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US Space Program - a thread

1) During the break up of the Soviet Union NASA was worried that the civilian rocket engineers/scientists employed by the Soviet space program would jump ship to other countries and help build things such as ICBMs. Keeping them happy was a priority. So there were joint ventures such as the International Space Station and leveraging rocket engines to keep them busy.

Not sure about aerospace sector but as far as aeronautical sector is concerned - the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 proved to be a boon to China and the PLAAF. Apart from a formidable enemy being neutralised, many displaced scientists, engineers and technicians from the erstwhile Soviet Union found employment in the Chinese military industrial complex. The Russian aircraft industry struggling to survive, was more than willing to sell modern aeroplanes and technology to China. And the booming Chinese economy could afford to import the best that was on offer.
NASA's Zero Gravity Facility Looks too Space-Aged for Reality

September 12, 1966
: Zero Gravity Facility is so tall, objects dropped from the top experience a full 5.18 seconds of zero-gravity free-fall.

The Zero Gravity Research Facility is a pair of towers built during the 1960s space race to study microgravity. Researchers poke at how combustion and fluid physics reach in microgravity, setting up the initial tests for further investigation aboard the vomit comet or the International Space Station.


Objects are positioned with an overhead crane at the top of the vacuum chamber, connected to the control room with an umbilical cable. Over the next hour, a vacuum pump drops the chamber to 0.006% of atmospheric pressure (just 0.05 torr compared to the 760 torr of standard atmospheric pressure), reducing atmospheric drag to just 0.00001 g. The controllers remotely fracture a specially-designed bolt, sending the experiment into a 132-meter (432-foot) free-fall for 5.18 seconds. It then gets caught by a decelerator cart filled with polystyrene beads, hitting a peak deceleration of 65 g, or 65 times normal Earth gravity.


The 142 meter (467 foot) long steel vacuum chamber extends 155 meters (510 feet) below ground level, with a 132 meter (432 foot) free-fall distance. The 6.1 meter (20 foot) diameter tube is embedded within a 8.7 meter (28.5 foot) concrete-lined shaft. Objects are caught by a 3.3 meter (11 foot) diameter, 6.1 meter (20 foot) deep decelerator cart filled with 3 millimetre (1/8 inch) diameter polystyrene beads. The cart can dissipate the kinetic energy of a 1,134 kilogram (2,500 pound) experimental vehicle travelling at 50.5 meters per second (113 miles per hour).

The Lewis Research Center has since been renamed to the John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field in Cleveland, Ohio.
Try Landing the SpaceX Falcon 9 Yourself With This Flash Game (It's Hard)


Vertically landing a rocket ship the same way it takes off is one heck of a challenge. That’s why SpaceX hasn’t quite pulled it off just yet, and why this Falcon 9 lander flash game will frustrate you to no end.

SpaceX Falcon 9 Lander is a fun twist on the classic Lunar Lander game that has you trying to perfectly balance thrust, rotation, descent, and your remaining fuel to safely land a rocket ship back on a floating platform.

Playing it is slightly less stressful than trying to land the real Falcon 9 since you’re not out millions of dollars every time you crash–but only just. If you’re looking for a way to relax and kill some time this afternoon, this isn’t it. But if you want to feel as frustrated as Elon Musk does, definitely give it a shot.

LOX-Kerosene rocket engine developments?

There's a push to domesticate production of LOX rockets (or alternatives like the Raptor, which is methane powered), but ULA has a contract to fulfill with Russia. It's worth noting that RD-180 isn't the only rocket engine being used by the US for launch purposes. RS-68 is another option. It's used on Delta:


Currently, and due to geopolitical sensitivities and US jobs, work is underway on an RD-180 replacement. Some proposed engines included:

BE-4 - in development for use on Vulcan


BE-4 is in an early developmental stage.


AR-1 - in development


Components are currently undergoing testing, such as this pre-burner:


SpaceX's Merlin series, used on the Falcon rocket, is another alternative:



The RD-180 is on its way out. ULA's Vulcan will kill Atlas and with it RD-180. Blue Origins' BE-4 and SpaceX's Merlin are all part of a US push to replace Russian LOX rockets with domestic ones. They will ensure the US use of RD-180 is never realized again.

The first flight of each of these engines is planned for 2019 at the latest.
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Speaking of Blue Origins:

Jeff Bezos' Space Company Now Has a Launchpad

:o::rofl: that rocket!

Space is about to get crowded with the ventures of billionaire tech entrepreneurs. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has just announced that his private space company Blue Origin will be taking over a launch pad in Cape Canaveral, Florida that hasn’t been used in a decade.

