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USA lies grow more audacious

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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If there were any doubts that Western “leaders” live in a fantasy make-believe world constructed out of their own lies, the G-7 meeting and 70th anniversary celebration of the Normandy landing dispelled the doubts.

The howlers issuing from these occasions are enough to split your sides. Obama and his lap dog Cameron described the Normandy landing on June 6, 1944, as “the greatest liberation force that the world has ever known” and took all the credit for the US and Britain for the defeat of Hitler. No mention was made of the Soviet Union and the Red Army, which for three years prior to the Normandy landing had been fighting and defeating the Wehrmacht.

The Germans lost World War II at the Battle of Stalingrad, which was fought from August 23, 1942 until February 2, 1943, when most of the remnants of the powerful German Sixth Army surrendered, including 22 generals.

Nineteen months previously the largest invasion force ever assembled on planet earth invaded Russia across a one thousand mile front. Three million crack German troops; 7,500 artillery units, 19 panzer divisions with 3,000 tanks, and 2,500 aircraft rolled across Russia for 14 months.

By June 1944, three years later, very little of this force was left. The Red Army had chewed it up. When the so-called “allies” (a term which apparently excludes Russia) landed in France, there was little to resist them. The best forces remaining to Hitler were on the Russian front, which collapsed day by day as the Red Army approached Berlin.

The Red Army won the war with Germany. The Americans and the British showed up after the Wehrmacht was exhausted and in tatters and could offer little resistance. Joseph Stalin believed that Washington and London stayed out of the war until the last minute and left Russia with the burden of defeating Germany.

Hollywood and popular writers have, of course, buried the facts. Americans have all sorts of movies, such as “A Bridge Too Far,” that portray insignificant events, however heroic, as turning points in the war. Nevertheless, the facts are clear. The war was won on the Eastern front by Russia. Hollywood’s movies are fun, but they are nonsense.

Russia is again on the outs with “the world community,” because Obama’s plan to seize Ukraine and to evict Russia from its Black Sea base in Crimea has come a cropper. Crimea has been a part of Russia for as long as the US has existed. Khrushchev, a Ukrainian, stuck Crimea into the Ukrainian Socialist Republic in 1954 when Russia and Ukraine were part of the same country.

When the Washington-imposed stooge government in Kiev recently declared that it was abolishing the use of the Russian language and arresting Ukrainians who had dual Russian citizenship and began tearing down Russian war memorials consecrated to the liberation of Ukraine from the Nazis, the people in Crimea used the ballot box to disassociate from Washington’s stooge government in Kiev, first voting their independence and then voting for reunification with their mother country.

Washington, and the other G-7 countries following Washington’s orders, described this Crimean act of self-determination, which is exactly comparable to the act of self-determination declared by Britain’s American colonies, to be a case of “Russian invasion and annexation.” Similar efforts to disassociate from Kiev are underway in other former Russian territories that today comprise eastern and southern Ukraine. Washington has equated self-determination in eastern and southern Ukraine with “terrorism” and has encouraged its stooge in Kiev to use military violence against protesting civilians. The reason for branding separatists “terrorists” is to make it OK to kill them.

It is extraordinary to any learned person that the President of the United States and the titular heads of state of the Western European countries would publicly declare such blatant lies to the world. The world has historians. The world has peoples whose knowledge vastly exceeds that of the “mainstream media,” a.k.a., the Ministry of Propaganda, or, as Gerald Celente brands them, “the presstitutes.” Whatever name we use, the Western media is a collection of well paid whores. They lie for money, dinner party invitations, and speaking invitations with large honorariums and book contracts with large advances.

I know. They tried to recruit me.

Notice how narrowly Washington defines “the world community.” The “world community” consists of the Group of 7. That’s it. Seven countries make up the “world community.” The “world community” consists of six white countries and Washington’s puppet state of Japan. The “world community” is the US, Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, and Japan. The other 190 countries are not part of Washington’s “world community.” In the Neocon doctrine, they are not even part of humanity.

The “world community” doesn’t have the population of single excluded countries, such as China or India. I haven’t done the calculation, but probably the land mass of Russia itself exceeds the land mass of the “world community.”

So, what is this “world community?”

The “world community” is the assemblage of US vassal states. Britain, France, and Germany were important on the 20th century scene. Their histories are studied in universities. The populations had a decent standard of living, although not for all citizens. Their past is the reason for their present importance.

