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US threatens 'overwhelming' response if South Korea attacked


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US threatens 'overwhelming' response if South Korea attacked
Published time: 19 Oct, 2016 20:48Edited time: 19 Oct, 2016 20:58
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High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) interceptor. © Ben Listerman / DoD / AFP

US commitment to South Korea is “unwavering” and any attacks will be met by an “overwhelming” response, top Washington officials said. They also threatened North Korea with reprisals if it used nuclear weapons.
Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Defense Ash Carter sent the message during their meeting with their South Korean counterparts, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se and Defense Minister Han Min-goo, in Washington on Wednesday.

“The US commitment to the defense of South Korea is unwavering,” said Carter. “This includes our commitment to provide extended deterrence, guaranteed by the full spectrum of US defense capabilities.”

Read more
US to deploy THAAD anti-missile systems in S. Korea ‘as soon as possible’
“Make no mistake, any attack on America or our allies will not only be defeated, but any use of nuclear weapons will be met with an overwhelming and effective response,” he added.

One of the items on the agenda is strengthening the “extended deterrence” provided to South Korea by the US nuclear forces. Conservative critics of the current government have called for South Korea to develop its own nuclear arsenal in response to North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile tests.

“There should be no question in anyone’s mind that the alliance with the Republic of South Korea will remain as it has been for decades, which is cornerstone of peace and security in the Asia-Pacific,” Kerry said at the press conference with his South Korean counterpart.

“I assured the Minister of our commitment, the Unites States’ commitment, to defend South Korea through a robust, combined defense posture and through extended deterrence, including the US nuclear umbrella, conventional strike and missile defense capabilities,” Kerry added.

The US was working with China and Russia to resolve the problem of North Korean atomic tests, the secretary of state said, according to TASS.

Citing the threat from North Korea, Washington has already decided to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile system in South Korea “as soon as possible.”

Earlier this month, the White House rejected a petition against the move, signed by more than 100,000 people, saying that the THAAD was a means to “improve the missile defense posture of the US-[South Korea] alliance” against “North Korea’s continued provocations and refusal to engage in serious negotiations on denuclearization.”

Seoul is anxious to see the system deployed by 2017, and has designated a golf course in Seongju as the location.
Hmm North Korea already sunk a South Korean warship, killing hundreds of naval personnel just a few years ago.

Just like the Philippines in 2012, the American "mutual defence treaty" isn't actually worth anything at all.

As for nukes, the North Koreans aren't going to just nuke South Korea, and then sit back and wait for retaliation. They have made it clear hundreds of times that the entire point of their nuclear arsenal is to wipe out America.

South Korea is just a distraction, the North believes that SK is their own territory, why would they nuke it and just sit back for the retaliation? It makes no sense.
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South Korea is just a distraction, the North believes that SK is their own territory, why would they nuke it and just sit back for the retaliation? It makes no sense.

Because thats what the military industrial complex + MSM say so for the sheeple to consume.
Hmm North Korea already sunk a South Korean warship, killing hundreds of naval personnel just a few years ago.

Just like the Philippines in 2012, the American "mutual defence treaty" isn't actually worth anything at all.

As for nukes, the North Koreans aren't going to just nuke South Korea, and then sit back and wait for retaliation. They have made it clear hundreds of times that the entire point of their nuclear arsenal is to wipe out America.

South Korea is just a distraction, the North believes that SK is their own territory, why would they nuke it and just sit back for the retaliation? It makes no sense.
More so if it has a lot of high tech and a lot of money:lol:
This is just to justify the THAAD deployment in SK, the same with the Patriot and very long range Radars in Turkey, apparently for Iran, while it is Russia that was targeted , the same here, it is China who is being targeted,,
Hmm North Korea already sunk a South Korean warship, killing hundreds of naval personnel just a few years ago.

Just like the Philippines in 2012, the American "mutual defence treaty" isn't actually worth anything at all.

As for nukes, the North Koreans aren't going to just nuke South Korea, and then sit back and wait for retaliation. They have made it clear hundreds of times that the entire point of their nuclear arsenal is to wipe out America.

South Korea is just a distraction, the North believes that SK is their own territory, why would they nuke it and just sit back for the retaliation? It makes no sense.

You misunderstood what was written, both the reprisal for nuclear weapons use and the commitment to backing South Korea in case of a North Korean invasion were seperate subjects. Nowhere was it mentioned about North Korea nuking South Korea.

Also decisions concerning the defense of South Korea are not made by the US alone, so your taunting about our MDT with them is moot. The US consults with South Korea to craft appropriate responses. You confuse, carefully crafted responses to non existentially threatening attacks with unwillingness to go to war in case of invasion, your method of diplomacy would be too blunt and idiotic and against the actual interests of both the US and Korea, which I know is what you want.