Launch Complex 36, a facility once patronized by NASA’s Atlas rockets and Martian Mariner probes, is about to become commercial space company Blue Origin’s new digs. With a $200 million dollar capital investment, the complex is getting a makeover and a flashy new name, “Exploration Park.”

Blue Origins is hoping to blast people to the edge of space later this decade using its New Shepard suborbital launch system. New Shepard, which consists of a booster rocket and a three person crew capsule, is designed to ferry people into low Earth orbit for several minutes and then (gently!) fall back to Earth will the aid of parachutes. The vehicle had its first uncrewed test launch in April and Bezos says he plans additional details public sometime next year.

“Residents of the Space Coast have enjoyed front-row seats to the future for nearly 60 years,” Bezos wrote in a statement on Blue Origin’s website. “Our team’s passion for pioneering is the perfect fit for a community dedicated to forging new frontiers. Please keep watching.”


LC36 needs some work though, especially Atlas-Centaur umbilical towers were leveled in 2006:



There are dozens of LC's though, like LC-40 during a 2015 Falcon 9 launch:


And LC-17 launching a Delta II in 2007:

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Boeing's Starliner Crew Access Tower Taking Shape at ULA's Atlas Launch Complex 41

PHOTOS: Boeing’s Starliner Crew Access Tower Taking Shape at ULA’s Atlas Launch Complex 41 « AmericaSpace


The first tier of the Crew Access Tower is moved from its construction yard to Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. It will take seven tiers, as each segment is called, to form the 200-foot-tall tower that will be mounted beside the Atlas V launch pad already in place at SLC-41. The tower is being assembled at the pad so astronauts and ground support teams can have access to the Boeing CST-100 Starliner as it stands poised for liftoff. Photo Credit: NASA/Dmitrios Gerondidakis

In 2017 the United States will finally see the return of American human spaceflight to our own shores, courtesy of SpaceX and Boeing and their Dragon and Starliner crew capsules. With two years left before an expected inaugural launch there is still a lot of work to be done, but one of the most visible signs of progress at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida is the new Boeing/ULA (United Launch Alliance) crew access tower being constructed just a few miles down the road from ULA’s Atlas Space Launch Complex-41 (SLC-41), which is where Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner flights will take place from atop ULA’s workhorse Atlas-V rocket.

The entire tower will be erected at SLC-41 over the next several weeks, rising like an erector set, and it’s the first of its kind intended for a vehicle that will carry humans into space from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station since the one built at Launch Complex 34 for the Apollo missions in the 1960s. The fixed service structures used for crew access for NASA’s 30 years of space shuttle launches from Launch Complex 39A and 39B were built in the late-1970s at Kennedy Space Center (KSC), which neighbors the Cape at the north side of Merritt Island.

The first tier segments of the new SLC-41 Atlas-V commercial crew tower have been rising above the Cape’s flat landscape all summer, and, when finished, the completed crew access tower will stand over 200 feet tall.

“Safety of our NASA astronauts and ground crews is at the forefront as we construct the crew access tower,” said Mike Burghardt, the launch segment director for Boeing’s Commercial Crew Program. “This is an exciting time in space. The crew tower embodies the fact that very soon we’ll be launching crew missions again from the Space Coast.”

The tower will be comprised of seven major tier segments, or levels, and each will measure about 20 foot square and 28 feet tall. Building them away from the pad allows ULA to maintain their busy Atlas launch manifest, which will launch again as soon as October 2, and also allows for foundation work for the tower at SLC-41 to move forward at the same time the tower itself is being built. Cranes move the largest pieces into place, while welders and riveters connect the thick steel beams together to form the central spars of the tower.

Once the seven tiers are built and outfitted with everything (except wire harnesses and elevator rails) they will be trucked over to SLC-41, one by one, and stacked between launches. The first two tiers arrived at the launch pad earlier this month.

The tower will then be outfitted with all the wiring, lines, support facilities, stairs, and elevators the astronaut crew and ground support staff will require. A set of slidewire baskets will be ready to help anyone on the tower to evacuate in a hurry in the unlikely event of an emergency as well.

“After the tower buildup comes the extensive work to outfit the tower with over 400 pieces of outboard steel that have to be installed,” said Howard Biegler, ULA’s man in charge of the company’s Human Launch Services division. “That takes much longer, and will be done in parallel with the arm buildup. The completely integrated and tested crew access arm and walkway should be brought out to the launch site around May 2016, with all the site construction, testing and certifications done by September 2016.”

Although there won’t be any crewed flights in 2016 anymore, ULA designed their game plan from day one to support a December 2016 launch (as was NASA’s intention a couple years ago). They have never slipped off of their September 2016 completion date.

