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US touts largest ever seizure of Iranian oil and weapons


Mar 19, 2019
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United States

(April 15, 2020) Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps navy vessels conducted unsafe and unprofessional actions against US ships by crossing the ships' bows and sterns at close range while operating in international waters of the North Arabian Gulf. The expeditionary mobile sea base USS Lewis B. Puller (ESB 3) is conducting joint interoperability operations in support of maritime security in the US 5th Fleet area of operations.

Washington (CNN)The US announced Thursday that it has sold petroleum from its largest-ever seizure of Iranian fuel for more than $40 million and will direct most of the proceeds to a fund for the victims of state-sponsored terrorism.

Officials from the State Department and Department of Justice also said that the US had conducted its largest ever seizure of Iranian weapons in late 2019 and early 2020.
"These actions represent the government's largest-ever civil seizures of fuel and weapons from Iran," said John Demers, the assistant attorney general for national security. "Iran continues to be a leading state sponsor of terrorism and a worldwide destabilizing force."
The news of the seizures and sale came shortly after the US Treasury Department unveiled sanctions on eight entities based in Iran, China and Singapore for selling and purchasing Iranian petrochemical products.
The entities worked with Triliance Petrochemical Co. Ltd., a Hong Kong-based broker with branches in Iran, which has already been sanctioned by the US government.
'Uncoupled from politics'
These sanctions are the latest moves in the Trump administration's "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran and the most recent in a flurry of anti-Iran steps in the weeks leading up to Election Day. The US has announced economic, banking and energy sanctions against Tehran since late September, all with the goal of strangling Iranian government revenues and, analysts say, making it harder for a potential Joe Biden administration to reverse course.
Officials said Thursday that they were making the fuel and weapons announcements because the US District Court for the District of Columbia had just unsealed the orders allowing for the sale and seizure. The news is "uncoupled from politics," said Michael Sherwin, acting US attorney for the District of Columbia.
The weapons, which included 171 guided anti-tank missiles, eight surface-to-air missiles, land attack cruise missile components, anti-ship cruise missile components and thermal weapons, were seized in November 2019 and February 2020 when the US Navy Central Command intercepted two flagless vessels in the Arabian Sea.
Victims' fund
Officials said an analysis revealed that the arms were from the elite Quds Force arm of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps and bound for militant groups in Yemen. On August 20, the Justice Department's National Security Division and the US Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia filed a complaint in US District Court seeking to forfeit the seized weapons
US officials did not say who bought the seized oil.
The 1.1 million barrels of refined petroleum were seized from four foreign-flagged vessels bound for Venezuela. After being presented with an August seizure order from the DC District Court, the ships' owner transferred the petroleum to the US. Sherwin said the US estimates "that in excess of $40 million will be recouped by the United States" from the sale and "the great majority" of those monies will go to the victims' fund.
Demers said that "it is therefore with great satisfaction that I can announce that our intentions are to take the funds successfully forfeited from the fuel sales and provide them to the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund after the conclusion of the case."
Elliott Abrams, the State Department's special representative for Iran and Venezuela, estimated that since May 2018, the US has managed to reduce Iranian oil exports from more than 2.5 million barrels a day "to really a small fraction of that." Abrams estimated that meant Iran has been deprived of "some $70 billion that it could have used for its nefarious agenda and its foreign misadventures."
Note that the oil products - in contrast to the impression that the US government tried to convey in its blustering statement - were not actual Iranian since they had already been sold to various trade companies, in fact it is not even clear whether they were destined for Venezuela at all:

The British-based companies Madanipour, Mobin Holding Limited and Oman Fuel Trading Ltd were also blacklisted.

Mobin International and Oman Fuel have said they were the owners of the cargo aboard several tankers confiscated by U.S. authorities in August.

The U.S. Justice Department said the cargo was destined for Venezuela, whose oil industry is also under U.S. sanctions, but the companies denied in court filings that Venezuela was the destination.

Note that the oil products - in contrast to the impression that the US government tried to convey in its blustering statement - were not actual Iranian since they had already been sold to various trade companies, in fact it is not even clear whether they were destined for Venezuela at all:

US doesn't need facts when they can just make stuff up because they know people are stupid enough to believe it.

