ready, even though the first ships have been commissioned.

"That ship is a total disaster," said Norman Polmar, a naval historian, analyst and author.

Against that backdrop, shipbuilders at Bath Iron Works have been toiling away on the Zumwalt, the first entirely new ship built on the banks of the Kennebec River since the original Arleigh Burke was christened more than 20 years ago.

Dan Dowling, president of Local S6, which represents 3,200 shipbuilders, said it's been a challenging project with a new hull design, composite materials and new technology.

"It is a radical departure from what we've known. Whether the Navy is satisfied with the design of the ship is up to them. We can only build what they asked for," he said, adding, "I hope they'll be pleased with it. We'd like to build as many of them as we can."

source: FoxNews ....
The real Beauty is Design and on board weapons...


"DDG 1000 will have a 'tumblehome' hull form, i.e. a design in which hull slopes inward from above the waterline. This will significantly reduce the radar cross section since such a slope returns a much less defined radar image rather than a more hard-angled hull form"

Weapons :

DDG 1000 will have a sensor and weapons suite optimised for littoral warfare and for network-centric warfare, It will be equipped with a fully automated weapon handling and storage system and a family of advanced munitions and propelling charges, including the GPS-guided long-range land attack projectile (LRLAP). Up to 900 rounds of LRAP ammunition will be carried.

Source : DDG 1000 Zumwalt Class - Multimission Destroyer - Naval Technology

The primary function of US Navy Zumwalt-class stealth destroyers in future plans for Asia Pacific regional strategy will be to counter the anti-access/area-denial capabilities of China..

But Rear Admiral Zhang Zhaozhong of the PLA Navy during an interview with national broadcaster China Central Television -"It will be finished then. The Zumwalt is no good!" he said. "The ship is not invincible from the Chinese point of view. "I can send several dozen small fishing boats loaded with explosives, floating and wobbling in the water, toward the Zumwalt, place the explosives onto its hull [and blow many holes in the hull]"

The real Beauty is Design and on board weapons...


"DDG 1000 will have a 'tumblehome' hull form, i.e. a design in which hull slopes inward from above the waterline. This will significantly reduce the radar cross section since such a slope returns a much less defined radar image rather than a more hard-angled hull form"

Weapons :

DDG 1000 will have a sensor and weapons suite optimised for littoral warfare and for network-centric warfare, It will be equipped with a fully automated weapon handling and storage system and a family of advanced munitions and propelling charges, including the GPS-guided long-range land attack projectile (LRLAP). Up to 900 rounds of LRAP ammunition will be carried.

Source : DDG 1000 Zumwalt Class - Multimission Destroyer - Naval Technology

The primary function of US Navy Zumwalt-class stealth destroyers in future plans for Asia Pacific regional strategy will be to counter the anti-access/area-denial capabilities of China..

But Rear Admiral Zhang Zhaozhong of the PLA Navy during an interview with national broadcaster China Central Television -"It will be finished then. The Zumwalt is no good!" he said. "The ship is not invincible from the Chinese point of view. "I can send several dozen small fishing boats loaded with explosives, floating and wobbling in the water, toward the Zumwalt, place the explosives onto its hull [and blow many holes in the hull]"

Do you think China can destroy Zumwalt-class destroyer by fishing boats .... :blah:
Okay, I don't know what to say! :undecided:

But I've known a few Ukrainians & I can't recall them ever mentioning themselves as Russians or living on Russian Land & being reunited with Russia or anything of the sort ! :what:

My father was from Ukraine. He HATED Russians. 'Uncle Joe' tried to starve them out with Communist-manufactured famines.That's why a lot of Ukrainians fought for Germany in WWII. Ukraine is closer to Poland than Russia.
How the hell US is calling it destroyer.. This junk-making machine is 10,000 Tonns.. I think It doesn't fit for Frigate , destroyer or Carrier

USA must get new name for it...

This is really bad A$$ machine, I wonder some kids saying X will destroy it or Y will destroy it :P

The Arleigh Burke Flight IIA design has a full load displacement of about 9,500 tons already, which is similar to that of the CG-47. With an estimated full load displacement of 15,482 tons, the DDG-1000 design is roughly 63% larger than the Navy’s current 9,500-ton Aegis cruisers and destroyers, and larger than any Navy destroyer or cruiser since the nuclear-powered cruiser Long Beach (CGN-9), which was procured in FY1957.

DD-963s, which displace about 9,200 tons, are not equipped with the Aegis system.
DDG-51s, which displace about 9,200 tons*, are equipped with the Aegis system and are sometimes referred to as Aegis destroyers.
the DD(X) is to displace about 14,000 tons rather than the DD-21's figure of almost 16,000 tons.
(note: This is the figure for the 29th and following ships in the class, which are referred to as the Flight IIA ships. The first 28 ships in the class, which are referred to as the Flight I and II. ships, were built to a different design that lacked a helicopter hangar and have a full load displacements of about 8,900 tons. Flight IIA ships have a light ship displacement of about 6,950 tons.)
(note: Full load displacement is the weight of the ship including loads such as fuels and water. Another measure of ship size is light (i.e., empty) ship displacement, which excludes such loads. Full load displacement is the more commonly used measure in general discussions of Navy ships, but light displacement is generally more useful in estimating ship construction costs.)


With a full-load displacement of 15,000 tons, Zumwalt will be roughly 50% larger than the US Navy’s current Aegis cruisers and destroyers. DDG-1000 – even though it is huge by destroyer standards – was not considered large enough as a candidate hull for CGX, the replacement for the 22 Aegis cruisers....
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A question that has continually come up is "what if a new cruiser, with weapons the same as the CG 47 class, were designed starting with the DDG [51] and expanding into the cruiser mission?" In order to have a math model of such a ship for future technology studies, Navy Preliminary design created the Cruiser Baseline (CGBL) shown in Figure 26. The study also included weapons systems modularity and increased service life reserves. The resulting ship had a waterline length of 600 feet, a beam of 69 feet, a displacement of about 13,500 tons plus a 30+ knot speed.

Historical Review of Cruiser Characteristics, Roles and Missions 

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