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US strike group simulates war with Iran off Florida coast?


May 24, 2011
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US strike group simulates war with Iran off Florida coast? — RT

The American aircraft carrier USS Enterprise and its strike group are running naval drills off the US East coast ahead of deployment to the Persian Gulf. And the drill scenario seems to indicate potential conflict with Iran.

The map, referring to Florida shores as "The Treasure Coast," depicts nine countries, two of which – Garnet and North Garnet are identified as fundamentalist Islamic theocracies suspected of supporting terror groups.

The drill map also depicts a 56 km (35 miles) wide strait located some 320 km (200 miles) from the coast. The mock strait’s shape and width is identical to the Strait of Hormuz – the key oil shipping route, part of which is controlled by Iran.

Although US military officials deny the maneuvers are connected with escalated tensions around Iran saying strike group is "training for all the mission areas." However, Rear Adm. Dennis Fitzpatrick, commander of Strike Force Training Atlantic told The Navy Times: "there obviously is an emphasis on where we think the ship will go."

The 50-year-old aircraft carrier Enterprise, leading the naval exercise, is to join two other US strike groups in the Persian Gulf by March. This will be the final deployment for the oldest carrier in Washington's fleet.

Meanwhile, Tehran has also launched ground drills near the Strait of Hormuz, which is used to transmit nearly a third of global oil exports. The Iranian military says the drill is preparing for a military conflict.

Iran has threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz if the international community imposes economic sanctions. The US and EU, tightening their diplomatic rhetoric, accuse Iran of building nuclear weapons, though no proof has ever been presented for such claims. Tehran denies the charges, saying its nuclear program is strictly for civil use.
How can US strike without UN resolution?
soon we will see iranians super duper ultra highest tech not on photos but in action.good luck.
thats a naive question . since when have the US ever needed any ones permission?

Exactly. They just need to wait for Iran to close the Hormuz. Thats when its a go.
USS Enterprise , A Sitting Duck ?

'Engineering War on Iran: All Options on the Table?' — RT

Engineering War on Iran: All Options on the Table?

A Sitting Duck…...........

Israel is not happy with US foot-dragging on Iran.Even though the US sent 15000 troops to Kuwait; hi-tech military gear to the United Arab Emirates; reinforced the Fifth Fleet in Bahrain; dispatched aircraft carriers “USS Lincoln”, “USS Stennis”, “USS Vinson”, nuke subs and the helicopter carrier “USS Ponce” for immediate Persian Gulf duty. Plus: drones, bunker buster bombs, missiles, warships, fighters, bombers… That’s a lot of hi-tech military hardware in that region to “defend Israel”!

Strangely, however, one piece of equipment seems out of place: the “USS Enterprise”, America’s oldest (half-century) nuclear aircraft carrier: a rather obsolete, slow, clumsy old tub; a veritable museum piece, so old it’s due for decommissioning and break-up next year.What’s the “USS Enterprise” doing in the Persian Gulf??

Perhaps, inspired by Mr Adler’s “Option 3” – “let’s assassinate the president and blame it on Iran” – someone’s also planning to stage an attack on the Enterprise and blame it on Iran?A Casus Belli, indeed!!

For those of us who have so many, many questions about such seemingly False Flag attacks as September 11, 2001, it would be “déjà vu all over again.”

Remember: analogous to the “Enterprise”, the World Trade Centre was old, expensive to maintain, and due to have its tons and tons of now banned cancerous asbestos linings (installed in the 60’s) torn out and replaced at a cost of over one billion Dollars.I doubt Larry Silverstein, who acquired the WTC only six weeks earlier, took that too lightly.
It's normal to have these drills on a daily bases... calm down

2.1 Uncle Bilal V/s Uncle Sam

USA’s military muscle power is undoubted. But Iran has all the power to became a “Daveed” for this “Goliath” .Last time when Iran and USA messed with each other ,US Navy missile cruiser shot down a an Iranian aircraft killing 290 civilians including 66 children(year 1988).

An Iranian stamp depicting the tragedy

In the tragedy, India lost its 10 citizens also.

USA has quietly beefed up its military presence in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Kuwait now has around 15,000 troops, including two army brigades and a helicopter unit.

Saudi's F-15

What makes Iran strong is that, the government has got the support of the public, something Saddam in Iraq didn’t enjoy. Iran’s military is a little “muscle man” too. Iran’s navy consists of around 3 kilo-class submarines with the capacity to lay mines along with several midgets which can fire torpedoes. Iran may also field willing suicide attackers, who are happy to attain “martyrdom”.

What concerns USA the most is the asymmetric warfare that Iran is most likely to field.

The Hormuz Strait is covered with small islands that Iran may use to launch stealth strikes. Also Iran navy fields a large no. of fast attack crafts with the capability to fire heavy arms ,anti ship missiles etc. In 2002,US military conducted a $250 million exercise called the “Millennium Challenge”. The exercise was between U.S navy and a unnamed rogue state with lots of small boats and willing martyr brigades. The rogue state won , and the pentagon suddenly quietly called the exercise off.

Since then, USA is planning on how to counter these “swarm tactics”-attacks on high valued targets like aircraft carriers by a lot of cheap(comparatively) fast attack crafts, anti ship missiles, mines and suicide brigades all at once.

Iranian fast attack craft firing a anti-ship missile

One result of the studies conducted by USA is the “Littoral Combat Ship” or the LCS, which is sleek, small and agile (or in fact, a more fancy name for a fast attack craft). Also, the US Navy has trained dolphins to detect and disengage mines.

Also when a band of Somalian pirates attacked USS Nicholas it to be a merchant vessel, the pirates fired 5 RPG (rocket propelled grenades) on the ship. Four of the RPGs were shot down by the CIWS (Close In Weapon System-a quick firing gun to shoot down incoming missiles) of the ship,the last RPG hit the ship in its hull. If 4 Somalian pirates can score a hit on US Navy frigate with their rubber boat and RPGs, what will trained Iranian Sailors will be able to do?

Pirates who attacked the US Navy Frigate

USA may effectively defeat Iran by carrying out precision strikes and a land based invasion. Iran’s top brass is aware that, the US penetration into their land in the event of a war is inevitable. So their strategy is to take the war into their enemy’s land also. It is something that USA hasn’t experienced before. Iran will do this ,as per Adam Lowther of U.S Airforce’s Air University, ”Iran’s Ministry Of Intelligence and national Security (MOIS) will carry out acts of espionage ,assassinations and other kinetic attacks on civilian and military targets in the USA”.

Iran’s idiom here is “if we drown, we’ll drown everyone with us”
Acetophenol , thanks for your well post . From "Millennium Challenge " exercise Iran learned a lot & know a potential weakness of US . But against the US fleets & ACs Iranian Navy & their new invented missiles will be how much successful ? Without a strong Air Force only missiles how much can do ?
Acetophenol , thanks for your well post . From "Millennium Challenge " exercise Iran learned a lot & know a potential weakness of US . But against the US fleets & ACs Iranian Navy & their new invented missiles will be how much successful ? Without a strong Air Force only missiles how much can do ?

why don't you report on that thread? lets talk about it there.
Acetophenol , thanks for your well post . From "Millennium Challenge " exercise Iran learned a lot & know a potential weakness of US . But against the US fleets & ACs Iranian Navy & their new invented missiles will be how much successful ? Without a strong Air Force only missiles how much can do ?
Let me guess...YOU believe that only Iran learned anything. But not US even though we were the ones who came up with the idea and the only one capable of conducting such an exercise. :lol:
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