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US urges Pakistan to help revive peace talks with Taliban


Apr 25, 2012
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ISLAMABAD - The United States on Friday asked Pakistan to play its role for the success of Afghan reconciliation process and help revive the stalled peace talks between Washington and the Taliban in Qatar, which the Taliban walked away from in March following Obama administration’s hesitation to release their five key leaders imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay.
Islamabad, on its part, extended full assurance that it would do whatever was possible for bringing peace back to Afghanistan, but also made it clear that an ‘intra-Afghan dialogue’ between all Afghan groups in a meaningful manner was vital for the success of the reconciliation process.
The ongoing efforts on part of Washington, Kabul and Islamabad for ending the war in Afghanistan through dialogue between the warring parties, including the Taliban, was the main issue discussed by the visiting US Special Representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan Marc Grossman, who reached Islamabad on Friday, and Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar and Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Kayani.
Grossman held separate meetings with the foreign minister and General Kayani and is expected to meet the president and prime minister today (Saturday). He was to have a one-day visit to Islamabad, but it was later extended to two days.
According to sources privy to Friday’s meetings, Ambassador Grossman formally apprised the Pakistani leadership about the US decision to designate the ‘Haqqani network’ as terrorist organization. “Ambassador Grossman was told that it was purely an internal matter of the US to label the Haqqanis terrorist outfit and Pakistan had nothing to do with that, but it would also be difficult to bring them (Haqqani network) to the table of negotiations Washington’s decision,” a source said on condition of anonymity.
Grossman and Pakistani leaders, according to the sources, discussed the ‘safe passage’ to the Taliban leaders willing to take part in peace talks with Afghan and American officials in the future and there was agreement of views on this important issue between the two sides. “It was decided that Pakistan, US and Afghanistan would continue to work on the modalities of safe passage to the Taliban representatives that would be nominated by various Taliban groups for participation in the peace dialogue,” the source said. A Pakistani diplomat said Grossman was told that Pakistan was all willing to play its role for bringing durable peace to Afghanistan, but an ‘intra-Afghan dialogue’ was vital for the success of ongoing peace efforts.
“This intra-Afghan dialogue must be between all Afghan groups, including the Taliban, Grossman was told,” he said.
Ambassador Grossman also held detailed discussions with Foreign Minister Khar on the revival of ‘bilateral strategic dialogue’ that was suspended by the US last year owing to strained Washington-Islamabad relations. Foreign Minister Khar, who is leaving on an official visit to the United States in the next few days, would also discuss the strategic dialogue’s resumption with her counterpart Hillary Clinton and other American leaders in Washington. A statement issued by the Foreign Office said that during his meeting with Foreign Minister Khar, Grossman was accompanied by Special Assistant to the US President on Pakistan and Afghanistan Douglas Lute, Principal Deputy Secretary of Defense Dr Peter Lavoy, US CdA to Pakistan Ambassador Richard Hoagland and other senior officials. “The two sides exchanged views on the current status of the bilateral relations including development in the region particularly with respect to political and reconciliation process in Afghanistan,” it said.
US should not be helped by Pakistan in any way because US & Israel are continuing their attacks on Islam by making false & corrupt movies against Islam & our Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H)this is where Pakistan really needs to think about US, that what needs to be done & how to tackle the threat.

US & Israel are the enemies of Islam & their allies are following them. If Pakistan see’s this from the other side then they are enemies of Pakistan as well.
The U.S is just playing verbal games here and there to reflect its good side to the world. From inside, they will do what their daddys are hoping back in Washington, destroying Pakistan...
US should not be helped by Pakistan in any way because US & Israel are continuing their attacks on Islam by making false & corrupt movies against Islam & our Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H)this is where Pakistan really needs to think about US, that what needs to be done & how to tackle the threat.

US & Israel are the enemies of Islam & their allies are following them. If Pakistan see’s this from the other side then they are enemies of Pakistan as well.


First of all---what difference does it make to the muslims about these movies---they neither follow the Prophet, nor the Qura'an nor they follow the directions of Allah---.

Secondly---U S has nothing to do with this movie and neither does israel---.