Meanwhile, enjoy the THAAD taking a peek on you thanks to your little vicious ally of North Korea, who your country seems to be unwilling or incapable of reigning in.

If you can't do anything about it, stop complaining about us taking appropriate responses.
You misunderstood what was written, both the reprisal for nuclear weapons use and the commitment to backing South Korea in case of a North Korean invasion were seperate subjects. Nowhere was it mentioned about North Korea nuking South Korea.

Also decisions concerning the defense of South Korea are not made by the US alone, so your taunting about our MDT with them is moot. The US consults with South Korea to craft appropriate responses. You confuse, carefully crafted responses to non existentially threatening attacks with unwillingness to go to war in case of invasion, your method of diplomacy would be too blunt and idiotic and against the actual interests of both the US and Korea, which I know is what you want.

Meanwhile, enjoy the THAAD taking a peek on you thanks to your little vicious ally of North Korea, who your country seems to be unwilling or incapable of reigning in.

If you can't do anything about it, stop complaining about us taking appropriate responses.
To be honest, Kim regime belligerence/paranoia is actually the best thing that could ever happen to the U.S, ONLY A VERY DUMB AND FOOLISH U.S president will ever attack/invade poor destitute hungry third world country like N.Korea. Since the Kim regime actually serves U.S interests in Asia perfectly. So if anything, the U.S should do everything it can(indirectly of course) to keep KIM regime and their paranoia in power for as long as possible.:agree:
Hmm North Korea already sunk a South Korean warship, killing hundreds of naval personnel just a few years ago.

Just like the Philippines in 2012, the American "mutual defence treaty" isn't actually worth anything at all.

As for nukes, the North Koreans aren't going to just nuke South Korea, and then sit back and wait for retaliation. They have made it clear hundreds of times that the entire point of their nuclear arsenal is to wipe out America.

South Korea is just a distraction, the North believes that SK is their own territory, why would they nuke it and just sit back for the retaliation? It makes no sense.

Your post would have value if not for the 1953 push to save S Korea from the Northern invasion.A ship is a ship,an attack on Southern sovereignity is a different game.
To be honest, Kim regime belligerence/paranoia is actually the best thing that could ever happen to the U.S, ONLY A VERY DUMB AND FOOLISH U.S president will ever attack/invade poor destitute hungry third world country like N.Korea. Since the Kim regime actually serves U.S interests in Asia perfectly. So if anything, the U.S should do everything it can(indirectly of course) to keep KIM regime and their paranoia in power for as long as possible.:agree:
indeed if its peacefull of there then south korea is not gonna buy our weapons.
You misunderstood what was written, both the reprisal for nuclear weapons use and the commitment to backing South Korea in case of a North Korean invasion were seperate subjects. Nowhere was it mentioned about North Korea nuking South Korea.

Also decisions concerning the defense of South Korea are not made by the US alone, so your taunting about our MDT with them is moot. The US consults with South Korea to craft appropriate responses. You confuse, carefully crafted responses to non existentially threatening attacks with unwillingness to go to war in case of invasion, your method of diplomacy would be too blunt and idiotic and against the actual interests of both the US and Korea, which I know is what you want.

Meanwhile, enjoy the THAAD taking a peek on you thanks to your little vicious ally of North Korea, who your country seems to be unwilling or incapable of reigning in.

If you can't do anything about it, stop complaining about us taking appropriate responses.

Firstly, yes we can't do anything about North Korea. They are insane.

Secondly, do you see me complaining? :lol:

I would just hate to see one of our largest trading partners (USA) get wiped out by Fat Kim's thermonukes. Like they threaten to do every few months. We earn hundreds of billions in trade surpluses from the USA every single year. Believe me, that matters more to us than anything to do with "Americans" or "North Koreans".

You misunderstood what was written, both the reprisal for nuclear weapons use and the commitment to backing South Korea in case of a North Korean invasion were seperate subjects. Nowhere was it mentioned about North Korea nuking South Korea.

As if North Korea is capable of beating South Korea in a "conventional" war. :rofl: Why do you think they are in the process of building thermonukes and ICBM's (1960's technology), do you think they need ICBM's to reach South Korea?

Their target was always the USA. North Korean propaganda pictures show American soldiers sawing North Korean babies in half, they hate you more than anything on Earth. Whereas they consider South Koreans to be their unruly family members, unruly but still family.
Firstly, yes we can't do anything about North Korea. They are insane.

Secondly, do you see me complaining? :lol:

I would just hate to see one of our largest trading partners (USA) get wiped out by Fat Kim's thermonukes. Like they threaten to do every few months. We earn hundreds of billions in trade surpluses from the USA every single year. Believe me, that matters more to us than anything to do with Americans or North Koreans.

