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USA's public debt grows to war level

Hopefully, this doesn't happen:

Or signs at Mexican toilets read:


That is really quite incredible.

Yet they keep buying our products to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars every year.

Probably because to manufacture the same products there will cost then 10 times more ... they are caught in a quagmire from which it is difficult to get out of !
Or signs at Mexican toilets read:



As long as oil is sold in USD no such thing is going to happen ever. Infact United States levies a kind of hidden tax on the whole world since they print dollars and the world has no other option than using it so US is the winner at the expense of the world.
Well, I think after the automatic cuts kick in January 1, 2013 the debt will stop growing.
As long as oil is sold in USD no such thing is going to happen ever. Infact United States levies a kind of hidden tax on the whole world since they print dollars and the world has no other option than using it so US is the winner at the expense of the world.
Don't know where you got that from but the US printing green bag isn't a levy on the world & its not like you don't have a choice, if your currency is fully convertible then one doesn't need dollars so either you've got no clue about what you're saying here or you're just anti US !
Don't know where you got that from but the US printing green bag isn't a levy on the world & its not like you don't have a choice, if your currency is fully convertible then one doesn't need dollars so either you've got no clue about what you're saying here or you're just anti US !

I think you have no clue.
The USA are "quantitive easing" all the time. The printing of the US dollar is increasing daily putting a tremendous strain on all the world. There is no hiding it - USA are like a big juggernaut train speeding faster and faster towards a wall - sadly no breaks. Their excessive expenditure particular policing the world and introducing their way of democracy is going to bring them down. All they have done is delaying the inevitable.
Bottom line Arabs and or China could take america down tommorow. Simply if arabs stopped accepting US dollar for oil or if chinese dumped their dollars. However their would be adverse consequences for both if they did it overnight. They are and will gradually do it prob a max of 10 years. The US dollar will lose its eminent place as reserve currency and then Americans will see poverty but then that small group of wasps and jews who control matters in US will have moved elsewhere and leave poor american people to pick up the pieces
I think you have no clue.
The USA are "quantitive easing" all the time. The printing of the US dollar is increasing daily putting a tremendous strain on all the world. There is no hiding it - USA are like a big juggernaut train speeding faster and faster towards a wall - sadly no breaks. Their excessive expenditure particular policing the world and introducing their way of democracy is going to bring them down. All they have done is delaying the inevitable.
Just cause you know a fancy word QE doesn't mean you know whole lot about it, here is the link which explains it in layman's terms. The printing of dollar is indeed bad for the world as a whole but terming it as a hidden tax(your previous post) is ludicrous to say the least, what they are doing though is artificially stimulating their economy by expanding the FED's balance sheet otherwise the US would've been in recession a long time ago !
As long as oil is sold in USD no such thing is going to happen ever. Infact United States levies a kind of hidden tax on the whole world since they print dollars and the world has no other option than using it so US is the winner at the expense of the world.

That's why China is working hard to get currency swaps in with our major trading partners... basically the only one left is the US, which obviously will not do a currency swap with China. Australia, Japan, South Korea, Argentina, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia... all did currency swaps with China.

We're buying oil from Russia in rubles and RMB, not in USD.

Once the USD gets dumped (through a combination of weakening relative strength and the move away from oil)... that's the end. This is the beginning of the end.
When the dollar crashes, that is when we can expect the sh!t to hit the fan and probably WW3 begins. The US did not build up all this military tech for nothing, they ll probably try to go down with a bang.
When the dollar crashes, that is when we can expect the sh!t to hit the fan and probably WW3 begins. The US did not build up all this military tech for nothing, they ll probably try to go down with a bang.

I agree. Which countries would be first target by US with a bang? Ironically, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya wars increase US debts dramatically....
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