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US Targets Peacemakers While Pakistan Battles American-Taliban


Jul 11, 2008
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27 Sep 2008

Is it really necessary that we let Bush and Cheney destroy another innocent country before they pretend to leave the stage after Nov. 4?

Does this Nation, which fancies itself as a great defender of freedom and democracy, intend to allow them do to our ally Pakistan what they have done to Iraq and Afghanistan? If we do not feel extreme shame for what is being done in our names there then perhaps it is true that we are something less than human, merely thinking cattle.

It sickens me to see the terror and slaughter being rained down upon the heads of our Brothers and Sisters, the Pakistani people. The hotel terror bombing is merely the latest and greatest act of violence, coming after Predator attacks, kidnappings and assassinations, all are just a portion of our gifts to the people of Pakistan. It is not a people-to-people kind of gift, but something that only a corrupt failing government would do. How can the American people restrain this runaway Leviathan? How do we get between this Beast and the Pakistani people?

In the Marriott terror-bombing, which immediately became known as “Pakistan’s 911” because of the unusual evidence which points to foreign sources, the people and government were given notice of their vulnerability to terrorism. In this suspicious bombing, as in all these Oklahoma City type bombings, the government almost immediately blames “al Qaida linked groups.” A new group, Fidaeen-e-Islam [translated as "Freedom Fighters of Islam" or "Guerillas of Islam"] also linked to A.Q., claimed responsibility.

This effectively ties this bombing, like the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, to the “official” US version of events. All attacks linked by association with al Qaida are immediately tied to their Pakistani patron, “public enemy number one,” Baitullah Mehsud.

Mehsud is the perpetual enemy denounced at every opportunity by US and Afghan officials, particularly when discussing reasons to invade Pakistan’s FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas). In reality, contrary to government charges, US forces never seem to target Baitullah Mehsud or his terrorist associates with their premier tool for targeted assassinations, the Predator terminator-drone.

Pakistan is now furiously engaging the US-linked terrorists of Baitullah Mehsud’s ally Maulana Fazlullah (“Radio Mullah”) in the Swat Valley region. The US is not participating in this fight to eliminate the enemies of the government and the people of Pakistan with its Predator terminator drones. The last known US incursion into the Swat battle zone was the disastrous attack upon the Gora Prai outpost on June 10, which killed 11 Pakistani troops. On that fateful day, the US drone was called-in to support troops that had allegedly been attacked by Mehsud’s forces. Other reports claim that the US forces tried to seize the Pakistani outpost, which is the high point overlooking the area and the main Kabul to Peshawar Highway, but were repelled. Were the militants using American air power to eliminate their Army opposition, or were the militants being used by the US as an excuse to set Pakistan up for the kill?

This fierce battle near the legendary Khyber Pass will determine the fate of US supply routes into Afghanistan. This is not the war or the location that the American side wants Pakistan to fight in. Until Pakistan turns its guns one-hundred fifty miles to the south, pointed at the heads of the local Taliban leaders who have been supporting Army peace efforts, signing treaties with the government, it won’t be in compliance with US demands.

The following information from the Christian Science Monitor on the most recent Predator attacks confirms the US focus on pro-government Pashtuns:

“‘All the militants that the Pakistani Army is fighting in FATA – how come America never targets them’ with missile strikes? Ikram Sehgal, editor of Defence Journal, asks. While the targets of the missiles fired from American drone aircraft are not confirmed, reports suggest that there is indeed a divergence between who America is targeting and who Pakistan would like them to target...Similarly, the US appears to be targeting Taliban leadership long ignored by Pakistan – something it ‘never did before,’ says Ahmed Rashid, author of ‘Taliban.’”

In a series of Predator attacks since early August, the targets have been the associates of pro-government “Taliban,” like Waziri leader Maulvi Nazir, or old jihadists Jalaluddin Haqqani and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar (who were formerly aligned with the US against the Soviets). The town of Wana in S. Waziristan is the epicenter of the recent Predator incursions into Pakistan, which have been targeting the local leaders who are friendly to the government. These are the guys who want peace, the ones who recently joined and raised a militia of 20,000 fighters, vowing to repel any invading forces, standing with the Army to defend Pakistan.

This is the problem – the US is waging war with the Pakistani government’s decision to negotiate peace. To that end, American Predators are terror-bombing the most reasonable locals, turning entire families towards the path of retribution. Local networks and agents of foreign intelligence services are attacking government forces and sowing terror among the civilian population, while attacking the Shiite minority trying to ignite a sectarian war.

This is the “tickling” referred to recently by CIA Director Michael Hayden, the means to prod the peaceful locals into taking-up arms and reacting violently. Every terrorist act and the way it is reported by the Western media is intended to provide the justification for a major escalation of military action.

Fifty-three people died when one of these dark players “tickled” the citizens of Islamabad by dumping an extremely powerful bomb into the Marriott hotel entrance. It has been reported that Pakistan’s new government had intended to break Ramadan that evening with a feast at the hotel, but changed locations after receiving a warning. If the object of the attack was to decapitate the government, then this attack with an extremely powerful, extremely sophisticated bomb was an act of war that probably required state support from one or more foreign governments.

A series of editorials in Pakistani newspapers are laying the blame for the hotel bombing and sponsorship of TTP (Tereek e-Taliban Pakistan) the “local Taliban” on the CIA and the Afghan, Indian and Israeli intelligence agencies.

“General Kayani Must Not Blink and Pakistan's Taliban Are CIA” Islamabad accuses US of backing terror against Pakistan Pakistan Daily

Indian RAW attacks Pakistan through proxy Mehsuds TTP RUPEE NEWS

“In repect of Pakistan Political Analysts and Intellectuals” Asian Tribune

Another Terrorist Attack in Pakistan by U.S and India Pakistan Daily

These revelations started surfacing when Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani confronted Washington about CIA sponsorship of the terrorist group, in response to US charges of ISI (Pakistani intelligence) complicity with the Taliban.

Peter Chamberlin
Repeat of the 80s bombing but this time more hands are in club against Pakistan.
These are some logical concerns and certainly they need to be answered. But again, we are talking about US. US forgot, we are not Americans that whatever you tell us, we will believe that blindly though we are having some FOX inspired channels like GEO here as well.
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