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US 'wants to kill me': Snowden

Of course he committed treason. Why do you think he is in exile? He revealed top secret information and their sources, that he took an oath to keep secret. He violated his contract and security clearances he had obtained from the United States government. In doing so, he gave aid and comfort to our enemies.

And of course we spy on our allies. So does your country and every other country with a competent intelligence service. What does that have to do with treason?

Quite correct. As Obama said, people are just jealous cause they do their job better than them. Every country tries to spy on other countries, however the success rate is what matters in the end. Do you have any idea how many traitors you support and make in other countries? Snowden was probably your first turn coat. While you try to take out traitors from other countries back to the US by dangling $'s in a very upfront manner.
I love how Mr. Snowden tries to play out his 15 minutes. On BBC today I saw "The NSA spies on Companies". Soon he will be reduced to "the NSA spied on Joe Shmo, 1186 Redwood road, New York". Give it a rest. Yes...the NSA spied....kinda what we pay them for.

Dream on! If Russians abandon him, there will be other countries to take care of him!!
What treason are you talking about, You guys spy on your allies.
Well....I would say we all do...but then India has no real allies.
I love how Mr. Snowden tries to play out his 15 minutes. On BBC today I saw "The NSA spies on Companies". Soon he will be reduced to "the NSA spied on Joe Shmo, 1186 Redwood road, New York". Give it a rest. Yes...the NSA spied....kinda what we pay them for.

Well....I would say we all do...but then India has no real allies.
NSA goes beyond its mandate of national secuirity.That's what everyone has a problem with.

We have chosen to not join any power blocs. In reality most US allies are just their a$$ lickers. We chose not to do that.
I love how Mr. Snowden tries to play out his 15 minutes. On BBC today I saw "The NSA spies on Companies". Soon he will be reduced to "the NSA spied on Joe Shmo, 1186 Redwood road, New York". Give it a rest. Yes...the NSA spied....kinda what we pay them for.

Would you say McCarthyism was justified?

After all, it was also claimed to be done in the "national interest".
Mr. Snowden is somewhat correct. I don't want him assassinated. I want him returned to America to face charges for high treason and if found guilty, hung from the gallows. I would like those families of the agents and informants who were killed because of Mr. Snowden's treachery, to be there at his execution.

Oh really? Like who?
So many of you have no clue what true democracy means. When injustice becomes justice, then resistance becomes an obligation.

It was the US gov. that has broken its own constitutional and international laws. It was Snowden's moral courage that made him a whistleblower exposing the injustice that his own gov. has been committing on its own citizens and supposedly partners and friends.
Oh really? Like who?
Oh please! What do you think he stole and leaked!?!

Intel panel: DOD report finds Snowden leaks helped terrorists | TheHill

He did not give aid and comfort to your enemies but only exposed you in front of the world.
The NSA was accused of going "beyond its core mission of national security" when articles were published showing the NSA's intelligence-gathering operations had targeted Brazil's largest oil company, Petrobras. The NSA and the GCHQ were also shown to be surveilling charities including Unicef and Médecins du Monde, as well as allies such as the EU chief and the Israeli Prime Minister.
The NSA was shown to be "secretly" tapping into Yahoo and Google data centers to collect information from "hundreds of millions" of account holders worldwide.
US had spied on Brazil, France, Mexico, Britain, , Germany, and Spain, as well as 35 world leaders, most notably German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who said "spying among friends" was "unacceptable" and compared the NSA with the Stasi.

I quote Snowden."There is a huge difference between legal programs, legitimate spying ... and these programs of dragnet mass surveillance that put entire populations under an all-seeing eye and save copies forever ... These programs were never about terrorism: they're about economic spying, social control, and diplomatic manipulation. They're about power."
Mr. Snowden does not get to be sole judge of what is justified or not. We have an elected government that does that. We do not have the right as individuals who may be charged with the country's most sensitive secrets, to decide on our own, which ones of those we will really keep secret and which ones we will reveal to the world. It is not an issue of civil disobedience. Mr. Snowden's actions endangered my brother soldiers, helped the terrorists who wish to destroy my country and endangered our intelligence sources and operations. His actions have or will, get good men killed. As for spying on our allies, I would hope the NSA is doing exactly that. any good intelligence service does including the services of your country. I can guarantee you.
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Who's lives did he threaten? Answer my question.

How did he endanger soldiers lives? How did he help "terrorists"?
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