Read what it is you are using as an argument:

Officials from the State Department and Department of Justice also said that the US had conducted its largest ever seizure of Iranian weapons in late 2019 and early 2020.

Recycling or unveiling almost one or two year old "news" = sign of desperation.

Besides, no details, no specifics provided whatsoever. Not only lame, but implying that it could be misinformation for all we know or word play.

Finally, what "oil seized from Iran" are some people talking about? Never was such a thing reported in the past, including in the periods cited by the articles (late 2019 and early 2020).

What seems to have actually happened is that the US regime bought back one or two oil shipments from private traders who had already paid Iran for that oil, as user Menschmaschine explained above. Which hardly makes any difference to Iran.

We are yet to see the US regime dare to seize an Iranian oil tanker, or unpaid for shipments of Iranian oil.
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Why does this thread exist? I thought it was a brand new incident rather than a rehashing of recent events that were covered more extensively elsewhere in this forum. I invite Farsi speakers to watch Omid Dana's coverage of the story about the 4 tankers of fuel.
Well first of all it sea piracy and theft would do these kind of things .. though being cocky about stealing and sea piracy from a country that its secretary of state said gloated about "we lied stole and cheated" is not shocking ..

Beside Iran has already been paid in fact neither the ships nor their owners were Iranian so your respectful leaders (bandits) stole someone else oil not ours ..:usflag: last time they tried to bribe the captain of a tanker to change the course of the tanker so lame pirates could do their job this happened:

That's why they go for ships that are not connected to Iran anymore ... pity thefts .. :undecided:
Beside Iran has already been paid in fact neither the ships nor their owners were Iranian so your respectful leaders (bandits) stole someone else

I get that but will the buyer risk losing money again - buying and paying knowing the chances are it won't be delivered?

@SalarHaqq I wanted to get your thoughts on this as well :)

Look... heart on my sleeve (meaning I'm being honest), I might lash out in anger from time to time due what America stupidly decides to do but I'm not personally in favor of a war erupting between The United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Fault lies on both sides (obviously) so I won't just bash America endlessly like a child, I'm old enough to realize that there are important nuances regarding relations between countries that can't be ignored all in the name of patriotism... there's always grey area wherever 'morality' is concerned, so arguing semantics on that point wont really get anyone anywhere (in my opinion).

If true diplomacy was an avenue that could be explored, then it should be the course of action both nations undertake in order to de-escalate the highly tense geopolitical showdown unfolding: it was during Obama's era and it ended in resounding success for international diplomacy. But Trump's Zionist/Neo-con administration is not allowing this sort of rapport to flourish. They knowingly torpedoed a working diplomatic accord for Israel's sake, and ISRAEL'S sake alone... Israel knew Iran was breathing lighter without those America/U.N. sanctions in place and knew that, eventually, America and Iran's relationship would come out of the cold and start to become more "normal" but they couldn't have that. So, with their hands so far up Trump's rear, they got Trump to destroy the deal, help them sabotage Natanz, reinstate the sanctions, seize (through proxies: U.K.) Iranian oil/Tankers, unjustly murder a highly revered military/political figure which almost plunged both nation into open-ended conflict and currently continues ratchet up the tensions in some vain hope Iran will just up and 'buckle' under all the pressure. If it were only so easy....

Him and his cohort of Israeli-loving bullies and PERSIAN Gulf-Arab panhandlers woefully decided to take the path of war just when Iranian-American relations were getting OBJECTIVELY better. This sort of reprehensibly reckless behavior from the self-proclaimed "leader of the free-world" is nothing short of terrifying and if allowed to continue, will lead to the deaths/suffers of millions more innocents who largely had nothing to do with it in the first-place. Iran is not an easy nation to beat down into submission (as America has learned the hard way thus far). What will we tell our kids when another war breaks out, this time with America taking heavy-losses well into tens-of-thousands? Are we gonna say that America and Iran went to war because our country couldn't stick to an international diplomatic accord? At some point we need to just say that America is the problem and not the other side...

Americans are the masters of ignoring the art of introspection (looking at oneself). Instead we are very good at projecting our American-centric world-view of "might makes right" and millions upon million of souls have perished because of it...

When does it end? Why can't it be another way?
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When does it end? Why can't it be another way?

