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US urges NSG members to support India's membership

You know that China and Pakistan only got close AFTER 1959 (when India hosted China's largest separatist group) and AFTER 1962 (when India started a Forward Policy against China while we were in the middle of the worst famine in our history).

In fact China-Pakistan cooperation came much later than that, Pakistan was primarily a US ally at that point.

Chinese CCP can change the attitude towards India and benefit from India and China economic co operation.
Chinese CCP actions perfectly fit into US Asia pivot.

India never objected to China when it started to gain NSG and UN security council seat. It seems CCP is in a delusion that it can impose its attitude towards other countries just like it imposes on its citizens.

Regarding forward policy, what is China doing now in P-O-K?
What's new? India has always been trying to use the USA against China.

But the USA ended up using India as a meat shield against China instead:

Nehru pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - Times of India

It has always been the same story. But as they found out to their detriment, that doesn't work against China. No one in the world is going to start a war with China on India's behalf.

US has used you left, right and center draining all your natural resource , We dont need to nudge them, the height of hypocrisy is a Capitalist Communist China

when India hosted China's largest separatist group

When people were made homeless in their own place by an infamous tyrant Mao what do you expect we did what humanity called for

No one in the world is going to start a war with China on India's behalf.

Hope China has learnt some lessons form the dark days of criminal mao era, a peaceful china is in its own interest and we give a damn if otherwise..... India is good enough to protect itself from any misadventure.......
Chinese keep on propping up Pakistan against India and expect India not to return favor by getting closer to American camp??

Very naive indeed. The more Chinese put up hurdles in India's way, the more Indians are going to side with US.
Yes, More the chinese put hurdles more India will lean towards US. Its the same thing that is happening in SCS. They are hell bent on creating enemies everywhere.
China can't bear to see the rise of India as its competitor. That's why it's been using a low cost strategy against India by propping up Pakistan to keep India engaged and diverted in needless conflict.
Chinese CCP can change the attitude towards India and benefit from India and China economic co operation.
Chinese CCP actions perfectly fit into US Asia pivot.

India never objected to China when it started to gain NSG and UN security council seat. It seems CCP is in a delusion that it can impose its attitude towards other countries just like it imposes on its citizens.

Regarding forward policy, what is China doing now in P-O-K?
Chinese are pretty arrogant about their new found power and they think they can impose over India like they are doing in SCS. Part of the problem lies with India , being too pacifist is dangerous thing. It is an invitation for invasion, just like tibet.

Why are they worried about Indian peaceful rise.:-)
Their actions in SCS has shown they are following a policy of aggrandizement and any country does not kow tow is an enemy.
The problem with china is they are living in the past in terms of their greedy for land mass, but want everyone to respect China as per their newly found economic power. They are confused a lot. They on one hand wants business from India and on another hand sends their PLA in Arunachal pradesh and they thought they will get the response in the same coin?
China did the most stupid thing by blocking India's number one terriorist demand in UN. You have irked not only Indian population but have also dented PM Modi's image at home who was acting as a link in making India China corporation. Seems China does not want anyone else to rise.
These chinese claim they believe in mutual rising, but where is that when you are blocking India;s entry in NSG? Your comparrission of India with Pakistan on proliferation is also most naive approach. This indicates either your thinking level at foreign office is too immature or you are too cunning. In any case you are not fit for a reliable partner worth trusting....It is not just India, it is all neighbours around you.
What does china get by opppsing India at NSG,other than pushing it towards US pivot to contain china.

This has little to do India joining the US camp.

Chinese had delusions like these long ago in 1970s of using India as counterweight to Soviets and Americans. However over time they seem to have gotten a reality kick in the recent years.

Accepting Indian NSG membership Chinese is like receiving a tight slap from the Americans and then blushingly thanking the Americans for it. ;)

Its case of adding insult to injury.

Considering Americans arm-twisted China into accepting India's NSG waiver in 2008, thereby compromising its own and Pakistan's National security in the process by allowing India to have a larger nuclear arsenal.

From a nuclear threat perspective, the Chinese are able to afford a pitifully inadequate arsenal of around 300 warheads against overwhelmingly larger arsenal of around 8000 of USA and her NATO allies combined. (time being we are forgetting Russia, just go easy on the Chinese :D)

This tiny arsenal of China is considered even vulnerable to conventional strikes of USA, let alone nuclear strikes.

To make matters worse NSG waiver for India, burdens Chinese nuclear threat spectrum further and forcing them to address Indian nuclear threat ,thereby stretching their limited resources further to the brink.

What is really enviable in the whole thing is Chinese media, which will still present CCP leadership as an omnipotent entity to its gullible masses despite this massive blunder.

There is not single article on Indian NSG waiver and its threatening consequences for China in Chinese press for such obvious reasons. :D
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Nehru was a brilliant Statesman but a poor strategist. India had learnt its lessons in history. India wont need anybody to fight on its behalf. If China thinks of any misadventure, India will suffer BUT there also wont be any rising shining china anymore. The best bet for both nations is to keep a safe distance from each other.

