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Use of nuclear weapons more likely in future

Imran Khan

Oct 18, 2007
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Use of nuclear weapons more likely in future: US intelligence21/11/2008 11h04

The NIC has warned of a nuclear arms race in the Middle East
©AFP/US DoE/File - nullWASHINGTON (AFP) - The use of nuclear weapons will grow increasingly likely by 2025, according to a bleak US intelligence report that warns that US global dominance is likely to weaken over the next two decades.

"The world of the near future will be subject to an increased likelihood of conflict over scarce resources, including food and water, and will be haunted by the persistence of rogue states and terrorist groups with greater access to nuclear weapons," said the report.

"Widening gaps in birth rates and wealth-to-poverty ratios, and the uneven impact of climate change, could further exacerbate tensions."

Called "Global Trends 2025 -- a Transformed World," the 121-page report was produced by the National Intelligence Council, a body of analysts from across the US intelligence community.

The USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier sails through the Gulf
©AFP/US Navy/File - Kenneth R. HendrixOfficials said it was being briefed to the incoming administration of president-elect Barack Obama. A year in the making, it does not take into account the recent global financial crisis.

"In one sense, a bad sense, the pace of change that we are looking at in 2025 occurred more rapidly than we had anticipated," said Thomas Fingar, deputy director of National Intelligence.

One overarching conclusion of the report is that "the unipolar world is over, (or) certainly will be by 2025," Fingar said.

But with the "rise of the rest," managing crises and avoiding conflicts will be more difficult, particularly with an antiquated post-World War II international system.

"The potential for conflict will be different than and in some ways greater than it has been for a very long time," Fingar said.

A US intelligence report warns that Iran's nuclear program could lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East
©AFP/File - Behrouz MehriThe report has good news for some countries:

-- A technology to replace oil may be underway or in place by 2025;

-- Multiple financial centers will serve as "shock absorbers" of the world financial system;

-- India, China and Brazil will rise, the Korean peninsula will be unified in some form, and new powers are likely to emerge from the Muslim non-Arab world.

But the report also says some African and South Asian states may wither away altogether, organized crime could take over at least one state in central Europe; and the spread of nuclear weapons will heighten the risk they will be used.

China will have the world's second largest economy and be a leading military power by 2025
©AFP/File - Maxim Marmur"The likelihood that nuclear weapons will be used will increase with expanded access to technology and a widening range of options for limited strikes," it said.

The report highlighted the risk of a nuclear arms race in the Middle East where a number of countries are thinking about developing or acquiring technologies that would be useful to make nuclear weapons.

"Over the next 15-20 years, reactions to the decisions Iran makes about its nuclear program could cause a number of regional states to intensify these efforts and consider actively pursuing nuclear weapons," the report said.

"This will add a new and more dangerous dimension to what is likely to be increasing competition for influence within the region," it said.

The report said it was not certain that the kind of deterrent relationships that existed for most of the Cold War would emerge in a nuclear armed Middle East.

The National Intelligence Council (NIC) has said that Al-Qaeda's "terrorist wave" might be on the wane
©AFP/File - nullInstead, the possession of nuclear weapons may be perceived as "making it safe" to engage in low intensity conflicts, terrorism or even larger conventional attacks, the report said.

The report said terrorism would likely be a factor in 2025 but suggested that Al-Qaeda's "terrorist wave" might be breaking up.

"Al-Qaeda's weaknesses -- unachievable strategic objectives, inability to attract broad-based support, and self-destructive actions -- might cause it to decay sooner than many people think," it said.

"Because history suggests that the global Islamic terrorist movement will outlast Al-Qaeda as a group, strategic counterterrorism efforts will need to focus on how and why a successor terrorist group might evolve during the remaining years of the 'Islamic terrorist wave.'"

The report was vague about the outcome of current conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and nuclear armed Pakistan.

US soldier searches for insurgents during a patrol of Kandahar province, Afghanistan

Afghanistan "may still evince significant patterns of tribal competition and conflict."

"The future of Pakistan is a wildcard in considering the trajectory of neighboring Afghanistan," it said.

