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Use of drones in anti terrorism action


Oct 26, 2021
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Recent encounter in pulwama shows the effectiveness of drones in pinpointing terrorists in a urban environment.
The terrorists can't fire at the drones as it will reveal their position.
He is throwing stones at them.
A force multiplier no doubt.
Will drones be used by the Indian government to monitor genocidal speeches and weapons-wielding Shobha Yatra rallies by Hindutvadi terrorists ? 🤔
Drones for survillance, MRAPs for CAPFs , personal protection for those men. These things will count.

Casualty Evacuation helicopters for CRPF. Those will save lives.
Will drones be used by the Indian government to monitor genocidal speeches and weapons-wielding Shobha Yatra rallies by Hindutvadi terrorists ? 🤔
presently being trialed on terrorists in kashmir and communists in the naxalite belt.
will keep everyone posted on further use.
presently being trialed on terrorists in kashmir and communists in the naxalite belt.
will keep everyone posted on further use.

Please do, thanks.

But maintain a safe distance from this fancy equipment because Indian forces are notorious for killing their own people. We don't want to lose such a dutiful postie.
communists in the naxalite belt.

I knew there was that element to this fascist "trial". Tell me, why are the Naxals being targeted and not the Bajrang Dal, Sri Ram Sena etc ? Although for the victory of the Hindutvadis and their terrorism I also blame the idiot Manmohan Singh who was PM from the Congress party. He had said that India's primary internal problem was what he called the "Left-wing Extremists". He didn't say that the right-wingers are India's primary problem which should have been the case. MMS should now be asked about the wisdom or thereof of his statement and decision.

Ah, if only the Communists would have allowed Jyoti Basu to become the first Communist PM of India in 1996 perhaps no right-wing terrorism would have been tolerated now. Jyoti Basu called that decision of the CPI-M a historic mistake. True and because of that, foul anti-human right-wingers now pretend to be patriots. As goes the saying, patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.

Lastly, till when do you want the Kashmir issue to burn ? Don't you want that fire to be extinguished and peace in Kashmir and among India and Pakistan ?

will keep everyone posted on further use.

What would that be you think ?
How would they use those drones for future false flag operations?
How would they use those drones for future false flag operations?
dont fall into a habit of treating everything frivolously.
Many countries are facing terrorism and use of these new equipments are instructive for security forces throughout the world.
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