“This is an extremely exciting time,” said Rick Marlette, deputy project manager for ULA’s launch pad construction. “It’s great to be doing the construction after so many years and we’re bringing Atlas back to its heritage from the Mercury Program of flying astronauts into space.”

In the meantime, at ULA’s 1.6-million-square-foot Decatur, Ala., facility, the company has already started work building the two Atlas-V rockets that will launch Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner space capsule on its first uncrewed and crewed test flights, both scheduled for 2017. Both rockets, each designated as AV-073 and AV-080, will be the first to be certified by both NASA and ULA to fly people to and from the International Space Station.

Boeing also recently held a grand opening event to officially mark the beginning of CST-100 Starliner operations at the company’s new 50,000 square foot Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility (C3PF) at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, where work is well underway building a Starliner pathfinder test article to certify the vehicle’s design before putting astronauts onboard for flights to and from the ISS.

SpaceX and Boeing both received NASA contracts to fly astronauts to and from the ISS with their Dragon and Starliner crew capsules. Boeing, however, received a much larger piece of the multi-billion-dollar pie, with $4.2 billion for Boeing and $2.6 billion for SpaceX. Boeing also received the first of up to six orders from NASA to execute a crew-rotation mission of Starliner to the ISS earlier this year, although NASA emphasized that the order does not necessarily imply that Starliner will fly ahead of the SpaceX Crew Dragon, and that “determination of which company will fly its mission to the station first will be made at a later time.”





New Green Propellants Complete Milestones

New Green Propellants Complete Milestones | NASA

To stay in the proper orbit, many satellites have thrusters--small rocket engines--that fire to change altitude or orientation in space. On Earth where gravity dominates, 5 pounds of thrust, equivalent to 22 Newtons of force, may seem small, but in space, it doesn’t take much thrust to move a large spacecraft.


This image reveals a temperature profile of a 22 Newton thruster using the green propellant LMP-103S during a 10-second pulsing test that ratchets the temperature upward. Using this data, engineers can determine how chemical reactions cause heat to flow around to the thruster over time. Credits: NASA/MSFC/Christopher Burnside

Currently, most satellite thrusters are powered by hydrazine, a toxic and corrosive fuel that is dangerous to handle and store. In a quest to replace hydrazine with a more environmentally friendly fuel, NASA is testing thrusters propelled by green propellants that can provide better performance than hydrazine without the toxicity. These propellants could help lower costs by eliminating infrastructure needed for handling toxic fuels and reducing processing time--making it less expensive and safer and easier to launch both commercial and NASA spacecraft.

“When you consider all of the satellites in orbit today that do everything from observing Earth and monitoring weather to peering deep into our universe to answer questions about its origins, it's easy to see that using green propellants will make a big difference in increased mission performance at a reduced cost while keeping both the environment and our workforce safe from contamination,” said Steve Jurczyk, NASA’s associate administrator for the Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "NASA has a rich history of ensuring our technology and scientific prowess has a benefit to life on Earth, and green propellant will help ensure that NASA continues to be a steward of this planet."

NASA recently completed several hot-fire tests with thrusters powered by two different green propellants with the potential to replace hydrazine. Both are ionic liquid-based blends that are less toxic and less flammable than hydrazine, which makes them easier and less costly to store, to handle and to fuel up spacecraft before launch. Additionally, the new propellants offer higher performance, delivering more thrust for a given quantity of propellant than hydrazine.


NASA engineers monitor temperature data on the left computer screen as a thruster fueled with the green propellant LMP-103S viewed on the right computer screen is fired at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Credits: NASA/MSFC/Fred Deaton

One of the green propellants is a hydroxylammonium nitrate-based propellant known as AF-M315E. It was developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory at Edwards Air Force Base in California. This propellant will be demonstrated on a small satellite on NASA’s Green Propellant Infusion Mission (GPIM). During the GPIM flight, the smallsat will fire thrusters powered by AF-M315E to conduct maneuvers to change the satellite’s altitude and orientation. GPIM recently passed a major milestone with the delivery of the propellant's propulsion subsystem built by Aerojet Rocketdyne in Redmond, Washington, to the mission’s prime contractor, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. in Boulder, Colorado, for integration into the spacecraft. For this project, the GPIM team tested two different sized thrusters (1 and 22 Newton) with AF-M315E. Five of the 1-Newton thrusters will fly on GPIM.

“With GPIM's flight scheduled to launch next year, NASA and the aerospace industry have taken positive steps to demonstrate use of a propellant that will reduce satellite fueling hazards and save time and money during launch campaigns,” said Tim Smith, GPIM mission manager for NASA’s Technology Demonstration Missions at Marshall. GPIM is managed by STMD's Technology Demonstration Missions Program Office at Marshall.