It is very simple:
1. Zionist Jews want to destroy every country in the region that is not under the control of the US and therefore Israel.
2. The most important country in this category and therefore the foremost object of their hate is Iran.
3. While it is politically correct to point out that not every Jew is a Zionist at least for Israel and the USA, which is what counts, the difference is negligible - 93% of US Jews support Israel.
4. Jews have because of ethnic nepotism a much larger influence on US politics than their numbers would suggest. For instance, they are by far the largest donors both to the Republican and Democrat party

There are only 4 scenarios that this standoff can end:
1. Iran gets destroyed as a functioning country like Iraq or Libya.
2. A compliant US-Zionist vassal regime comes to power in Iran. Note that even in this case option 1 is still very much a possibility, Zionists don't forget past insubordinateness even after you have bowed the knee - see Libya.
3. The USA undergoes a massive systemic upheaval, which puts an end to larger scale imperial ambitions. Given the massive economic imbalances created by the Dollar system, it is not implausible that something like this happens in the foreseeable future.
4. Israel gets destroyed. This can happen after 3 or if removal of US vassal regimes in enough Arab states succeeds
I get that but will the buyer risk losing money again - buying and paying knowing the chances are it won't be delivered?
buyer opted to relieve the oil in kharg instead of Caracas , when we opted to receive oil in Caracas they received it.
now the question does anybody again trust the company that those ships belong to ? now that they knew they may steal the cargo and hand over it to third party .
and also the captain and crew of those ships and the company that it belong to can be sought after in many courts outside usa
Owners of oil tankers seized by US deny they were destined for Venezuela

Mobin International, Oman Fuel and Sohar Fuel claim in lawsuit that 1.2 million barrel oil shipment seized last month was headed for Trinidad, not Caracas


Iranian-flagged oil tanker Fortune docked at El Palito refinery after its arrival in Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, on 25 May (AFP/File photo)

The owners of four oil tankers confiscated by the US last month have filed a lawsuit against the seizure, claiming that their cargo was not travelling to Venezuela, a state sanctioned by the US.

Washington seized more than 1.2 million barrels of alleged Iranian petroleum in mid-August, accusing the tankers carrying the load of heading to crisis-wracked Venezuela, as it stepped up its maximum pressure campaign against the two heavily sanctioned countries.

In the suit, which was filed by three Gulf companies in a Washington, DC, district court on Tuesday, the owners of the tankers said they had lost business because of the seizure and insisted that the cargo was not headed to Caracas.

UAE-based Mobin International, owned by Samika Kohli, asserted it was the owner of the cargo aboard the Bella and Bering tankers. Oman Fuel, registered in the UK and owned by Mahmoud Madanipour, claimed the cargo on the Pandi and Luna, while Oman-registered Sohar Fuel claimed part of the Luna cargo.
The US has previously accused Iranian oil trader Madanipour, who allegedly has links to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), of masterminding the alleged Venezuela oil shipments by using offshore front companies and ship-to-ship transfers to get around sanctions on Iran.

US seizes four Iranian tankers carrying one million barrels of fuel to Venezuela
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Last week the US Justice Department announced that it had seized the websites of all three companies, calling them "front companies" for the IRGC, which is designated as a foreign terrorist organisation in the US.

The seized oil is reportedly valued at around $40m. At the time of confiscation, the Justice Department said it was the "largest-ever seizure of fuel shipments from Iran".

In Tuesday's filing, the companies said the cargoes, sold to UAE-based Citi Energy FZC, were headed to Trinidad, adding that they had agreed on payment on delivery, which meant that they did not get paid for the shipments.

"At the time they were seized, the Defendant Properties were destined for Trinidad for sale to customers in Peru and Colombia," the companies wrote in the filing.

"Claimants Mobin, Oman Fuel, and Sohar Fuel retain a financial stake in those agreements and have immediate right to title, possession, and control of the Defendant Properties," the companies added.

At the time of the seizure, Hojad Soltani, Iran's ambassador to Venezuela, called US President Donald Trump a "terrorist" and denied the tankers were Iranian, saying the US reports were "yet another lie and psychological warfare".

"The ships are not Iranian, and neither the owner nor its flag has anything to do with Iran," Soltani said on Twitter.

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