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US steps up the drumbeat on Sri Lankan human rights

you mean international probe?
Is Lanka ready for the in-house probe?

If yes then its good that at least you wanna do the probe on your own.

What I didn't understand is, if Lanka is ready for the in-house probe, then why international community is pressing for UNHRC probe?

Is it because they dont trust Lanka on this?

Is it because international community fears biases in its outcome?
Is Lanka ready for the in-house probe?

If yes then its good that at least you wanna do the probe on your own.

What I didn't understand is, if Lanka is ready for the in-house probe, then why international community is pressing for UNHRC probe?

Is it because they dont trust Lanka on this?

Is it because international community fears biases in its outcome?

Lanka already did an in house probe buddy and the US calls this probe a "sham".

The LLRC report that Lanka released after that probe does not cut with the US/UN.
Lanka already did an in house probe buddy and the US calls this probe a "sham".

The LLRC report that Lanka released after that probe does not cut with the US/UN.
There has to be a reason why that probe was called a sham, isn't it?

Though I am not supporting the international probe here, but lets say if I (international community) am not satisfied with your probe, then we have to find a way out.

How about Sri Lanka should do the probe again?
Some asks if there is nothing to hide then why GoSL is not allowing an international probe. Reason is no country would love to allow international probes coz it overrides that country's system/court/law.

some love to give huge number of deaths but if 40,000 civilians lost their lives in the last two weeks then how about the number of injured/disabled civilians amount? 80,000? or over than 1 lakhs?? Why aren't anyone questioning about that??????? :D
We will have to listen up to some extent of American voice. Sri Lankan economy is based on USA and EU shares.

USA doesn't want a probe into the matter and like they pushed and brought Iraq down on Nuclear and Chemical issue, they would treat Srilanka that way. The best actions for Sri Lanka would be not to fall into the American Trap. USA has annihilated more thousand times more in IRAQ and Afghanistan yet they give $hit to human rights.

Sri Lanka must not fall into trap. Learn from Iran, show Americans your middle and align with the country you should. No one's survival comes by aligning into American lines.. they killed their allies more cleanly than they do their enemies.
Lanka already did an in house probe buddy and the US calls this probe a "sham".

The LLRC report that Lanka released after that probe does not cut with the US/UN.

lanka didnt do any probe. LLRC was not a probe. It is a commission report of understanding what SL gov should do.

There has to be a reason why that probe was called a sham, isn't it?

Though I am not supporting the international probe here, but lets say if I (international community) am not satisfied with your probe, then we have to find a way out.

How about Sri Lanka should do the probe again?

SL didnt do a probe.
Sure go ahead with the Human-rights stuff....before doing that make sure you kill all LTTE f***ers!Do not let them walk on Lankan grounds free!

The LLRC report came out of a so called 6 month investigation and fact finding inquiry.

it is an inquiry where a lot of personalities commented and came with a plan to act in the Post war SL. It is not an inquiry about alleged war crimes. Doing an investigation was one suggestion the LLRC came up with. LLRC is not an inquiry about war and no one has called it a sham, except LTTE sponsors.
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