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US tries to force China to keep US reserve currency: Analyst

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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US tries to force China to keep US reserve currency: Analyst

Interview with Jim W. Dean

Press TV has conducted an interview with Jim W. Dean, managing editor with Veterans Today from Atlanta, about military provocations by the United States.

The following is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: We had the close encounter between Japanese and Chinese airplanes and then we’re having these particular drones by the US – two of them - being deployed to Japan.

Overall, I’d like to come with this question to you – There are critics inside some of these countries like Japan, Vietnam and Philippines that are saying this increased military backing by the US is drawing us into a confrontation with China that’s unwarranted and it’s more about the US versus China than these countries being endangered by China... Is that a possibility?

Dean: It is more than a possibility. Once again the US is using its allies as cannon fodder in their geo-political games.

In preparing for this story I was doing a little looking around and the first thing that struck me is this tremendous irony of the United States with her 700-plus military bases and Obama at his WestPoint speech basically said that the US was still going to be a world leader.

And what world leader means is that we are going to be everywhere that we want for reasons that we want and all options will be on the table and he clearly said that we would use the military to pursue our interests.

So... China is obviously no military threat whatsoever. They do not have any bases; they do not have any logistics to project their military power so what the US administration is doing here is baiting China to look like a military threat because they are probing them now into areas that are critical to China, which is the South Sea and US military getting closer to their borders, which are their supply lies.

And they knew China would respond to this and then what they are saying is, ‘Look, see we told you, China is a threat.’

So the whole thing is just a show and just an excuse for the US military like he did today and said well we are going to have to expand our military presence.

Press TV: What is the bottom line when it comes to this US pivot to South East Asia? What does the US want to do in China’s backyard in terms of getting China involved, which some say the worse-case scenario would be some type of military confrontation.

Is the US looking for that or is it trying to do that through its allies?

Dean: It is really a threat... the big issue behind all of this is China setting up its own reserve currency with Russia, which is a threat to the US dollar supremacy.

That is what is behind all of this and also having their own trading system, which is going to eliminate the weapon that the US has terribly made a huge mistake on is with the sanctions.

It really sped up the whole process of everybody realizing we have to have another reserve currency – we are not going to kill the dollar – but we want to be able to continue business if the US and the West tries to sanction us.

So really this military shadow boxing is just a threat that if you proceed in this direction we are going to make problems for you here.

And they do not care whether South Vietnam or the Philippines get drawn into this and they do not have money to be spending on military. They just do not care.

PressTV - US tries to force China to keep US reserve currency: Analyst
All in all world politics became a strategic game (Machiavelic from the USrael side against Sun Tzu's Art of War on the other side) played in the open.
The least to say is that it is a challenge, and time will show which strategy is best.
I'll go with the Sun Tzu's one.

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