If nukes start flying from N Korea towards the US,US nukes start flying towards China.This isn't a fair world.So,you won't be loosing a trade partner,you can calm down on this,you'd be loosing your country and your life.And all of this because China's inability to contain a 25 million rogue state on its borders.
If nukes start flying from N Korea towards the US,US nukes start flying towards China.This isn't a fair world.So,you won't be loosing a trade partner,you can calm down on this,you'd be loosing your country and your life.

Yeah that seems likely. :lol:

Everyone knows we can no longer control the Fat Kims. So it's either take the punishment from the Fat Kims, or involve China and make sure that the entire world goes down with you. Let me guess what the rich American politicians will choose, to take a few nukes and survive, or to get wiped out completely?

We have been ready since the last Korean War, for both eventualities. :P This is the same old Cold War, except this time one of the participants is clinically insane (Fat Kims).
Hmm North Korea already sunk a South Korean warship, killing hundreds of naval personnel just a few years ago.
Oh yea of little knowledge...

ROKS Cheonan (PCC-77) was a 1,200 ton Pohang-class corvette of the Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN), commissioned in 1989. On 26 March 2010, she broke in two and sank near the sea border with North Korea. An investigation conducted by an international team of experts from South Korea, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Sweden concluded that Cheonan was sunk by a torpedo launched by a North Korean Yeono-class miniature submarine. The ship had a crew of 104 men at the time of sinking, and a total of 58 crew were rescued and the other 46 crew remain unaccounted (presumed dead).:smart:

Just like the Philippines in 2012, the American "mutual defence treaty" isn't actually worth anything at all.
Are you seriously comparing Korea with a diplomatic spat over Scarborough shoal, where a Chinese maritime surveillance ship blocked the Phillippine navy in its attempt to detain Chinese fishermen on April 10 after they were spotted fishing in Phillippine waters? :wave:

As for nukes, the North Koreans aren't going to just nuke South Korea, and then sit back and wait for retaliation. They have made it clear hundreds of times that the entire point of their nuclear arsenal is to wipe out America.
The North Koreans have no landbased ballistic missiles that can reach the US. They have at best 3 SSBK, each with 2 missiles, and they have serious difficulties in getting their SSBNs to actually work (test launched from submerged test-barge, not from actual sub). I'ld like to see them try whipe out the US with that.:woot:

South Korea is just a distraction, the North believes that SK is their own territory, why would they nuke it and just sit back for the retaliation? It makes no sense.
Well, they've threatened also to rain conventionally armed rockets and missiles on SK and flatten much using massed artillery. Why would they do that, if it is the consider the south their own territory? That makes no sense either. :undecided:

Yeah that seems likely. :lol:

Everyone knows we can no longer control the Fat Kims. So it's either take the punishment from the Fat Kims, or involve China and make sure that the entire world goes down with you. Let me guess what the rich American politicians will choose, to take a few nukes and survive, or to get wiped out completely?

We have been ready since the last Korean War, for both eventualities. :P

No...you don't seem to know what this is really about...the moment they see IBM's flying without a notice,they launch against everything...Russia,China,even Europe.That's the policy..."IBM's towards you?.sink the planet".You were not very smart in not containing the Kim dinasty.
I hope Kim and his family just die off (elders in line). I feel sorry for the people of the North. Having been to the South, they are missing out on so much.

Why do Chinese keep rogue states like Pakistan and North Korea which have poor global reputation as allies ?

Stop bringing Pakistan into everything, good Lord you have an obsession. Pakistan is not a rouge state, and no one considers it as such. It is a democracy.
The North Koreans have no landbased ballistic missiles that can reach the US. They have at best 3 SSBK, each with 2 missiles, and they have serious difficulties in getting their SSBNs to actually work (launched from submerged test-barge, not from actualy sub)

They are going to get ICBM and thermonuclear technology eventually, after all it is only 1960's technology. They can already launch satellites which works on a similar principle.

No...you don't seem to know what this is really about...the moment they see IBM's flying without a notice,they launch against everything...Russia,China,even Europe.That's the policy..."IBM's towards you?.sink the planet".You were not very smart in not containing the Kim dinasty.

Aren't you listening? We CAN'T control the Fat Kims. :rofl:

Didn't you hear of the Fat Kim's Uncle who was supposed to be pro-China? Guess what happened to him? He was fed to the dogs.

No, this is America's own mess. Nothing can stop the Norks from developing 1960's technology like ICBM's and thermonukes if they want to do it. And they have already said numerous times their intention is to wipe the USA off the face of the Earth.

Which again, is something we DON'T want (can you read this time). Even if we earn $10 in trade surpluses from America every year, that $10 is more important to us than whether or not NK and the USA wipe each other out or not. Two jackals eating each other alive, how the Hell can we stop that. It's their own damn business.

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