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Aug 19, 2009
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Oregon man charged with helping in deadly Pakistan bombing


PORTLAND, Ore., March 5 (Reuters) - An Oregon man was arrested on Tuesday on charges he gave advice and financial assistance to one of three Islamist militants who carried out a 2009 suicide bombing in Lahore, Pakistan, that killed 30 people and injured 300 others, U.S. officials said.

Reaz Qadir Khan, 48, a naturalized U.S. citizen, was indicted on a single count of conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, which carries a maximum penalty of life in prison.

Khan, whose country of origin was not disclosed, was arrested without incident in Portland, prosecutors said. His lawyer said the defendant later pleaded not guilty at his first court appearance.

According to the indictment, Khan used email and intermediaries to consult with and provide financial support to a Maldivian national named Ali Jaleel and his family, making it possible for Jaleel to attend a training camp in preparation for the bomb attack.

The indictment says the conspiracy began in December 2005 and continued on through the attack on Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) headquarters in Lahore on May 29, 2009, and into the following month.

Approximately 30 people were killed and 300 other injured in the bombing, federal prosecutors said.

In addition to helping Jaleel with various travel arrangements and giving him instructions on how to avoid detection, Khan is accused of sending moneyto Jaleel's family during his absence from home and after he died in the bombing.

Jaleel and two others carried out the attack, according a statement from the U.S. Attorney's Office.

In a video released by an al Qaeda media outlet after the attack, Jaleel was shown making a statement taking responsibility for the blast and preparing for the bombing at a training camp in Pakistan, prosecutors said. (Reporting by Teresa Carson; Editing by Steve Gorman, Cynthia Johnston and Bob Burgdorfer)
Portland terrorism arrest: Emails show connection between Portland city worker and Pakistan suicide attacker, feds say
By Helen Jung, The Oregonian
on March 05, 2013 at 7:15 PM, updated March 05, 2013 at 7:31 PM

At the beginning of 2006, Reaz Qadir Khan received an email from a man he knew, goading him about Khan's past devotion to seek martyrdom for Allah, authorities said.

"Where are the words you said with tears in your eyes that 'we shall strive until Allah's word is superior or until we perish'???" the email reportedly stated.

The email, federal authorities allege, was followed by action -- money and advice for the man who sent the email, one of three participants in a May 2009 suicide attack in Pakistan that killed about 30 people and injured 300.

***Continuing coverage - Link***

On Tuesday morning, authorities arrested Khan, a 48-year-old wastewater operator for the city of Portland at his Southwest Portland home, shortly after he finished a double shift at the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Khan pleaded not guilty in U.S. District Court on the charge of conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists. If convicted, the Pakistan-born naturalized U.S. citizen could face up to a life sentence.

The indictment, unsealed Tuesday, quotes from email exchanges between Khan and Ali Jaleel, one of three men responsible for the May 2009 attack at the Inter-Services Intelligence headquarters in Lahore, Pakistan.

According to an account of the 2009 attack in The New York Times, the attackers sprayed gunfire detonated a car bomb that left a crater 8 feet deep and 20 feet wide.

Ali Jaleel, also known as Mus'ab Sayyid, in a video crediting him for a suicide attack in Lahore, Pakistan that killed roughly 30 people and wounded hundreds more.

Jaleel had been recorded in a video released by Al Qaeda's media outlet claiming responsibility for the attack, the indictment states.
***Video Link***

The video shows him participating in a training camp and at one point, Jaleel addresses the camera with assault weapons by his side. In what appears may be a dubbed translation, Jaleel is heard to say, "This war between us and you will never end," and, "It is really useless for you to fight back."

Khan's brother, who attended the arraignment, and his attorneys, Larry Matasar and Amy Baggio declined to comment. Khan is to appear for a custody hearing on Wednesday.

Khan's city co-workers expressed shock.

Khan was quiet, easy going and seemed "like a good guy," said Chris Rafn, a plant operator at the wastewater facility.

Rafn, a Mormon, recalled discussing religion with Khan, a Muslim, but he was not forceful about his opinion, Rafn said.

"He was certainly not for violence or for terrorism of any kind," Rafn said.

Rafn said he believes Khan has two young children who are home-schooled and that Khan's wife is a medical doctor.

"Family was important to him," Rafn said. "He did everything in his power to make sure those kids were educated."

Most of the emails cited in the indictment were sent in October and November 2008. They include a note from Jaleel, who lived in the Maldives, telling Khan in what prosecutors called "coded language" that he needed $2,500 to pay for his admission to a terrorist training camp. Jaleel also asked Khan to take care of his family and sent him another email a few days later indicating that he would soon be in Pakistan.

A few days later, Khan sent an email to Jaleel, instructing him to pick up the money he needed for the training camp from an associate of Khan's, the indictment alleges. Jaleel later wrote back to let him know he needed only $1,000 of the $2,450 Khan sent. Khan advised Jaleel to send the remaining cash to his two wives in the Maldives.

Khan also instructed Jaleel to leave a closed envelope for him with Khan's associate, who has not been identified. He directed him to put any communication inside the envelope, the indictment states, with nothing on the outside except "For Reaz Khan... From AJ Industries."

Khan also inquired with his associate about how to help the two wives go to Pakistan, the government alleges.

The indictment does not cite any other emails between November 2008 and the May 27, 2009 blast at the Pakistan intelligence office. But less than a week after the deadly bombing, Khan wired about $750 from a Fred Meyer store in Tigard to one of Jaleel's wives, the government contends.

In a news release, U.S. Attorney Amanda Marshall said the May 2009 bombing show that terrorism is defined by "violent extremists targeting anyone they perceive as a threat to their oppressive agenda without regard for the religion, race or nationality of their victims. We will find and prosecute those who use this country as a base to fund and support terrorists."

Neighbors near Khan's home off Southwest Galeburn Street reported seeing authorities arrive around 7:30 a.m. or so and perform a search of Khan's home. Khan had just returned home from his job as a wastewater operator for the city's Bureau of Environmental Services, according to Portland City Attorney James Van Dyke....
English accent of dubbing voice is unusual for this kind of videos... Someone with English as first language is talking, most probably. Also notable is that he uses the word "breasts of believers" which is what some translators used for Arabic word for "Chest" in Quran. To me it feels like voice of Adam Gadahn(Pearlman) a known fraud convert, who is working for CIA to malign Islam...
After minutes 6:50+ a lady's voice can be heard saying "AmmmHmmm...". Presence of a lady is supported by fact that Jaleel is NOT making eye contact with camera, rather looking to one side...

These are American's carrying out terrorist activities in Pakistan directly or indirectly... & all over the world...
Look all the terrorist activity taking place in Pakistan cannot just happen by themselves, US & her allies are behind these terrorist activity in Pakistan.

When US is done with their assets they just discard them by death.

Almost all of those weapons were supplied by western countries.

I would also like some people to be charged on helping terrorists.
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