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US suspect possibly targeted for drone attack

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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US suspect possibly targeted for drone attack

February 10, 2014 - Updated 1811 PKT
From Web Edition

WASHINGTON: U.S. officials say the Obama administration is debating whether to kill by drone an American suspected of working with al-Qaida in planning attacks against Americans overseas and how to do so legally under its new, stricter targeting policy.

Four U.S. officials say the American suspected terrorist is in a country that prohibits U.S. military action on its soil.

President Barack Obama´s new policy says only the military, not the CIA, can kill American terror suspects overseas, creating a policy conundrum for the White House.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

The Justice Department is also required to show that killing an American citizen through military action is "legal and constitutional" because he is considered an enemy combatant.
US suspect possibly targeted for drone attack - thenews.com.pk
Killing a 16 year old American in a drone strike was legal, wasn't it?

American govt is a bigot. They make a huge deal about 'American citizens', while relentlessly killing Pakistani civilian non combatants, as if they are 'less human'.
Killing a 16 year old American in a drone strike was legal, wasn't it?

American govt is a bigot. They make a huge deal about 'American citizens', while relentlessly killing Pakistani civilian non combatants, as if they are 'less human'.

Every government is answerable to its own citizens, right?
Unless They preach Justice and democracy Globally(Ironically)...

Preaching is easy, anyone can do whatever they like to preach. But governments are answerable to their own citizens, first and foremost.

So the US can target civilians anywhere but it suddenly finds humanity when it has to target it own.....

There important thing here is the legal process and accountability to its own citizenry.
Preaching is easy, anyone can do whatever they like to preach. But governments are answerable to their own citizens, first and foremost.

Only if they mind their own Business and stop attacking other countries and thus responsible for Hundreds of thousands of Casualities of Innocents...
Only if they mind their own Business and stop attacking other countries and thus responsible for Hundreds of thousands of Casualities of Innocents...

That is the whole point my friend: Foreign policy is international, but the Constitution is domestic.
Where's the proof this American citizen is aiding activities against Americans and planning attacks against Americans? Is he an imminent threat? These psychotic killers tell us they have to kill people immediately and ironically no Americans are ever danger. These people have a scary lust for blood an keep victimizing themselves.
Killing a 16 year old American in a drone strike was legal, wasn't it?

American govt is a bigot. They make a huge deal about 'American citizens', while relentlessly killing Pakistani civilian non combatants, as if they are 'less human'.
Not 'less human' but about citizenship and laws. If you are of US or Pakistani or Chinese or French citizenship, the laws of the country travels with you. Your country is morally and legally obligated to put you under that umbrella, whether you are innocent of a crime or suspect of a crime or guilty of a crime. If a combatant is determined to wage combat against US, his country of citizenship will determine the extent of response by US laws. There is nothing unusual about this. All countries have this understanding of laws and citizenship in general.
Not 'less human' but about citizenship and laws. If you are of US or Pakistani or Chinese or French citizenship, the laws of the country travels with you. Your country is morally and legally obligated to put you under that umbrella, whether you are innocent of a crime or suspect of a crime or guilty of a crime. If a combatant is determined to wage combat against US, his country of citizenship will determine the extent of response by US laws. There is nothing unusual about this. All countries have this understanding of laws and citizenship in general.

I wanna know what 'combat' he's waging against the US and what qualifies as being the US? Is he attacking a city in our nation? Sending a ballistic missile? Launching an illegal air invasion?
I wanna know what 'combat' he's waging against the US and what qualifies as being the US? Is he attacking a city in our nation? Sending a ballistic missile? Launching an illegal air invasion?
Try asking the State and Defense depts.
Try asking the State and Defense depts.

Most of the time they aren't imminent threats nor is American in any danger. This is a joke, the world superpower has to go and kill individuals for no reason at all. They don't pose a single threat to our country, it's just the media and government blow it out of proportion. And all idiots do is take this information in their heads thinking they are safe since US drone program when in reality this has nothing to do with safety of our nation at home and there's much more worrying things out there which can get us killed. Such as recent weather across the nation, car accidents alone should be way more concerning.
Most of the time they aren't imminent threats nor is American in any danger. This is a joke, the world superpower has to go and kill individuals for no reason at all. They don't pose a single threat to our country, it's just the media and government blow it out of proportion. And all idiots do is take this information in their heads thinking they are safe since US drone program when in reality this has nothing to do with safety of our nation at home and there's much more worrying things out there which can get us killed. Such as recent weather across the nation, car accidents alone should be way more concerning.
The problem with the highlighted is that you do not understand the nature and tactics of terrorism, aka 'guerrilla warfare'.

The nature and inevitably intent of terrorism is not to drive the enemy out of somewhere, not to acquire territory, and ultimately not to defeat the enemy, although if any of those things occurred, it would be the proverbial gravy. But the intent of terrorism or guerrilla warfare is to inflict damages at one's own convenience, and if we are talking about convenience, then the time to commit a 'terrorist' act would have to be uncertain, which mean unscheduled, which means not constrained or driven by factors like weather, enemy movements, reserve troops availability, etc...etc...All the things that organized armies must deal with.

To combat terrorism or guerrilla fighters is to discard the 'imminent threat' criteria as a condition to authorize a strike or at least some kind of response such as apprehension, denial of resources, etc. Police forces the world over do this all the time. If they know of a plan to rob a bank one month from X day, they will not wait until the bank is in imminent danger before they strike at the would-be robbers.
The problem with the highlighted is that you do not understand the nature and tactics of terrorism, aka 'guerrilla warfare'.

The nature and inevitably intent of terrorism is not to drive the enemy out of somewhere, not to acquire territory, and ultimately not to defeat the enemy, although if any of those things occurred, it would be the proverbial gravy. But the intent of terrorism or guerrilla warfare is to inflict damages at one's own convenience, and if we are talking about convenience, then the time to commit a 'terrorist' act would have to be uncertain, which mean unscheduled, which means not constrained or driven by factors like weather, enemy movements, reserve troops availability, etc...etc...All the things that organized armies must deal with.

To combat terrorism or guerrilla fighters is to discard the 'imminent threat' criteria as a condition to authorize a strike or at least some kind of response such as apprehension, denial of resources, etc. Police forces the world over do this all the time. If they know of a plan to rob a bank one month from X day, they will not wait until the bank is in imminent danger before they strike at the would-be robbers.

That's not what I meant, what I'm saying is they may be minor threats to interest or assets overseas. Not to our actual nation and our covert activities alone are very suspicious, especially blackwater activities in Iraq. They wen on rampages murdering civilians left and right. Most of these terrorist are undercover western/Israeli forces. Even in our armed forces remember the video that leaked out? A scum terrorist pilot killed dozens of Iraqis and was laughing about it like its a video game than an American tank runs over a dead civilians girl. What the **** is that shit man? That's fucking evil.

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