In effect, these countries were propelled forward by history, or by the history important to the West. Japan, being an appendage of Washington, has tried to become “western.” It is extraordinary how such a proud, war-like people became nothing.

As I have finally stopped laughing at the presumed non-role of Russia in the defeat of Hitler, let’s return to the G-7 meeting. The Big Happening of this meeting was Russia’s exclusion and the shrinkage of the G-8 to the G-7.

This was the first time in 17 years that Russia was not allowed to participate in the meeting of which Russia is a member. Why?

Russia is being punished. Russia is being isolated from the 7 countries that the White House Fool thinks constitute “the world community.”

Obama is angry that his National Security Council and the morons he appointed to the State Department and UN were so poorly educated that they did not know that much of the Ukraine consists of former Russian provinces inhabited by Russians. These ignorant Obama-appointed morons thought that they could grab Crimea, evict Russia, and leave Russia without access to the Mediterranean, thus unable to hold on to its naval base in Tartus, Syria, the easier for Washington to invade Syria.

Crimea has been part of Russia since Russia completed the reconquest from the Tartars. I remember the Tarter, or Tater, ethnics from my visit to Tamerlane the Great’s (Timur as he was also known) tomb in Samarkand 53 years ago. Today Tamerlane’s city is refurbished as a tourist site. 53 years ago it was a desolate place in ruins, overgrown with trees growing out of the tops of the minarets.

As Obama’s plan to seize Ukraine failed, like every one of his other plans has failed, Washington’s spokesmen for the vested private interests have seized on the opportunity to demonize Putin and Russia and to restart the Cold War. Obama and his Group of 7 puppets or vassals used the occasion to threaten Russia with real sanctions, in place of the present propaganda sanctions that have no effect. According to Obama and his British lap dog, Putin must somehow prevent the Russian populations of eastern and southern Ukraine from protesting their subservience to a neo-fascist government in Kiev backed by Washington, or else.

Putin is supposed to embrace the Oligarch, a former minister of the government that Washington overthrew, put in office by a fake vote in which turnout was a small percent of the population. Putin is supposed to kiss this corrupt Oligarch on both cheeks, pay Ukraine’s natural gas bills and forgive its debts. In addition, Russia is supposed to repudiate the Crimean people, evict them from their re-unity with Russia and hand them over to the neo-Nazi Right Sector to be eliminated as retribution for Russia’s victory over Nazi Germany, for whom some Western Ukrainians fought. In exchange, Washington and NATO will put anti-ballistic missile bases on Ukraine’s border with Russia in order to protect Europe from nonexistent Iranian nuclear ICBMs.

This is supposed to be a win-win deal for Russia.

The Obama regime used its well-paid NGOs in Ukraine to overthrow an elected, democratic government, a government no more corrupt than those in Western or Eastern Europe or Washington.

The political morons who have England, France, Germany, and Italy in their hands are wagging their fists at Russia, warning of more, this time real, sanctions. Do these morons really want their energy supplies cut off? There is no prospect, despite the propagandistic claims, of Washington supplying the energy on which Germany industry depends and on which Europeans depend so that they do not freeze in the winter.

Sanctions on Russia will wreck Europe and have little, if any, effect on Russia. Russia is already moving, with China and the BRICS, outside the dollar payments mechanism.

As the demand for dollars drops, the dollar’s exchange value will drop. Initially, Washington will be able to force its vassals to support the dollar, but eventually this will become impossible.

What the White House Fool, the neoconized National Security Council, the presstitute media, and subservient Congress are doing is to support and uphold the policies based on hubris and arrogance that are leading the US into the abyss.

An abyss is like a black hole. You don’t get out.

Washington’s lies are so blatant and transparent that Washington is destroying its own credibility. Consider the NSA spying. Documents released by Snowden and Greenwald make it completely clear that Washington spies not only on government leaders and ordinary people but also on foreign businesses in order to advance US commercial and financial interests. That the US steals Chinese business secrets is not in doubt. So what does Washington do? Washington not only denies what the documents prove but turns the charge around and indicts five Chinese generals for spying on US corporations.

The only purpose of these indictments hyped by the US attorney general is propaganda. The indictments are otherwise totally meaningless, not merely false. China is not about to turn over five Chinese generals to the liars in Washington. For the presstitute media the story is a way to move the NSA’s spying out of the spotlight. China is substituted for the NSA as the guilty party.

Why doesn’t China, Brazil, Germany and every other country issue arrest warrants for NSA’s top officials, for Obama, and for the members of the congressional oversight committee? Why do other countries always allow Washington to control the explanation with propaganda first strikes?

