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US to rely on India if Afghan supply route is not opened: official

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I simply cant read long posts by you. Either you tell the gist of what you have copy pasted or Ignore my comments.

Well a complicated matter can not be reduced to something simple that you can understand. Leave it and dont enter the conversation. Dont assert out of lack of knowledge
The only thing I can think of is that it is a message to the Pakistani government, perhaps a bit of scare mongering.

I said exactly this one page 1 of this thread.. :)

I think they are just using the name India to give jitters to Pakistani Army establishment. They know that the threat of using India option will make Pakistani politicians jump thru their hoops

Well a complicated matter can not be reduced to something simple that you can understand. Leave it and dont enter the conversation. Dont assert out of lack of knowledge

Always remember that complicated are problems, not solutions.. If what you are saying is so complicated that it needs walls and walls of text, then either you yourself are not clear what you want to say, or what you say is part of the problem and not analysis/solution..
Agree with you - The USA are showing "an act of desperation" - I also believe the Indian government are not as naive as perhaps one or two on here and realize the "chest thumping excercise" this is as far as the USA are concerned. Do they think we were born yesterday?

The Indian gov. has made no comment, obviously, since this is an internal US discussion, but everyone knows this is idle talk.

Still works when they wield the economic sanction card...not everyone but most...Americans might be fishing... for reaction from Pak.

The economic blackmail card has always been there, but this talk of "if you don't help us, then India will" is childish. Especially when any child with an atlas can see how silly it is.

I said exactly this one page 1 of this thread.. :)

Ah, ok.
There are obvious limitation to what supply part India can play, but OTOH holding a landlocked country hostage is going to make pakistan very popular.

In short, India must do everything in its power to secure afghanistan's stability. Whats important is that the afghanis don't mistrust india's intentions as our goals are the same. Thats what matters as only afghans should decide, not some half witted illiterate terrorist.

This article and any other american suggestions are a problem for usa and pakistan. this does not concern india, despite the distasteful india obsession of some.
The economic blackmail card has always been there, but this talk of "if you don't help us, then India will" is childish. Especially when any child with an atlas can see how silly it is.

I agree that India has no role in the supply to afghanistan. However my 5 years in the US dont allow me to believe that a US general would make such a weak threat where a child with an atlas can call that bluff.. Am sure there is something in there that none of us is able to see
Pakistan has been supplying free petrol to Afghanistan.. Indians would never do that for a single day.

Pakistan has been using its own resources to build the roads for Afghan transit, Indians would call it fooly.

Pakistan has been appointing army for the security of Afghan transit (mainly Indian goods) Indian army would prefer to burn such shipment.

In short,,, Iran or Indians cannot equate Pakistan's gesture... Americans are habitual to free ride and they would prefer to have their transit via Pakistan rather Indians.
Well a complicated matter can not be reduced to something simple that you can understand. Leave it and dont enter the conversation. Dont assert out of lack of knowledge

It is so complicated that members have wasted 14 pages to unlock the hidden pathway between India and Afghanistan. Is it my lack of knowledge that there is no way to Astan from India? :lol:
How is this comment a response to what I posted?

My dad makes about Rs 80 lakhs per annum but I still see him negotiating a purchase worth Rs 50,000 and see him happy if he is able to save Rs 5,000 on that. If he didnt save that, would it break him.. Not at all.. But he still tries to save that dough, because Rs 5000 saved is an excellent dine out for 4 on a Friday evening. Same applies here..

You also posted this ie the suggestion being that America could afford the extra money and did not need the routes but was only doing it to save money like your dad would
I agree that India has no role in the supply to afghanistan. However my 5 years in the US dont allow me to believe that a US general would make such a weak threat where a child with an atlas can call that bluff.. Am sure there is something in there that none of us is able to see

The guessing game may be moot anyway, since the Pakistani parliament is making noises about resuming supplies. Nothing to do but wait and see...
It is so complicated that members have wasted 14 pages to unlock the hidden pathway between India and Afghanistan. Is it my lack of knowledge that there is no way to Astan from India? :lol:

You talk of 15 pages!! there are thousands of Indian claims on this forum that they can avoid Pakistan by going under water, going via Iran and even under ground.
You also posted this ie the suggestion being that America could afford the extra money and did not need the routes but was only doing it to save money like your dad would

It needs the routes, like Northern route etc which are more expensive. USA can afford to spend that money, but if a little talk and a little blackmail can help them save that money by making Pakistan do their bidding on this front, like it has been doing for last 10 years, all the better..
well I posted this on page one lol

Yes but he has spent 5 years in the USA - this enables him to know the view of the American mindset yaar - he knows the USA in an incerdible way due to this 5 years in their land....:azn:
I think Indians (just a few on here) feel almost honored that their name is even mentioned by the USA.
It needs the routes, like Northern route etc which are more expensive. USA can afford to spend that money, but if a little talk and a little blackmail can help them save that money by making Pakistan do their bidding on this front, like it has been doing for last 10 years, all the better..

Mate its not just about transit routes. Its about America's vision for our neighbourhood. The artilces I put clearly show that Iran Pakistan China Russia and all the other neighbourhood countries do not want this. The only one that may be interested is India
Yes but he has spent 5 years in the USA - this enables him to know the view of the American mindset yaar - he knows the USA in an incerdible way due to this 5 years in their land....:azn:
I think Indians (just a few on here) feel almost honored that their name is even mentioned by the USA.

Are you referring to me here sir? 5 years in that land has certainly made me believe that Americans (specially the ones in critical positions), dont lose talk like people from our neck of woods.. Rest of your post is cr@p and hence does not merit a response..
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