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User trial of BrahMos Block-III missile successful

Cruise missiles won't do jack against China's carrier battle group because it doesn't have to range to be launched safely and it will have a hard time penetrating the shields of destroyers and frigates armed with hundreds of HQ-9s as well as Gatling guns at close range.

The only exception would be air launching the missile from stealth fighter jets that can get close enough to the carrier by evading the radar. Then again, if you have that, use of bombs would cheaper than a cruise missile like Brahamos which is heavy as ****.
China carrier battle group?
Never heard of it.
By that time we would be getting Brahmos Air To Ship and BrahmosII, that would definetly kick any carrier .
China carrier battle group?
Never heard of it.
By that time we would be getting Brahmos Air To Ship and BrahmosII, that would definetly kick any carrier .

He thinks AC == Carrier Battle group.
nevertheless, we should first produce Brahmos-II then use it as a threat otherwise enemy will think us desperate.
Of course it's VietNam bro :cheers:

Sure. Just wondering whether your government would be ordering now or later because you need some really powerful warships to accommodate those. The land version would be perfect to be placed on north Vietnam's coasts. It could easily check the PLAN aggression in your Spratley Islands.
Sure. Just wondering whether your government would be ordering now or later because you need some really powerful warships to accommodate those. The land version would be perfect to be placed on north Vietnam's coasts. It could easily check the PLAN aggression in your Spratley Islands.
The Russia just made a good deal with us, they allow VN to buy missile systems Bastion-P on Credit with discount price.

So, let come to VN to VN and discuss about BrahMos Block-III , bro.Russia is very active in weapon market now :cheers:
Vietnam to buy more missiles coast

NPO Mashinostroenia Group began preparing contracts to sell missile systems Bastion-P for Vietnam.

NPO Mashinostroenia Group began preparing export contracts coastal missile system Bastion-P with Vietnam not through arms export company Rosoboronoexport. Funding for this contract is taken from the Russian state credit for Vietnam.

Currently, the two sides are determined the preliminary conditions of the export contract: the amount of equipment purchase, Russian state credit and shiping deadline.

A source from close to the Russian Finance Ministry, Russia is negotiating with Vietnam on credit to buy Russian weapons. State credit scale has not been identified as "dependent on the number of weapons procurement, which it is currently being discussed." "One of the parties to the contract will be NPO Mashinostroenia. That role is defined for the NPO and the company is negotiating with Vietnam to provide a system Bastion. "The source also said the transfer of missiles to Vietnam can take place not earlier than in 2013-2014 by the Russian side to prepare and have added to the budget law to provide credit export to Vietnam.

A source close to Rosoboronoexport, 10/08 Thursday, said, "credit problems related to Vietnam to buy Russian weapons are at the stage to discuss and reach the final."
Vietnam to buy more missiles coast | News
Brilliant news :cheers:

Congrats India

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