Americans are very susceptible to propaganda. They seem to have a special taste for it. Consider the hate whipped up against Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, a US soldier just released by the Taliban in a prisoner exchange with the US. The hatred and bloodlust that the presstitute media have whipped up against Bergdahl has caused his hometown to cancel the celebration of his release. The press engineered hatred of Bergdahl has spilled over into threats against Hailey, Idaho.

What is the basis for the attacks on Bergdahl? Apparently, the answer is that Bergdahl, like pro-football star Pat Tillman who turned down a $3.6 million contract to join the Army Rangers and go to defend freedom in Afghanistan, came down with a case of doubts about the war. Originally Pat Tillman’s death was attributed to his heroic action and enemy fire. Then it emerged that Tillman was a victim of “friendly fire.” Many concluded that he was murdered, because the government did not want a sports hero speaking out about the war. As Bergdahl is off the battlefield, he has to be murdered in the press like Russia, China, Iran, Putin, Assad, Crimeans, and the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine.

In America hate and the cultivation of hate is alive and well. But not a single moral virtue is.

PressTV - USA lies grow more audacious
Indeed, indeed, read the German comments of an article about D-Day and you'll see that most people know that it was the USSR that brought the Nazis on its knees and the US entered the war when the Wehrmacht was already weakened and retreating behind the Polish frontier.

NATO is trying to rewrite history, just pathetic and as we can see on Germany's most reputable news portal, they failed miserably.

Gedenkfeier: "Der D-Day hat die Welt verändert" | meta.tagesschau.de
It is a dumbass opinion piece.

The argument that it was Russia who 'defeated' Nazi Germany is a specious one. By 1942, most of Europe were under Axis control so in order for Russia to actually militarily defeated the Nazi army, the Russian army must have been an expeditionary army, capable of pursuing the Nazi army outside of home territory. Instead, it was Hitler's miscalculation to overreach himself and got bogged down in Russia, but at the same time, the rest of Europe were still under Axis occupation and control.

At best, you can only protest as to why Russia was omitted in a speech or some speeches, but not argue that it was Russia who militarily defeated the Nazi army. So spare us the stale 'most people know' silliness.
It is a dumbass opinion piece.

The argument that it was Russia who 'defeated' Nazi Germany is a specious one. By 1942, most of Europe were under Axis control so in order for Russia to actually militarily defeated the Nazi army, the Russian army must have been an expeditionary army, capable of pursuing the Nazi army outside of home territory. Instead, it was Hitler's miscalculation to overreach himself and got bogged down in Russia, but at the same time, the rest of Europe were still under Axis occupation and control.

At best, you can only protest as to why Russia was omitted in a speech or some speeches, but not argue that it was Russia who militarily defeated the Nazi army. So spare us the stale 'most people know' silliness.

We in Germany are well versed enough of the war that the Nazis started, no amount of your propaganda can change how we see our own history.
It is mostly the cold weather that has killed most of the German troops in the east, same has happened to Napoleon's troops in Russia.Hitler's main mistake according to historians and in opposition to his best Generals is to go for Stalingrad first instead of going directly to the Russian oilfield. It seems like it was more of an emotional and symbolic decision of Hitler, because the name of Stalingrad was associated with Stalin than the head of Russia.
The cold alone killed more than a million German crack troops, and friezed the German machinery that needed mostly oil to continue. The Russians sacrificed 20 million lives to attain Berlin....
It is a dumbass opinion piece.

The argument that it was Russia who 'defeated' Nazi Germany is a specious one. By 1942, most of Europe were under Axis control so in order for Russia to actually militarily defeated the Nazi army, the Russian army must have been an expeditionary army, capable of pursuing the Nazi army outside of home territory. Instead, it was Hitler's miscalculation to overreach himself and got bogged down in Russia, but at the same time, the rest of Europe were still under Axis occupation and control.

At best, you can only protest as to why Russia was omitted in a speech or some speeches, but not argue that it was Russia who militarily defeated the Nazi army. So spare us the stale 'most people know' silliness.


It is mostly the cold weather that has killed most of the German troops in the east, same has happened to Napoleon's troops in Russia.Hitler's main mistake according to historians and in opposition to his best Generals is to go for Stalingrad first instead of going directly to the Russian oilfield. It seems like it was more of an emotional and symbolic decision of Hitler, because the name of Stalingrad was associated with Stalin than the head of Russia.
The cold alone killed more than a million German crack troops, and friezed the German machinery that needed mostly oil to continue. The Russians sacrificed 20 million lives to attain Berlin....

