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US Will Not Allow The Reconstruction of USSR - Eurasian Union


Apr 11, 2011
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U.S. authorities intend to prevent the creation of a new version of the Soviet Union under the guise of economic integration, the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Clinton noted that the new USSR could be created under new names — "The Customs Union and the Eurasian Union."
U.S. Secretary of State said that the Russian government supports the plan to deepen economic ties with its neighbors.

"Let's not make mistakes. We know that is the goal, and we will try to find an effective way to slow or prevent this process," — said Clinton, reports Financial Times.
Hillary Clinton also responded negatively to the "new wave of repressive tactics" in Russia and the former Soviet republics.

The newspaper said that Clinton spoke about integration, which was supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

According to the newspaper view, in early October, Vladimir Putin published an article in the newspaper "Izvestia", which I dedicated to the integration project for Eurasia.

It Putin said, created by Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan Customs Union and Common Economic Space in the future will be the basis for the formation of the Eurasian Union.
"We are not talking about that in one form or another to recreate the Soviet Union. Naive to try to restore or copy what is left in the past, but the tight integration to the new value, political, economic basis — it imperative of our time", — said Putin.

"We propose a model of a powerful supranational union capable of becoming one of the poles of the modern world and play the role of an effective" bundles "between Europe and the dynamic Asia-Pacific region. Including this means that on the basis of the Customs Union and Common Economic Space to move to a more closer coordination of economic and monetary policy, to create a full economic union, "- wrote the president of Russia.

Meanwhile, the upper house of the U.S. Congress on Thursday voted to adopt the law on the abolition of the Jackson-Vanik amendment and the so-called act of Magnitsky. The latter, in particular, provides visa and financial sanctions against Russian officials who were in Washington as being involved in the death of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky and other human rights violations.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has officially commented on the decision of the U.S. Senate. In a comment on the site of the Department said that the vote on the law on the "Magnitsky list" is "performance in theater of the absurd", which will only exacerbate the problems in the relations between Moscow and Washington.
The Russian leadership has already promised an adequate response. In this case, the Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev said that "the list" will not pose a threat to Russia's security.

Meanwhile, according to a source in the U.S. administration, President Obama is preparing to sign the law on Magnitsky shortly in order to come into force from the new year.

On Thursday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Dublin Clinton met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in which mainly discussed the Syrian issue.

Russian Foreign Minister after the meeting with Clinton said that Russia will close the entrance to Americans who are guilty of human rights violations

"I have confirmed that we will close the entry to Americans who have been guilty of human rights violations", — said Lavrov

Clinton: U.S. will not allow reconstruction of the USSR under the new name — The Customs Union and the Eurasian Union | The survival encyclopedia
We will help our USSR brother to cut off oil-food supply from Sing-Malay. Just like after being defeated by VN like Mongol, US barbarian will fall like Mongol empire soon

A country of merely 300 years with full of idiot like Hillary Clinton must learn abt history before barking nonsense
We will help our USSR brother to cut off oil-food supply from Sing-Malay. Just like after being defeated by VN like Mongol, US barbarian will fall like Mongol empire soon

A country of merely 300 years with full of idiot like Hillary Clinton must learn abt history before barking nonsense

You don't have any say, and your views obviously don't represent the Vietnamese government's in terms of action.

So I'll be blunt

Do it, or just shut up baghdad bob.
You don't have any say, and your views obviously don't represent the Vietnamese government's in terms of action.

So I'll be blunt

Do it, or just shut up baghdad bob.
You can wait and see if VN will support new USSR to cut the oil supply to Guam or not.

As l said: US still have 30 years left before collapse like Mongol. When the right time come, We won't miss that chance to retaliate what u and ur allies did to VN.:coffee:
You don't have any say, and your views obviously don't represent the Vietnamese government's in terms of action.

So I'll be blunt

Do it, or just shut up baghdad bob.

He's an Asshole what do you expect.

Hilary Clinton have a very shortsighted view. A "New USSR" will be a great boon to the US.
This is from a Russian blog. I tried to GS one of Clinton's quotes and only came up with three hits including this site. I'm going to call bovine excrement on this.
The idea involves two projects;
Eurasian Union - Integration of Post Soviet States.
Big Eurasian Union - Integration with China, India, Iran, and even European countries.
And the currency would be Evraz or Eurasian Rubble
I would be glad if this happend,at least then you know who your enemie is.
We need some hostile countries,allways good for the economy.
We will help our USSR brother to cut off oil-food supply from Sing-Malay. Just like after being defeated by VN like Mongol, US barbarian will fall like Mongol empire soon

A country of merely 300 years with full of idiot like Hillary Clinton must learn abt history before barking nonsense

And you are worse than Hong Wu, TimeTravel or Enemy.
What a provocative thing to say. Exactly how can she prevent consenting states from forming the economic bloc that they desire?
I'm wondering how US will prevent the reconstruction of U.S.S.R? by force or economy sanction?

I think she means through Economic Sanctions by USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany and Western Europe as well as Australia, Japan and South Korea.

It can't be through force as those days are gone when USA could force Russia. Russia is getting stronger and more assertive as they have lots of Wealth because of Oil and mineral resources. Russia's only problem is Corruption but even that is becoming less and less by the day under Putin.
You can wait and see if VN will support new USSR to cut the oil supply to Guam or not.

As l said: US still have 30 years left before collapse like Mongol. When the right time come, We won't miss that chance to retaliate what u and ur allies did to VN.:coffee:

Stop it my friend..... You can't do any thing to them.... Any one of US ally can destroy..... Do not under estimate US of A.....
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