What's new? India has always been trying to use the USA against China.

But the USA ended up using India as a meat shield against China instead:

Nehru pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - Times of India

It has always been the same story. But as they found out to their detriment, that doesn't work against China. No one in the world is going to start a war with China on India's behalf.
What's new? India has always been trying to use the USA against China.

But the USA ended up using India as a meat shield against China instead:

Nehru pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - Times of India

It has always been the same story. But as they found out to their detriment, that doesn't work against China. No one in the world is going to start a war with China on India's behalf.

No body is talking about the War here my friend. Why you should bring it and it is off topic as well. Or you're always looking for a war ??? Quite amushing what have you written indeed
Is this what India got in return for making America their largest defence import partner (replacing Russia), as well as signing the CISMOA/LSA that would allow American troops to operate out of Indian soil?

If so, then it's a bad deal. Even American allies in the West like Ireland and Austria are opposing India's NSG membership.

America is having trouble reigning in their allies recently. Like when they warned their allies not to join China's AIIB, and they all ignored the warning and joined anyway.[/QUOTE]


A Chinese should be the last one to teach us about diplomacy .We still follow the same legacy of Kautilya .So our foreign policymakers knows how to deal with the ever evolving situation .You dont have to worry about our benefit .

And you dont have to grab Russia in this matter .

How does that concern with this topic ?

What's new? India has always been trying to use the USA against China.

But the USA ended up using India as a meat shield against China instead:

Nehru pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - Times of India

It has always been the same story. But as they found out to their detriment, that doesn't work against China. No one in the world is going to start a war with China on India's behalf.

And who told you that we need some others to deal with you ?
To deal the PRC in direct conflict we dont need anyones help .Nor we allow anyone here .
We have Thermonukes,nukes and a powerful armed forces to maintain tranquility in our border.

You know that China and Pakistan only got close AFTER 1959 (when India hosted China's largest separatist group) and AFTER 1962 (when India started a Forward Policy against China while we were in the middle of the worst famine in our history).

In fact China-Pakistan cooperation came much later than that, Pakistan was primarily a US ally at that point. Ayub Khan was in fact very pro-America and anti-China.

You dont have roll on the ground to justify this lame excuses .I think it been almost sure that except China all others are supportive to our membership after US involvement .

Now you can support us in NSG and grab a a lots of trade and business deals plus benefits.Or you can veto us for your unreliable deeper ocean friend and destroy all those business opportunities .That is your call.
India, though not a member, enjoys the benefits of membership under a 2008 exemption to NSG rules for its atomic cooperation deal with the US.

Not much to loose then if NSG does not happen ?
Is this what India got in return for making America their largest defence import partner (replacing Russia), as well as signing the CISMOA/LSA that would allow American troops to operate out of Indian soil?

If so, then it's a bad deal. Even American allies in the West like Ireland and Austria are opposing India's NSG membership.

America is having trouble reigning in their allies recently. Like when they warned their allies not to join China's AIIB, and they all ignored the warning and joined anyway.

Buddy.....AIIB was a lame idea then, it is a lame idea today and will be a lame idea well into the future. And worse, you have really made it cost a lot of money for India to become a part of it. Now I would have called it 'intelligent' coz you are at least making India lose a lot of money....problem is that you'll lose even more so I can't even call it that. All in all, it's what we call a global jalebi

You know that China and Pakistan only got close AFTER 1959 (when India hosted China's largest separatist group) and AFTER 1962 (when India started a Forward Policy against China while we were in the middle of the worst famine in our history).

In fact China-Pakistan cooperation came much later than that, Pakistan was primarily a US ally at that point. Ayub Khan was in fact very pro-America and anti-China.

Chinese supported NE Insurgency and have activities in Azad Kashmir ?

Of Course you should use your hard power ,but only against smallest one that cant stand themselves .By pushing India you made a terrible mistake .
What's new? India has always been trying to use the USA against China.

But the USA ended up using India as a meat shield against China instead:

Nehru pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - Times of India

It has always been the same story. But as they found out to their detriment, that doesn't work against China. No one in the world is going to start a war with China on India's behalf.

Ain't China has always been trying to use Pakistan against India ? Stop blaming USA for everything. You are no angel either.
Is this what India got in return for making America their largest defence import partner (replacing Russia), as well as signing the CISMOA/LSA that would allow American troops to operate out of Indian soil?
India hasn't signed CISMOA and LSA is now the LEMOA (a much watered down version). There is no provision to allow American troops to operate on Indian soil in any shape or form, this is pure nonsense.
India hasn't signed CISMOA and LSA is now the LEMOA (a much watered down version). There is no provision to allow American troops to operate on Indian soil in any shape or form, this is pure nonsense.
He has been corrected before on this,

[URL="https://defence.pk/threads/to-enter-nsg-india-offers-china-slice-of-n-pie.434545/page-4#post-8376926"]To enter NSG, India offers China slice of N-pie[/URL]

Guess its takes time for some to understand simple concepts
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