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US-Vietnam discuss Nuclear deal - China concerned

Taiwan had nuclear program starting late 1960, and US even stationed nuclear weapon in Taiwan and guess who stopped them and withdrew the nuclear weapon?

US does not want to see any proliferation of nuclear weapon to anyone including its own allies as much as China.

Its a new term called as controlled proliferation.

Taiwan is beneficiary of USA nuclear umbrella so there is no need to possess that liability. But in case if USA will leave the yellow sea Taiwan will definitely spread the news that she is self capable of deterring nuclear China, thanks to USA.

Chinese perceptions about Taiwan is very complex to understand but the west has the capacity to dictate Taiwan against China and Taiwan is not going to mind it. China do have right to defend itself or invade Taiwan (as another gentleman said). But Taiwan will do the blackmail as long as she can.


(Your posts are very Informative and worth reading, i wish i could mend my hot head a bit and post more sensibly like you)
The ball is in China's court now, the government needs to avoid knee-jerk reactions and work with friendlier South East Asia countries.

Vietnam's relationships with its neighbors ain't exactly good, if China can persuade other ASEAN countries that U.S is bent on upsetting the strategic balance in the South East Asia in an effort to contain China, then I see this nuclear deal as a free gift handed to China by the U.S.

Another dimension is the power struggle of the pro-US and pro-China factions in the Vietnamese Communist Party is intensifying before next year's party congress, if China openly oppose the deal it will only weaken the hand of pro-China factions.

So China needs to work quietly behind the scene and let Vietnam's neighbors like Cambodia and Laos to voice their concerns.

Actually not,see the larger image U.S granted exemption to India in nuclear trade with NSG much to the apprehension and angst of both Pakistan and China ,when China reciprocated the move with defending the deal on same lines of Indo-U.S deal,now u can see U.S flotting another deal also which is a neighborhood of China,sure u still go ahead with ur deal with Pakistan as it is clear the deal cann't b stopped,but after that as time passes u will definitely get to see numerous nation's within tyhe south east standing with different deal

u accept the fact or not,U.S is standing stronger inside south east and with it's presence most of the nation's have just started to smell the blood

u can deny this by statements like south east fear to go against China,U.S will fall here,no one can mess with us,but the ground reality as per what the world have seen in the concluding months show something else

sure U.S have got a habit of creating future demons just to counter the present demons(sorry i am not calling China a demon,just an example),but again in the future they will again create some more demons to counter the currently generated one's,this cycle will keep following
I don't think the USA is doing this because of Pakistan-China nuclear dealing, it is because of Iran. The USA is wanting China to consider that its "blind eye" to Iranian nuclear activities can be met with nuclear activities fostered in its own backyard. Next might come increased nuclear weapons capability for South Korea or even Japan.

Agree with you. Strategic deals usually have multile objectives. IMO business and pressuring China are the primary objectives.
The US figured if they restrict the nuclear energy the chinese will probably propogate it in Asia so why not take the first bid and claim credit.
Guys, Vietnamese don't have nuclear weapons or any capabilities to develop them. Why should China get angry on that? I mean Vietnam cannot produce nuclear weapons out of a low-grade fuel purpose nuclear fuel can it?

They're a small country with a very small defense budget. Not enough to get nuclear weapons. I think that's the reason why no protests came out of Chinese government---they know a civil deal is no threat from a country that has never stated its intentions of being a nuclear power.
Wait till US hits the sanction button..The current US gov is chaired by hippe who is smoking pot and yells "peace"
Guys, Vietnamese don't have nuclear weapons or any capabilities to develop them. Why should China get angry on that? I mean Vietnam cannot produce nuclear weapons out of a low-grade fuel purpose nuclear fuel can it?

They're a small country with a very small defense budget. Not enough to get nuclear weapons. I think that's the reason why no protests came out of Chinese government---they know a civil deal is no threat from a country that has never stated its intentions of being a nuclear power.

India developed its nuclear weapons with Canadian CANDU civilian reactors and the reason why the Chinese government does anything is unclear to outsiders.

Reading why the chinese government does something is like reading tea leafs.
India developed its nuclear weapons with Canadian CANDU civilian reactors and the reason why the Chinese government does anything is unclear to outsiders.

Reading why the chinese government does something is like reading tea leafs.
We had simply no choice with your testing 10 years before ours. But since you're their immediate neighbour, you tell me why'd Vietnamese of all need nukes now? The war's over, China is not going to attack it anytime soon, US is all friendly, its getting noticed for its growth and development, etc.

