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US stopped RAB training for extra judicial killing

Yes you are right RAB started its operation by cross firing pichi hannan and then govt. where either mum or praising the anti terrorist operation of RAB . i recall then report came our that criminal got bail but didn't bother coming out of jail in fear of cross fire and people were supporting this cross fire drama though civil society condemn it .
but now what happening can't be called anti terrorist operation but killing opposition party member in cold blood . this forces have become new raggi bahini . very recently they killed a prominent jamat lear and doctor in lakhi por in his house intentionally and in cold blood. they even wanted to killed his young son but fortunately when RAB cordon the house he safe himself by hiding in sun shed. and had the chance how his father where killed by RAB and thrown his body from rooftop calling he died falling from roof while fleeing . even when he fall on ground people around the area watches he is uttering qalema and the RAB whom came to killed him took his body and leave in front of hospital instead of taking to hospital . it is said he was targeted by *** as he was most active treating injured BNP activist who injured previous day when RAB and police killed couple of BNP activist . I heard from sources that even BAL activist where wonder that why he was killed .

Good that you are pointing out difference here, BDforever type of Indo awami lovers can not see the difference. That is why he makes such statements.
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