Muslims can't even follow Allah's guidance in situations like these---the Lord promised to protect the good name of the prophet, his holy book and his place of worship---the day the muslims will let Allah fulfill His promise---that would be the time things start to change for the muslims---.

U S don't need to destroy pakistan----pakistan itself is on auto pilot to destruction---. Once the pakistanis leave something for the u s to destroy---it might do so---but paks would take care of the systematic destruction of their nation themselves.
so on one side they label them as terrorist and on other side wants to cut a deal, what I understand here is that FTO designation by us is a pressure tactic so they can freeze their assets, and financial means, so they will come to table with them
Islam is all about humanity and their is no display of humanity in violent protests, leading to loss of human life.

Such inflammatory materials are usually released for testing the ground.

Keep composed and calm. I have seen much worst.
Afghanistan is the launch pad of TTP.
Pakistan shall seek fencing of border.
US has unrealistic expectations with Pakistan on Taliban talks: Ex-ISI chief – The Express Tribune

The former chief of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt Gen Ehsanul Haq said that the US has “unrealistic expectations” with Pakistan to bring Taliban leader Mullah Omar to peace talks, reported Business Week on Wednesday.
During a brief interview in Washington, Haq said that while Pakistan fully supports Afghan peace talks, it “can’t deliver anybody” to the negotiating table, the report stated.

Haq also advised the US to advance the “political track” with the Taliban in the time left before the US withdraws forces from Afghanistan, and added that the US should do whatever it can to revive the Qatar process and make good on pledges over a prisoner swap.

Connections with Taliban, Haqqani network

Rubbishing claims about the Taliban and Haqqani network having ties with Pakistani security forces, Haq told Business Week that Pakistan’s security forces conducted several raids on religious schools and homes of Haqqani network’s founder in Miramshah between 2002 and 2004.

“He was not there; he was in Paktia, Paktika,” Haq was quoted as he referred to two province in the neighbouring Afghanistan.

Blacklisting Haqqanis

On US’ latest move to blacklist the Haqqani network as a “foreign terrorist organisation”, Haq maintained that if it had to be done, “it should have been done seven, eight, 10 years back”.

He said that declaring groups “terrorists” when you are on a “political track” may prove to be counterproductive to peace talks.

The negotiation “process will have to be pursued more seriously with a sense of urgency even if the prospects for a successful outcome seem remote at present,” Haq was quoted.

US should not be helped by Pakistan in any way because US & Israel are continuing their attacks on Islam by making false & corrupt movies against Islam & our Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H)this is where Pakistan really needs to think about US, that what needs to be done & how to tackle the threat.

US & Israel are the enemies of Islam & their allies are following them. If Pakistan see’s this from the other side then they are enemies of Pakistan as well.

Ok, here we go again. For the 100th time....US is not an enemy of Pakistan. Just like it's not an enemy of Malaysia, Turkey, Indonesia, etc...all are muslim countries. In fact, the US companies have HEAVILY invested into these countries and they enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship that serves everyone's economy.

So, I am confused...why...the US and Israel, etc are against Pakistan and not against countries I mentioned above? Does Islam live JUST in Pakistan and Afghanistan? The REALITY is, the version of Islam you have there is twisted. You won't see an imaam in Malaysia or Turkey telling others to KILL the Shia's or they are non-Muslims, etc.

You have your OWN home to cleanup first. Then you can talk about who else may be involved. In a country where political parties murder their political enemies, parties fight to control cities and have militant wings....why the heck would the US or Israel need to get involved????
You have EVERYTHING you need within your own political system to destroy you. Why does the US need to do anything???? You guys have been killing each other so why does the US or Israel need to get involved....? If I read your conspiracy theory...the whole thing is already being worked out as 'planned' by the US (per your theory right)? So why would the US get her name dirty by directly getting involved? The truth is, you are NOT THAT important that the US has nothing to do in the entire world but to destabilize Pakistan. Trust me on this!!! These conspiracy theories look sensational for a while but then they look idiotic. Pakistan has a lot of talent....these idiotic posts make everyone look bad. You guys should learn how to tolerate others and have dialogue to discuss. Not just accuse others of whatever you think may be right.

