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US vacates Pakistan base amid drone debate


Nov 19, 2011
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The attack on a military checkpoint in northwest Pakistan also wounded at least a dozen soldiers. A spokesman for the NATO-led alliance in Afghanistan confirmed on Saturday that it was "highly likely" the alliance's aircraft killed Pakistani soldiers.

"Close air support was called in, in the development of the tactical situation, and it is what highly likely caused the Pakistan casualties," General Carsten Jacobson, a spokesman for the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), told the Reuters news agency.

The incident prompted Pakistan to summon the US ambassador in Islamabad, lodge a protest with NATO, and shut a vital supply route for NATO troops fighting in Afghanistan.

The Pakistani government also gave the US fifteen days to vacate Shamsi air base. Pakistan made a similar demand earlier this year, following the raid which killed Osama bin Laden.

The decision came after Yousuf Raza Gilani, the Pakistani prime minister, called an emergency meeting of his military chiefs. The foreign ministry also summoned Cameron Munter, the US ambassador in Islamabad, to "lodge a strong protest" against the attack.

"The foreign secretary conveyed to the US ambassador that the unprovoked attack by NATO/ISAF aircrafts on border posts in which 24 Pakistani troops lost their lives and another 13 were injured had deeply incensed the government and the people of Pakistan," the ministry said in a statement.

The Obama administration pledged to conduct a full investigation into the attack.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defence Secretary Leon Panetta in a joint statement on Saturday said they had each spoken to their Pakistani counterparts to express their condolences for the loss of life and expressed their full support for "NATO's intention to investigate immediately."

A Pakistani government official said the dead from Friday night's attack in the Mohmand tribal area included two officers.

Taliban fighters

The checkpoint that was attacked had been recently set up in the Mohmand tribal area by the Pakistan army to stop Taliban fighters holed up in Afghanistan from crossing the border and staging attacks, said two government administrators in Mohmand, Maqsood Hasan and Hamid Khan.

NATO supply trucks and fuel tankers bound for Afghanistan were stopped at Jamrud town in the Khyber tribal region near the city of Peshawar hours after the raid, officials said.

"We have stopped NATO supplies after receiving orders from the federal government," said Mutahir Hussain, a senior administration official in Khyber. "Supply trucks are being sent back to Peshawar."

Pakistan is a vital land route for 49 per cent of NATO's supplies to its troops in Afghanistan, a NATO spokesman said.

The incident occurred a day after US General John Allen met Pakistani Army Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani to discuss border control and enhanced co-operation.

Worsening relations

Friday's attack is expected to further worsen US-Pakistan relations, already at one of their lowest points in history, following a tumultuous year that saw the bin Laden raid, the jailing of a CIA contractor and US accusations that Pakistan backed an attack on the US Embassy in Kabul.

An increase in US drone strikes on armed groups in the last few years has also irritated Islamabad, which says the campaign kills more Pakistani civilians in the border area than fighters.

Washington disputes that, but declines to discuss the drone campaign in detail.

"This is an attack on Pakistan's territorial sovereignty," said Masoud Kasur, the governor of Pakistan's northwestern Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province.

"Such cross-border attacks cannot be tolerated any more. The government will take up this matter at the highest level and it will be investigated."

Pakistan tells NATO to leave air base - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English
Why shmasi airbase was so important of USA , what is its strategic importance and why pakistan is not dealing UAE with iron hands over shamsi airbase, as it is sold out by UAE to USA .

How useful the shamsi airbase can be for pakistan and which squadrons are going to be part of it in future ,

It is also very deep airbase so indians cannot penetrate so long in it.

Your opinions are required!
Why shmasi airbase was so important of USA , what is its strategic importance and why pakistan is not dealing UAE with iron hands over shamsi airbase, as it is sold out by UAE to USA .

How useful the shamsi airbase can be for pakistan and which squadrons are going to be part of it in future ,

It is also very deep airbase so indians cannot penetrate so long in it.

Your opinions are required!

-Pakistan was US partner and had agreements in place.
Once agreements are violated, from their side than technically, all other agreements stand void.

-What does UAE got to do with Shamsi airbase?

-Such bases are not use full because their co-ordinates are well known and can be targeted by missiles and i bet US will destroy this base soon after vacating.
It was made by UAE for the hunting trips of their royals. There is another airstrip like that South East of Rahim Yar Khan -- in the middle of nowhere. With the same 3.5 KM long airstrip and an apron to accomodate large commercial aircraft. Without any fighter pens etc.
^ there are many old WWII air-strips, some large, some small which have been 'revived' because of the WoT. they are mainly used for recovery of aircraft.
It was made by UAE for the hunting trips of their royals. There is another airstrip like that South East of Rahim Yar Khan -- in the middle of nowhere. With the same 3.5 KM long airstrip and an apron to accomodate large commercial aircraft. Without any fighter pens etc.

Shamsi was revamped and developed by USA,
it existed long before and played a crucial part in 1971 war.
Last time I checked Shamsi Base was located on Pakistani soil. It was leased to UAE and sold to them. Leases can be cancelled and UAE does not have the right to Sub Lease it to a third country without express Pakistani permission. It is time to cancel the Lease to UAE and take back Pakistan's sovereignty over its own territory.
-Pakistan was US partner and had agreements in place.

Yah thats true, but No formal written agreements, just verbal agreements regarding shamsi air base. this was also confirmed by Musharaf in a recent interview.

-Such bases are not use full because their co-ordinates are well known
Useful ness of an air base has nothing to do with its coordinates. Now days, coordinates of each and every installation are known of every one. Knowing of coordinates is not an issue now a days.

and i bet US will destroy this base soon after vacating.

No dear, no chance of any such eventuality. Y would US do so.
hope PAF will be more better than ever before with free of cost ready airbase hope we use it for Middle east sea operations as well
One of the many usefulness of Shamsi Base for U.S was to spy on Iran. Throwing them out of Shamsi was a signal from Pakistan, among others, that we don't want to support you in your cause against Iran. Then Russia came into the scene with its statement of ceasing supply route through it. Linking current events can give us clear picture of big game being played and members of the teams involved.
Quetta: At least seven aircraft landed at Shamsi airbase in Balochistan on Wednesday to airlift personnel and equipment out of Pakistan. According to sources in Washuk district, American officials were likely to vacate the airbase today (Thursday).

“Seven aircraft have landed here since morning,” a local confirmed, adding, “They also set several containers on fire today … the containers were used by American officials.”

Sources also reported that that some equipment was loaded onto the aircraft. However, drones stood in nearby hangars and an American radar was also visible that had so far not been shifted.

No US official was available to comment on whether American will vacate the airbase on Thursday.

The controversial airbase, located about 300 kilometres south of Quetta, has been used as a key launch pad for drone strikes in Afghanistan and allegedly also for those carried out in Pakistan’s own tribal areas.

Evacuation: Seven aircraft land at Shamsi base – The Express Tribune
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