friendship...amerikka doesn't know the term, but that is okay because there are other countries that don't know friendship either (e.g., those yindoos) and because nobody wants to be friends with anglosaxons. nor is it a problem for anglosaxsons who, albeit friendless, nevertheless breed for themselves tons of minions and servants (e.g., yindoos)
anglosaxons' friendless ways only escalate to the point of being an existential threat to the rest of the world because without the negation of anglosaxons' military power and diplomacy, friendship among any other nations also becomes impossible.
it is in the shadow of anglosaxon hegemony, both diplomatico-military and ideologico-conceptual, that other races have lost the basic ability to make friends and enemies: for amerikkans either impose themselves as enemies to some (russia, china, pakistan, iran) or pick the enemies for other countries (yindoos, czechs, poles, nipponzi, debazi, bonzi) the latter have lost the basic political dignity of choosing and making enemies for themselves! nor does amerikka even bother to appear to be friends to those countries whose decision on the enemy it preempted: they are only its minions, servants, slaves, running dogs. in a world where not only must relations between amerikka and another country be set in the formers terms but all relations between all countries, even two neighbors like iran and pakistan which are tens of thousands of miles from the nearest amerikkan possessions, must be set in amerikkas terms, its continuing sway over the globe deprives others of the elementary power of self-realization or even adequately and truthfully express their self-interest. its existence has denied the transparency of human heart and human feelings, those elementary passions of love and of hate, in every corner of this earth.
anglosaxon power must be destroyed, therefore: but not for such hackneyed, anglosaxon slogan of universal peace, which only serves a zionist, amerikkan globalist agenda, but for the sake of the very possibility of friendship between peoples and nations.