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‘US to collapse in July 2010’

‘US to collapse in July 2010’


Ohh boys lets get back to some INDIA bashing, please leave USA alone.:hitwall::taz:

I would really appreciate the author of this article to give up his job, apply for a work permit in USA and start doing Stand-up comedy here.

I think he will be a huge hit as we have a lot of asian population here.:chilli::usflag:

Ohh boys lets get back to some INDIA bashing, please leave USA alone.:hitwall::taz:

I would really appreciate the author of this article to give up his job, apply for a work permit in USA and start doing Stand-up comedy here.

I think he will be a huge hit as we have a lot of asian population here.:chilli::usflag:

American think tanks have been predicting Pakistan future since 2000. Now that some one else has predicted US future it seems you can not digest it. Learn to live in a world where people differ from your opinion.
China and India has shown growth during US recession :coffee:

that's not true as evidenced by the millions of out of work laborers who moved back to the country side. China's exports are down by as much as 70% in some areas.
How gullible WILL people get? Wait...Do not bother to answer this rhetorical question. Better yet...Ask on if this Russian predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union or did he believe Krushchev when he pounded his shoe and prediected that 'we will bury you'.
Oh man you need something to Improve your knowledge.... Here is A link for you..

India's GDP rises 6.1% in first quarter - India Business - Business - NEWS - The Times of India

the Times of India ranks up there with the New York times in terms of believability. They are known for slanting stories. I look at the direct effects that can be seen. that is why i pointed out the millions of people who lost their jobs in China. They lost their jobs becuase of the falling exports. Which also has a domino effect of less domestic spending. China's economic woes don't seem to be letting up as well.

Unemployment forces Chinese migrants back to the countryside | World news | The Guardian\

China's economic woes could hit global markets- LATEST NEWS-The Economic Times

Asian economic woe grows as China slows and Japanese exports plunge - Telegraph

India has economic woes as well. though to India's credit. The plan to sell some state owned businesses is a step in the right direction.


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0nly prediction which milllions and billions of ppl wish 2 complete. oH man i m watching CiVIL WAR in USA.
0nly prediction which milllions and billions of ppl wish 2 complete. oH man i m watching CiVIL WAR in USA.

you make no sense. Please explain your definition of civil war. Because so far I do not see one in the U.S.
Hey did i miss something ? Joke of the century i guess.

I would wish for Pentagon collapse but not US.
jeypore There is difference between debt (11 trillion)and budget deficit

Deficit is the difference of money have and money needed for annual budget, which is for USA right now 1.5 trillion

Jeypore is pointing out at the debt structure! irrespective of its value.
US will always have the money to meet its neccesities!
In simple words US is the authority to print $US!
Who is forcing US to pay its debts? even if some bank ask for it US can go to central bank and borrow some from there... state bank of US belongs to US.
In reality, it is people like you and me who pay for US debts much to our ignorance.
Why do you think countries out of US influence are diversifying there forex reserves?
If US collapse than Pakistan will be among many countries to collapse with it simply because our own currency what ever value it has is in reference to $US.

US can only collapse if suddenly large number of countries decided to change the currency of their forex reserves and strike peace accords with their neighbors or world wide interstate conflicts die out.
On top of that we stop using petrol...

THIS WILL BE SUDDEN DEATH FOR US ECONOMY. but this is not going to happen at least in next 1 year ;)

Have you ever noticed that US have allocated far less budget on alternative energy development than many other areas...... now its getting complicated and lengthy and i stop here.

Just a last hint.. there are far more US citizens dying with sickness than terrorism and US can save more American lives by investing few million more on health sector and can become more technologically advance by investing little more on education sector and may not need foreign skilled labor... BUT in reality US spend perhaps 1000 times more on war as compare to health and education sector!
WHY.. simple ecnomics....war is a earning source and is infect financing the health, education, development etc. etc. etc.
More you invest on war more you earn! HOW... by indebting the war ridden states.... and forcing them in to petrol driven economies!
I'm not making any thing of my own... go check the statistics of IMF and World bank etc..more war means more loans being lend out to involved states... more defese deals and cirrency of respective states getting diluted hence US debts being passed out smoothly and slowly.

Now if US collapse... more than half of the world collapse. incl. Pakistan.
What is most amazing is Pakistan is the only country in the world which take loans on highest markups and with conditions where IMF have powers of king BUT no media is ever allowed to term it loan!
AID ...AID...AID.... fool the democracy lovers by the name of AID because they are tested fools or perhaps more corrupt than any other human on this planet.
Sorry i got carried away... perhaps black water is in Pakistan to quite those who knows too much, we should be careful in discussing hidden statistics.
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‘US to collapse in July 2010’
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

MOSCOW: You think of the United States as the world’s leading superpower? Well think again, says Igor Panarin, a professor at the Russian foreign ministry’s diplomatic academy.