The FACT is, the society in Pakistan is corrupt. You guys don't tolerate others (Suni's vs. Shea, etc). You guys don't want to work together as a nation. Heck, you guys don't even follow the religion the way it is supposed to be. People teaching the religion, teach MUCH different of a religion (outside of the basics) compared to what's taught in Turkey, Malaysia, even in Saudi Arabia. The ADDED features of Islam are added by illiterate imaam's who themselves HAVE no worldly experience, foreign policy, how to live in the global village....so what do you expect from them? Exactly what's happening in FATA, exactly what's happening in Karachi, exactly what's happening in Baluchistan. If India or anyone else is supporting it....well you guys GAVE them the environment. If there was tolerance in people....just in Karachi....you won't have gang wars, you won't have Shia - Sunni issues, you won't have BLA blowing up crap or Lashkar-e-Jhangwi... or Jamaat-e-Islami??? WHO out of these teaches you to have 'dialogue with people when you disagree" or you can live with people when you don't see eye to eye.

Muhammad lived with Jews for so many years together in harmony. Why can't YOU guys do the same? If you read his lifestory, he was cussed at, people threw stones at him and everything else....BUT he was kind in return and ignored the negative sentiment and remained peaceful under ALL circumstances. What have you learned from him that you call him your Prophet? You think he told you to destroy public property and kill people when someone was to make fun of him through a stupid video or stupid cartoons? He went through worst as I read in the history and he REMAINED PEACEFUL!!!!
Who are you guys really following? And why EVERYTHING messed up in your culture and country HAS to be US, Israel and India's fault.....it's NOT. Wake up people and fix your house. The US and everyone else would love to work with you if you guys don't show the violent side. What did you get out of destroying public property and damaging embassies.....anything changed??? NO.
If you had peacefully protested, presented the case to the US nicely or use the laws of your country and indicted the person who's done whatever damage.....you may have had better luck with the world realizing they've hurt people's feelings. Violence doesn't convey that message!
Ok, here we go again. For the 100th time....US is not an enemy of Pakistan. Just like it's not an enemy of Malaysia, Turkey, Indonesia, etc...

why US got kick in the arse from iran, egypt, and now even turkey?

US relations with pakistan has got nothing to do with religion, you are completely stupid person, i see americans protesting against the ways of the saudi kingdom, but yet they are in cozy relationship because of oil
The U.S is just playing verbal games here and there to reflect its good side to the world. From inside, they will do what their daddys are hoping back in Washington, destroying Pakistan...

Dear CB4,

We have repeatedly highlighted Pakistan’s importance in winning the WOT. We’ve said over and over that we cannot have a stable region without a stable Pakistan. Our officials from the highest level continue to meet to address our shared concerns. President Zardari met with U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, yesterday in New York. The Pakistani delegation issued a press statement, saying that the two leaders “had an in-depth conversation on the way forward.” Their discussion also addressed the on-going situation in Afghanistan and “how Pakistan and the United States could cooperate in helping bring peace and stability in that country.” Both parties reviewed the “recent positive developments in the relationship,” and President Zardari told Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, “We should build on the positive momentum”.

Zardari and Clinton discuss ways of bolstering relations | DAWN.COM

LTC Taylor,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
I really don't see US relations with Pakistan getting better in the future. Especially given the recent announcement by a head government official that he would give $100k to the person that kills the man who made the parody video of Muhammad (he even went so far as to ask for the Taliban and Al Quaeda to help him on his self acknowledged illegal activities)
I really don't see US relations with Pakistan getting better in the future. Especially given the recent announcement by a head government official that he would give $100k to the person that kills the man who made the parody video of Muhammad (he even went so far as to ask for the Taliban and Al Quaeda to help him on his self acknowledged illegal activities)

The government of Pakistan has distanced itself from that foolish statement, which was made by the Minister for Railways as the member of a small coalition party.

If republicans in US and PTI in Pakistan won the election then Pakistan-US relations will be very destructive.

No matter who wins the election in the US, policies towards Pakistan will not change substantially.
No matter who wins the election in the US, policies towards Pakistan will not change substantially.

PTI don't want any cooperation with US, see this side also. You are analysing only from US side.
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