Who would ever guess that state-owned Iranian news would be negative towards the US and the West?

With internet access, everyone should be reading news from multiple independent sources, not government propaganda.

A total of 2.7 million German soldiers died on the Eastern Front, and 1.4 million German civilians were killed, says Moritz Pfeiffer, a German historian and author who has specialized in the SS and the Wehrmacht's eastern campaign.

'Bloodiest War in History'

These numbers are dwarfed by the 11.4 million missing and killed Soviet soldiers, including 3.5 million prisoners of war who died in captivity. Soviet civilian losses were even higher at 15.2 million, says Pfeiffer.

Germany to Open Last WWII War Cemetery in Russia - SPIEGEL ONLINE

These are facts, not myths:

An Overview of the Harsh Weather Conditions on the Eastern Front of World War II

Operation Barbarossa was the name applied to the German assault on the Soviet Union which began on the 22nd June 1941. The invasion was to culminate in 30 million deaths, including vast numbers of civilians, and be declared the bloodiest and costliest battle in history.

A major contributory factor to the outcome of this conflict were the harsh winter conditions experienced along the Eastern front. In June 1941, the advancing German Army began their assault along the entire Eastern Front between the Baltic and Blacks Seas. The German Forces continued a seemingly unstoppable march towards Moscow, before they advanced too far ahead of their supply columns, resulting in a halt on 5th December 1941. They conquered a vast volume of Russian territory, but their plans for a Russian collapse before winter proved to be incorrect and the opposing forces faced the first of four winters locked in battle.

A stark reminder that the German Army was expecting to complete the surrender of Russia within eight weeks was the fact that they attacked in their summer military uniforms, which caused many unnecessary deaths. The German Army took to taking clothes off of dead comrades to stave off the cold. During November 1941 twice as many soldiers were lost to frostbite than to armed combat.

The Red Army paid more attention to winter clothing and altered their strategy according to the weather conditions, while the exposed German troops suffered due to their lack of using learned intelligence from previous winter campaigns.

The ensuing winter months were one of the most severe on record. It combined the cold, deep snow, frostbite and short days. It affected the mobility of troops, blocked roads and airstrips, exhausted troops and lowered moral. Machinery froze, limiting transport both forward and for moving casualties back behind lines.

The German Army would suffer hundreds of thousands of casualties as a direct result of the bitter cold experienced during the ongoing winter months. The winter of 1941/42 saw frostbite claim 100,000 German casualties and would lead to 14,000 amputations of limbs. This number would exceed 250,000 by the end of the winter months, and thousands of related conditions such as influenza, trench-foot and pneumonia that the army personnel would battle with on a daily basis. This process would be repeated throughout the winters along the Eastern Front.

Russia would also suffer at the hands of the weather, but to some extent they were more prepared for the realities. Their machinery were better adapted to cope with the frozen temperatures and they had more troops who were specialized in winter combat.

Another reason for the high personnel cost was that Adolf Hitler refused adamantly that the German Forces should retreat, despite clear evidence that the weather was severely restricting the ability of the German Army to fight.

An example of how the harsh winter, combined with battle, affected soldiers fighting on the Eastern front is summed up with the infamous Siege of Leningrad. Beginning on August 6th 1941, one of Hitler's prime objectives in his assault on Russia would last 900 days through to 1943. Energy and heating supplies were destroyed as part of the German assault. Over 1.5 million civilians would die due to cold and starvation. The harsh 1941 winter meant that the only access into the city was across the frozen Lake Lapdog, which was between the German and Finnish encampments. The severe weather meant no relief supplies could reach the city until January 1942, and residents resorted to eating anything, including dogs and cats.

The Red Army and their German counterparts suffered over 13 million casualties as a result of the battle along the Eastern front. A large proportion of these casualties were a result of continued exposure to the sub-zero temperatures and its associated ailments.

In hindsight, Germany was ill-prepared for the reality of the volatile and devastating weather that was to infiltrate its forces. Russia knew what to expect, but because of their determination to defend their nation, at all costs, they too would suffer at the hands of the elements over four years.

An Overview of the Harsh Weather Conditions on the Eastern Front of World War Ii by J Mock | Humanities 360
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A total of 2.7 million German soldiers died on the Eastern Front, and 1.4 million German civilians were killed, says Moritz Pfeiffer, a German historian and author who has specialized in the SS and the Wehrmacht's eastern campaign.