For Panarin, who has built an academic reputation in Russia for apocalyptic predictions of the imminent US demise, Moscow’s ex-Cold War rival is on the brink of economic, political and social cataclysm.

“The probability that the United States will cease to exist in July 2010 is greater than 50 percent,” he declared at a news conference on Monday. “The results of the current financial year will shock investors.”

Panarin did not share the hopes of US President Barack Obama’s supporters that he would lead the world into a new era of change.

“Obama has the mentality of a social worker: He talks well but he has never managed anything. He will lead the United States towards a crash,” said the academic.

For Panarin, the United States was on the verge of none other than a “psychological catastrophe”.And the reasons? It all started with Hurricane Katrina. The United States is overwhelmed by single parent families. Its prisons are full. Young people are violent. And oh yes, it has too many homosexuals.

He compared the current situation of the United States under Obama to that of the Soviet Union under its last leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

“The US debt has multiplied seven times in 11 years. Under Gorbachev the Soviet debt increased by a factor of five.”

Vladimir Mamontov, the editor-in-chief of the pro-Kremlin newspaper Izvestia where the news conference was held, moved to distance himself from the remarks. He publishes Panarin’s opinions since “irreverent versions of events help readers to surf through all the more montonous information.”

Feodor Lukyanov, editor of the journal Russia in global politics and one of the country’s top foreign policy experts, said such forecasts were of no value for specialists. “People with an artistic spirit have a rich imagination,” he commented.

While Panarin’s views are highly marginal, there are plenty of more mainstream pro-Kremlin analysts in Moscow happy to point out the weaknesses of the United States and the strengths of Russia as a great post-Soviet power.

‘US to collapse in July 2010’

USA is still far ahead than the rest of the world.

When the oil is finished, USA will make all it's cars run on Solar power, or other stuff!

If only the world ran on predictions and prophecies!!!!

In 1984 anti-Sikh riots broke out in Delhi and UP after the assasination of Indira Gandhi. How many of these "visionary" scholars could have predicted that 10 years down the line India would still stand united as one while the mighty Soviet Empire would become history?
Jeypore is pointing out at the debt structure! irrespective of its value.
US will always have the money to meet its neccesities!
In simple words US is the authority to print $US!
Who is forcing US to pay its debts? even if some bank ask for it US can go to central bank and borrow some from there... state bank of US belongs to US.
In reality, it is people like you and me who pay for US debts much to our ignorance.
Why do you think countries out of US influence are diversifying there forex reserves?
If US collapse than Pakistan will be among many countries to collapse with it simply because our own currency what ever value it has is in reference to $US.

US can only collapse if suddenly large number of countries decided to change the currency of their forex reserves and strike peace accords with their neighbors or world wide interstate conflicts die out.
On top of that we stop using petrol...

THIS WILL BE SUDDEN DEATH FOR US ECONOMY. but this is not going to happen at least in next 1 year ;)

Have you ever noticed that US have allocated far less budget on alternative energy development than many other areas...... now its getting complicated and lengthy and i stop here.

Just a last hint.. there are far more US citizens dying with sickness than terrorism and US can save more American lives by investing few million more on health sector and can become more technologically advance by investing little more on education sector and may not need foreign skilled labor... BUT in reality US spend perhaps 1000 times more on war as compare to health and education sector!
WHY.. simple ecnomics....war is a earning source and is infect financing the health, education, development etc. etc. etc.
More you invest on war more you earn! HOW... by indebting the war ridden states.... and forcing them in to petrol driven economies!
I'm not making any thing of my own... go check the statistics of IMF and World bank etc..more war means more loans being lend out to involved states... more defese deals and cirrency of respective states getting diluted hence US debts being passed out smoothly and slowly.

Now if US collapse... more than half of the world collapse. incl. Pakistan.
What is most amazing is Pakistan is the only country in the world which take loans on highest markups and with conditions where IMF have powers of king BUT no media is ever allowed to term it loan!
AID ...AID...AID.... fool the democracy lovers by the name of AID because they are tested fools or perhaps more corrupt than any other human on this planet.
Sorry i got carried away... perhaps black water is in Pakistan to quite those who knows too much, we should be careful in discussing hidden statistics.

US Dollar is going down (over printing) as compared to other currency ever heard of devaluation , The main reason of Oil going up is that US Oil reserve going low and weak US $

Hey I can buy a US buck for one Canadian Buck, few years ago I need two Canadian bucks to buy one US Buck

So Why not print money and save California from being bankrupt.

Yes not with in one year but with in ten years US might be economically weak

China has two trillion US bonds and you have to pay interest on bonds.

and Jeypore was confusing Deficit with National debt (what ever the value be both are different things)
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