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US warns Pakistan of terror attacks in Indian soil

What good is it if goes bankrupt tomorrow?

They will be bankrupt anytime soon. Its just not yet visible... Printing money and asking loans from China just shows one example.
since when US become spokesman of india? they already messed with asia now stay away from our matters india pakistan know and communicate with each other better then whites .
I think USA loves playing war games..Instead of focusing more on their own economy(which is little bit of shaky in recent time) problem they still bz in playing kabaddi in asia..
Yes about 12x larger than Bangladesh and Pakistan combined

and it is by area 12 times greater than Pakistan. so we are not in to d++k measuring contest .try to refrain from derailing the thread .

As far as the topic is concern , i think sumthing is going to happen in India again going to be blamed on Pakistan by showing that all the foot prints generates from Pakistan ,where as Pakistan was not involve in it.

So indian if they want to be a developed nation have to start think like mature states rather than blaming everything on Pakistan they should see who is the real culprit unless they are invovled in all this topi drama.

Lets hope that what ever happens india dont go to war with us coz that is not going to be right for anyone.
Pakistan is bankrupt TODAY. They still keep threatening Afghans and sheltering terrorists of all kinds.

Infact a desperate nation is more likely to do something silly, we have learned from you.

Pakistanies very well know that US is not going anywhere the same was said about us economy after veitnam war but since then too much water has passed but pakistanies want to do something and as some premium member once said here that pakistanies try to blackmail you by putting a gun on their own head , but but kawwe ke kosne se gai nahi marti !
The poorest in America are still better off than the middle class in Bangladesh and Pakistan

where is india lol?? your rants are getting pathetic day by day
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