'Bloodiest War in History'

These numbers are dwarfed by the 11.4 million missing and killed Soviet soldiers, including 3.5 million prisoners of war who died in captivity. Soviet civilian losses were even higher at 15.2 million, says Pfeiffer.

Germany to Open Last WWII War Cemetery in Russia - SPIEGEL ONLINE

These are facts, not myths:

An Overview of the Harsh Weather Conditions on the Eastern Front of World War II

Operation Barbarossa was the name applied to the German assault on the Soviet Union which began on the 22nd June 1941. The invasion was to culminate in 30 million deaths, including vast numbers of civilians, and be declared the bloodiest and costliest battle in history.

A major contributory factor to the outcome of this conflict were the harsh winter conditions experienced along the Eastern front. In June 1941, the advancing German Army began their assault along the entire Eastern Front between the Baltic and Blacks Seas. The German Forces continued a seemingly unstoppable march towards Moscow, before they advanced too far ahead of their supply columns, resulting in a halt on 5th December 1941. They conquered a vast volume of Russian territory, but their plans for a Russian collapse before winter proved to be incorrect and the opposing forces faced the first of four winters locked in battle.

A stark reminder that the German Army was expecting to complete the surrender of Russia within eight weeks was the fact that they attacked in their summer military uniforms, which caused many unnecessary deaths. The German Army took to taking clothes off of dead comrades to stave off the cold. During November 1941 twice as many soldiers were lost to frostbite than to armed combat.

The Red Army paid more attention to winter clothing and altered their strategy according to the weather conditions, while the exposed German troops suffered due to their lack of using learned intelligence from previous winter campaigns.

The ensuing winter months were one of the most severe on record. It combined the cold, deep snow, frostbite and short days. It affected the mobility of troops, blocked roads and airstrips, exhausted troops and lowered moral. Machinery froze, limiting transport both forward and for moving casualties back behind lines.

The German Army would suffer hundreds of thousands of casualties as a direct result of the bitter cold experienced during the ongoing winter months. The winter of 1941/42 saw frostbite claim 100,000 German casualties and would lead to 14,000 amputations of limbs. This number would exceed 250,000 by the end of the winter months, and thousands of related conditions such as influenza, trench-foot and pneumonia that the army personnel would battle with on a daily basis. This process would be repeated throughout the winters along the Eastern Front.

Russia would also suffer at the hands of the weather, but to some extent they were more prepared for the realities. Their machinery were better adapted to cope with the frozen temperatures and they had more troops who were specialized in winter combat.

Another reason for the high personnel cost was that Adolf Hitler refused adamantly that the German Forces should retreat, despite clear evidence that the weather was severely restricting the ability of the German Army to fight.

An example of how the harsh winter, combined with battle, affected soldiers fighting on the Eastern front is summed up with the infamous Siege of Leningrad. Beginning on August 6th 1941, one of Hitler's prime objectives in his assault on Russia would last 900 days through to 1943. Energy and heating supplies were destroyed as part of the German assault. Over 1.5 million civilians would die due to cold and starvation. The harsh 1941 winter meant that the only access into the city was across the frozen Lake Lapdog, which was between the German and Finnish encampments. The severe weather meant no relief supplies could reach the city until January 1942, and residents resorted to eating anything, including dogs and cats.

The Red Army and their German counterparts suffered over 13 million casualties as a result of the battle along the Eastern front. A large proportion of these casualties were a result of continued exposure to the sub-zero temperatures and its associated ailments.

In hindsight, Germany was ill-prepared for the reality of the volatile and devastating weather that was to infiltrate its forces. Russia knew what to expect, but because of their determination to defend their nation, at all costs, they too would suffer at the hands of the elements over four years.

An Overview of the Harsh Weather Conditions on the Eastern Front of World War Ii by J Mock | Humanities 360

says this says that, who care what one says. Majority sources say 6 million german soldiers

The deaths are because western Allies did this thing called "training". Vodka drunk Slavs charging machine guns doesn't make your front more important. only when trucks became available was Russia able to do anything. In their own backyard....while the US fought a two-front war across two vast oceans.
We in Germany are well versed enough of the war that the Nazis started, no amount of your propaganda can change how we see our own history.

we in germany? you are a little chinese immigrant there...whose knowledge is based on what your chinese propaganda and revisionist history books have brainwashed into believing....

the very fact that you go by a press tv article , the same caliber of news you get forced fed from china- is proof positive.
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