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US will always stand with India in pushing back against Chinese probing of Indian sovereignty: US

When USSR attacked A-Stan, Pakistan took on the might of a Superpower USSR. For almost a decade, Pakistan's intelligence agencies, its soldiers and generals fought one of the biggest covert wars in recent human history. Due to this, the USSR was defeated, and broke it into many countries.

US was thinking that India will do a similar role and act against China. What US foolishness does not know is that Pakistanis are a different beast all together. A smaller country Pakistan that can hold a country 10 times larger than itself for 70-years is no accident. Indians in generals are not good enough fighters; the only thing they are good at is manipulation. Just look at the history of this region - this region has been enslaved for hundreds of years by Foreign Powers.

True. Indians are peaceful people and are not good warriors.
When USSR attacked A-Stan, Pakistan took on the might of a Superpower USSR.

Your leaders unanimously agree that it was a huge mistake and cost was immense with no returns.

For almost a decade, Pakistan's intelligence agencies, its soldiers and generals fought one of the biggest covert wars in recent human history

What have you gained ? You made Russia your enemy and America was your friend. Now you want to reverse that.

Due to this, the USSR was defeated, and broke it into many countries.

Give some credit to America too.
Your leaders unanimously agree that it was a huge mistake and cost was immense with no returns.

What have you gained ? You made Russia your enemy and America was your friend. Now you want to reverse that.

Give some credit to America too.

Typical Indian "Bla Bla Bla". Whatever. :lol:
Your leaders unanimously agree that it was a huge mistake and cost was immense with no returns.

What have you gained ? You made Russia your enemy and America was your friend. Now you want to reverse that.
We fought the Russians in Afghanistan in what was an existential war, we fought for our survival as a nation state. If we hadn't fought that war and won, if we had knuckled under to the Soviets, much as the Indians have capitulated to the Chinese in their border confrontation, Gwader would now be a Soviet warm water port in the Socialist Republic of Baluchistan and India would be the South Asian regional hegemon.
We have paid an immense price, but it has been worth it. Nations are built on collective experience, trial and struggle. We have never had a moment's rest since our inception but we have overcome enormous odds and not only survived in a tough neighborhood, but we have consolidated and strengthened. We have proved our mettle.
Only a patriotic Pakistani can appreciate what we have gained by throwing the Soviets and Indians ( twice) out of Afghanistan.
The US calls out China for being authoritarian, nosey and suppressing her citizens. Sounds like finally US really had a good look at herself.
And this news was so full of propaganda. My eyes are bleeding.
The funnier part is Indians bringing this news here like kids "Mere Papa ne Kaha Hai Sub Ko Bta Do Main Bdi Bandook Le K Arha Hun!"

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I am not surprised that indians are that naive and gullible, they would latch on to anything the americans (zionist owned) say. They don't understand or realize that China, Russia, Pakistan, the Central Asian Republics, Iran and India are united as allies. There is no power on earth that could challenge us, not NATO, even if NATO had the combined strength of Pacific Alliance (South Korea, Japan and Australia). Fools have only themselves to blame to be on the wrong side of history.

india is not in your alliance . how russia is in your wagon ? :D
We fought the Russians in Afghanistan in what was an existential war, we fought for our survival as a nation state. If we hadn't fought that war and won, if we had knuckled under to the Soviets, much as the Indians have capitulated to the Chinese in their border confrontation, Gwader would now be a Soviet warm water port in the Socialist Republic of Baluchistan and India would be the South Asian regional hegemon.
We have paid an immense price, but it has been worth it. Nations are built on collective experience, trial and struggle. We have never had a moment's rest since our inception but we have overcome enormous odds and not only survived in a tough neighborhood, but we have consolidated and strengthened. We have proved our mettle.
Only a patriotic Pakistani can appreciate what we have gained by throwing the Soviets and Indians ( twice) out of Afghanistan.

I feel good for you that you have the satisfaction of achieving your goal and proving your mettle. I merely pointed out the fact that IK many a times termed joining this war was the biggest mistake. Yours pov is surely appreciated.
I feel good for you that you have the satisfaction of achieving your goal and proving your mettle. I merely pointed out the fact that IK many a times termed joining this war was the biggest mistake. Yours pov is surely appreciated.
You're getting confused between the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the American "WoT" in Afghanistan.
Two totally different situations in which we did what we had to do and achieved strategic victories in both.

I laughed.
But your version was more accurate and appropriate than mine.
Laddakh is a disputed territory hence no Indian sovereignty is breached. So Indians must not rejoice at what US is saying. Beyond lip service, it wont get involved.

As for Indian sovereignty, you will see how country implodes once Kashmir is taken away from India. This does not look very far off if China and Pakistan play wisely.
Yep looks like China is annexing ladakh and Kashmir

Then they will hand it to you Pakistanis in red bouquet and parcel with a ceremony.

Indians nuclear weapons will be gaining. Dust

Trump will be too busy sorting black rioting in blm
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