AFP.com | Agence France-Presse, a global news agency
Well that might happen , but which country is likely to Use them first in the modern era . Honestly it's hard to look beyond the US .
Well that might happen , but which country is likely to Use them first in the modern era . Honestly it's hard to look beyond the US .
I think it will be US who will use it.They've used it before and they will use it again.India vs Pakistan is out of scene..Maybe China vs India..?
I think IRAN has produced a nuclear weapon and, it may use it against Israeil! If USA dont stop messing with him.

and i also predict that Pakistan may take use of it in near future but not so near. if it feel more unsecure against USA and INDIA.both of them are threating PAKISTAN.
Atomic Bomb is no more a "MILITARY weapon" but a "POLITICAL weapon", Just as North Korea threatened west, Japan and South Korea and just as Iran is using it Politically against Israel (even though its not clear whether Iran posses the Atomic bomb or not). No country in the world can use a Atomic bomb nowadays, during WW ll scenario was different at that time only USA possessed Atomic bomb and that's why they used it against Japan without any fear but now Picture is different many countries in the world posses this weapon and if Any country in the world uses atomic bomb the consequences will be severe and the global fallout and reaction will be devastating for that country and even USA wont be able to handle such a pressure. We have seen the best Example of Nuclear Weapons being used as Political weapons during the COLD WAR ERA when both USA and the Soviet Union used there Nuclear Arsenal to increase their World dominance BUT neither had to guts to fire the missile on the other.

What i think is that if any country uses a nuclear weapon it will start WW lll and the this war may put and end to Humanity and no country is that stupid because the use of Nuclear weapons will make this world a " Living hell " for the people who will be still left (Especially those who used it against the others). Using a nuclear weapon is like committing a suicide.

At the end i would like to say one thing but i wish it never happens

" Atomic Bomb is an Invention to put an END to all the inventions "
I think it will be US who will use it.They've used it before and they will use it again.India vs Pakistan is out of scene..Maybe China vs India..?

India vs China is much less likely than India vs Pak.

Russia vs USA is also a remote possibility.
India vs China is much less likely than India vs Pak.

Russia vs USA is also a remote possibility.
I don't think India vs Pak is possible anytime soon.Our relations are getting better and i hope our and Indian's politicians don't do anything stupid to break the peace process.We've shed enough blood.It's time to become friends and forget the past.India and Pakistan seem headed towards greater cooperation and understanding.In my own opinion, an unstable Pakistan is definitely not in India's interests particularly when destabilization carries a militant Islamic undertone. Wouldn't India benefit more from trade and cooperation with a stable state of 160 million people enjoying economic prosperity?
I don't think India vs Pak is possible anytime soon.Our relations are getting better and i hope our and Indian's politicians don't do anything stupid to break the peace process.We've shed enough blood.It's time to become friends and forget the past.India and Pakistan seem headed towards greater cooperation and understanding.In my own opinion, an unstable Pakistan is definitely not in India's interests particularly when destabilization carries a militant Islamic undertone. Wouldn't India benefit more from trade and cooperation with a stable state of 160 million people enjoying economic prosperity?

I agree that we are making progress, but the fact remains that there is still a lot of animosity between india and pak, much more than between china and india. the last time china and india fought a war was 1962, but india and pak fought in 1999, and had a stand-off in 2002.

india and china have held joint exercises, and our soldiers at the chinese border have one mountain climbing and trekking with their PLA counterparts. On the other hand, sometimes shots are still fired along the borders with pakistan.

so basically i think chances of indo-pak war, though remote, is more than that of sino-indian war.

another starting point for a big war could be Israel vs Iran. Or China vs Tawian (US fleet is pbliged to help taiwan, and war could escalate)
I feel India - Pak is unlikley, not ruled out.

A contender that's building up is Iran.., N Korea may be down but not out .
Pakistan won’t be first to use nukes’: Zardari
Updated at: 1800 PST, Saturday, November 22, 2008
ISLAMABAD: President Asif Ali Zardari Saturday said Pakistan will not be the first to use nuclear weapons.

He said this in reply to a question during a concluding session of a summit held in New Delhi. President Zardari was in Islamabad and participated in the summit through video conferencing.

He said Pakistan and India can join hands for bilateral trade; however, he expressed inability to give any particular date in this regard.

To a question regarding quick issuance of visas, the President suggested introduction of cards for peoples of both the countries which they could use for traveling across borders without needing visas
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