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US turns down Pak's request for drone technology

Instead of trying to get the tech from US, Pakistan could try co-developing it with Turkey or China.

Pakistan will not get the high-end equipment from US for free, it will need to pay, but that might not be economical for Pak. So paying is the only option, why not pay and develop your own? China would be more than willing to help here.
^^ In a nutshell, this is what is happening. You would be surprised at the number of domestic UCAV projects underway in Pakistan. Yes. It's not just Burraq.

There is cooperation with Turkey also, and of course, the option of allowing the Turks to develop their MALE UCAV and simply purchasing it with ToT.

The Chinese are developing equivalents to all the major US UAVs and UCAVs, including the Global Hawk. They are definitely investing in satcomm and I don't see an issue Pakistan piggybacking its mil comm off of those satellites.

Finally, Pakistan is planning to launch a number of new satellites, and I can bet my bottom dollar that a huge driver behind this will be mil comm needs.

So Pakistan is developing UCAV capabilities in a very robust fashion, leveraging multiple sources. It was absolutely the right thing to do to push the US for the technology - it served a political purpose and could have served a military purpose too. But I can tell you, from day one, no officer concerned at the GHQ was betting on this outcome.
so with two erieyes we keep 24x7 coverage?

technically possible maybe, with refit, but practically not so. and this would be monumentally expensive and would put the erieyes at risk through over-use.

we will have our own UCAVs soon enough. China must solve the satcomm issue so we will benefit from that also. I don't doubt that we will get all these capabilities within 12-48 months - starting with LOS UCAVs, eventually leading up to unhindered, over the horizon operational capability.

The another option is to use High Altitude Balloons for radio communications coverage. If they can put few transponders in it, it will act as a satellite with much enhanced coverage. Also once these balloons are up, it can operate for pretty long times without repairs. Crude but effective solution I suppose.
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Dnt Worrey India burraq is cuming...
The another option is to use High Altitude Balloons for radio communications coverage. If they can put few transponders in it, it will act as a satellite with much enhanced coverage. Also once these balloons are up, it can operate for pretty long times without repairs. Crude but effective solution I suppose.

Excellent suggestion.Very good.

I mean we can almost instantly launch high altitude hot air Balloons or even better helium balloons with all the satellite equipment and here we are a low altitude satellite.

And not only we can do it quickly but also it will be practical and not super expensive like the 24x7 AWAC solution.

Guys what do you think about it?
Seems like the U.S. view of pakistan is clear. Say their going to help them then deny them help. Even in drone technology which is surprising.

"The US Air Force declared the MQ-9 Reaper operational in October 2007, and it has maintained an active profile especially in operations in Afghanistan ever since. Based on the Predator B design, other customers include Italy, Turkey, the UK and the US Customs and Border Patrol. Germany is also evaluating a purchase of the MQ-9."

But when it comes to the "War on terror" the U.S. has trouble supplying arms. They do talk alot though about this "commitment" thing.
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Doesn't make sense to me. You are asking here for a concession with no benefit accruing to the party making the concession. Why should the other party oblige?

The benefit to Pakistan would be restoration of is compromised sovereignty. Supposedly that is the most important part of the "problem" and my suggestion would solve that. Pakistan would, once again, reign sovereign over North Waziristan. Additionally, Pakistan might, through this action, lay to rest concerns that abide in the USA of Pakistan's double dealing with terrorists, paving the way for transfer of more weapons systems that are now being withheld.
Has USA ever given Pakistan anything good? they always dump equipment on Pakistan which is either being phased out or the one which is the opposite of advanced. I wonder despite all this why Pakistani policy makers still don't see the reality :hitwall:
^^ In a nutshell, this is what is happening. You would be surprised at the number of domestic UCAV projects underway in Pakistan. Yes. It's not just Burraq.

There is cooperation with Turkey also, and of course, the option of allowing the Turks to develop their MALE UCAV and simply purchasing it with ToT.

The Chinese are developing equivalents to all the major US UAVs and UCAVs, including the Global Hawk. They are definitely investing in satcomm and I don't see an issue Pakistan piggybacking its mil comm off of those satellites.

Finally, Pakistan is planning to launch a number of new satellites, and I can bet my bottom dollar that a huge driver behind this will be mil comm needs.

So Pakistan is developing UCAV capabilities in a very robust fashion, leveraging multiple sources. It was absolutely the right thing to do to push the US for the technology - it served a political purpose and could have served a military purpose too. But I can tell you, from day one, no officer concerned at the GHQ was betting on this outcome.

We still have some work to do before we can release an armed version of our TIHA. Weapons will be studied once it goes into production. But even then it is not something on par with the American ones till more work is done on it.
The benefit to Pakistan would be restoration of is compromised sovereignty.

I don't think so. Thinking people understand even today that the drone attacks are done in concert with Pakistan. It is the wider public where this issue has incendiary manifestations. Even if Pakistan were to co-opt these strikes but it was a US weapons platform, with US pilots under US command, the case would be made that the present Government was arm twisted into acquiescing. The only solution to this issue from a sovereignty perspective is for there to be true sovereign control over these drones. That means drones controlled by Pakistani pilots, under Pakistani command, working off a Pakistani list in which there is CIA and ISI input.
welll before pakistan had asked usa for tech we alll know they will turn it down and they have wasted the time for pakistan i hope pakistan should learn lessons from this in future do not buy any sophisticated tech from usa better to buy from europe know pakistan co develop it with china with turkey i dont see israel or usa alllow pakistan to co produce
excellent thing pointed by JIGS that Americans say they are committed to WOT and Pakistan and will not leave Pakistan in the lurch.But then they provide drones to every other ally except Pakistan why?

Is it for the fear of Chinese reverse engineering?Maybe

But there is a bigger problem that Pakistan has been facing since Independence.

Pakistan has sold it's honor.Yes this is true and every time our army accepts second hand military equipment thinking that it is free it fails to recognize the larger Picture.The Larger Picture is that a country should never compromise on it's honor.

Every time we accept old junk thinking its free we sell our honor we reinforce our position in American eyes that we are beggars.

Look at India even in the tough times of 90s they never sold their honor,they never compromised on the Policy.They sold their gold but did not compromised their honor.I hate to admit but due to their ultra successful foreign Policy they can buy weapons from almost any side.(Some People will say that money can buy you anything but weapons industry is linked to geopolitical games and diplomacy and money can not buy everything here).

Just look at the example of turkey they were offered 20+Billion dollars for just providing bases for attack on IRAQ.and what possibly could have IRAQ done in retaliation nothing.But turkey realized it's against their honor and Policy so they refused.So Now America treats them with respect.Even when they now fight Israel,America doesn't dare Interfere.

The day we learn to say NO to American Provided Junk we will slowly start to regain our honor and then Americans will realize the weight of our demands.But then generals are for warfare and only a career diplomat can understand the value of these things.
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