Getting nukes now would mean total isolation like Burma or worse--North Korea.
We had simply no choice with your testing 10 years before ours. But since you're their immediate neighbour, you tell me why'd Vietnamese of all need nukes now? The war's over, China is not going to attack it anytime soon, US is all friendly, its getting noticed for its growth and development, etc.

Getting nukes now would mean total isolation like Burma or worse--North Korea.

Refer to this post

but you do have a point, there is strong disincentive for them to openly develop nukes. People are just now starting to think Vietnam is a normal country again and not one that is constantly at war.
Its a new term called as controlled proliferation.

Taiwan is beneficiary of USA nuclear umbrella so there is no need to possess that liability. But in case if USA will leave the yellow sea Taiwan will definitely spread the news that she is self capable of deterring nuclear China, thanks to USA.

Sorry you still don't seem to understand, by spreading the news of a nuclear deterrence, which can only mean a WMD of its own, Taiwan will force a Chinese invasion, as Chinese law REQUIRES such.

Why would Taiwan need a nuclear deterrence? I don't think any Taiwanese seriously think China will launch a nuclear attack on the island, just as most South Koreans ain't bothered by the North's nuclear program.

u accept the fact or not,U.S is standing stronger inside south east and with it's presence most of the nation's have just started to smell the blood

u can deny this by statements like south east fear to go against China,U.S will fall here,no one can mess with us,but the ground reality as per what the world have seen in the concluding months show something else

Why some South East Asian countries want a stronger U.S role in the region? Because U.S is a known factor who has been there for over 60 years. Why they're afraid of China? Because a Chinese naval supremacy is a unknown factor. Nobody can be sure how will a militarily strong China act, not even Chinese themselves.

Now let's compare this to a potential nuclear Vietnam, which is an even bigger and far more destabilizing unknown factor. People sometimes assume South East Asia acts as a single actor, it doesn't.

Vietnam has territorial disputes with Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Brunei, so in fact Vietnam has more disputes with Southeast Asian neighbors than China has. A nuclear Vietnam will make Cambodia go nuclear (with Chinese help perhaps), which in turn will make Thailand go nuclear. In turn Malaysia and Indonesia will feel the need to go nuclear too, which will guarantee Singapore develop its own nukes.

The moment the U.S is seen as encouraging Vietnam to go nuclear, it will be seen as a unknown destabilizing factor instead of a known stabilizing factor and will push relatively neutral countries in ASEAN against America.

South East Asia's fear of a rising China is not because of ideological differences nor potential conflict in the near future. Their fears stem from an uneasiness over future uncertainties. But a militarily strong China is less of an unknown than a nuclear Vietnam and the prospect of a dominant Chinese navy is a less evil comparing to a nuclear armed neighborhood. No every country in South East Asia has a territorial disputes with China but everyone will suffer if the neighborhood goes nuclear.

Anyway, all above is just hypothetical as the U.S will not arm Vietnam. But it would be in China's interests to make other South East Asian countries to believe that's the American intention, perhaps Chinese diplomats has already began working on that as we write.
Now China may offer Nuclear deals to Cuba and Venezuela. US gives India Nuclear deal without signing CTBT, then China offers Pakistan Nuclear deal, then US starts negotiating Nuclear deal with Vietnam, then China offers nuclear deal to ...... Hopefully that will lead to small countries like Nauru and Tuvalu getting their nuclear deals in near future.
Is this place blanket by Chinese commies?

Nobody likes or trust China.

It was the Japanese Army that came into China and slaughtered 20 million of our innocent civilians. Get some perspective.

The Japanese army even invaded my home town of Hong Kong... tell me what did Hong Kong do to deserve that?

The Koreans remember Japanese war crimes more than the Chinese do. It's South Korea that is blocking Japan from gaining a permanent seat in the UN Security Council.
What's wrong with US-Vietnam nuke deal. It will be used for generation of power rather than developing nukes. Vietnam being a NPT member has every right to the peaceful use of nuclear technology. Why is China getting its panties in a bunch??
What's wrong with US-Vietnam nuke deal. It will be used for generation of power rather than developing nukes. Vietnam being a NPT member has every right to the peaceful use of nuclear technology. Why is China getting its panties in a bunch??

Who is getting their "panties" in a bunch?

I think it's GOOD for Vietnam to get a nuclear power deal from the US.

As I said on the very FIRST page of this thread, I think every country has the right to domestic nuclear power.
Who is getting their "panties" in a bunch?

I think it's GOOD for Vietnam to get a nuclear power deal from the US.

As I said on the very FIRST page of this thread, I think every country has the right to domestic nuclear power.

Who else - China. Read the title. China is unnecessarily concerned about this nuclear deal when it itself have perpetrated massive nuclear proliferation to Pakistan.
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