The other green propellant is a fuel called LMP-103S, which is based on the oxidizer ammonium dinitramide produced by Eurenco Bofors in Karlskoga, Sweden. A team at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, recently completed tests with both 5 Newton and 22 Newton thruster built by ECAPS and powered by LMP-103S. Engineers fired the 22 Newton thruster 35 times under varying conditions and monitored results with infrared cameras. Orbital ATK, Inc. assisted NASA with these tests.

“We conducted the first NASA tests with 22 Newton thrusters with this propellant in the United States,” said Christopher Burnside, lead engineer for testing the LMP-103S propellant. “They performed quite well, providing performance at comparable levels to today’s hydrazine thrusters. It’s always great to put thrusters through the paces in an environment that simulates operational conditions.”

To guide future investments, NASA is leading the development of a green propellant roadmap along with other government agencies, industry and academic leaders who recently shared their collective experiences during a technical interchange meeting at Marshall.

“I like the analogy of relating thrusters and propellant systems to aircraft,” said Charles Pierce, manager of Marshall’s Spacecraft Propulsion Systems Branch, which recently completed the tests with LMP-103S. “One aircraft doesn’t meet every need. Some high performance aircraft need to fly fast while other larger aircraft need to conserve fuel and fly slowly. Some carry passengers while others carry only cargo. Likewise, NASA needs to have flexibility in the types of thrusters and propellant systems it has to meet a variety of mission needs. One type of propellant might work best for one type of mission while another is better suited for a different mission. It’s important that we have choices as we go green.”
NASA's RaD-X Will Measure Radiation Levels Where Aircraft Fly

NASA's RaD-X Will Measure Radiation Levels Where Aircraft Fly | NASA


Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field provide protection from harmful space radiation caused by flares from the sun and cosmic rays from outside our solar system. Space radiation is different from most kinds of radiation we experience here on Earth, such as UV rays, but is still a concern at higher altitudes and near Earth’s poles. Particles that make up space radiation can cause adverse effects to the human body, such as DNA damage inside the cells that can possibly lead to genetic disorders, cancer, heart and gastrointestinal problems, cataracts and brain and nerve dysfunction.

NASA’s high-altitude balloon project, known as NASA’s Radiation Dosimetry Experiment, or RaD-X, will provide first-time indications of how cosmic rays deposit energy in the upper atmosphere. RaD-X is a microsatellite structure that will launch from New Mexico during a launch window that opens Sept. 10 (visit this site for updates on the launch time) and fly on a scientific research balloon for 24 hours to measure cosmic ray energy at two separate altitude regions in the stratosphere — above 110,000 feet and between 69,000 to 88,500 feet. The flight will validate low-cost sensors for future missions and will provide data that may improve the health and safety of future commercial and military aircrews and space crews.


NASA's RaD-X team poses for a photo. Credits: NASA

Pilots and crews working in the aviation industry are classified as radiation workers by the International Commission on Radiological Protection due to the amount of time spent in Earth’s upper atmosphere where there is less protection from space radiation. Exposure to space radiation is even higher for astronauts living and working aboard the International Space Station, 250 miles above Earth, and a journey to Mars will require crews to remain beyond the protection of Earth’s atmosphere for approximately two and a half to three years. Learning how to protect humans from the effect of radiation exposure could help engineers develop new ways to minimize radiation exposure for aircraft crews and will also be a critical step for the future of space exploration.

Low-cost, Low-risk, Big-return

Small satellite missions, like RaD-X, provide NASA with valuable opportunities to test emerging technologies and economical commercial off-the-shelf components, which may be useful in future space missions.

These ground- and balloon-based measurements complement NASA’s fleet of space satellites, and place useful tools, like NASA’s Nowcast of Atmospheric Ionizing Radiation for Aviation Safety (NAIRAS) model, at our fingertips. RaD-X will improve NAIRAS, a NASA-funded Applied Sciences Program to develop an operational prototype for a global, real-time, data-driven predictive system needed to assess biologically harmful radiation exposure levels for aviation. NAIRAS could be used by public and private entities for informed decision-making about radiation exposure safety for flight crews, the general public, and commercial space operations.

“Before NAIRAS can transition to operations, it must be verified and validated,” said Chris Mertens, RaD-X principal investigator. “RaD-X is an important next step in the verification and validation process, collecting and processing data from the top of the atmosphere that will constrain the model.”


The RaD-X microsatellite structure was developed at NASA’s Langley Research Center. Credits: NASA

RaD-X will also host the first Cubes in Space (CiS) flight opportunity. CiS is a global STEAM-based education program for students (ages 11-18) that provides a no-cost opportunity to design and compete to launch an experiment into space. The small cubes are placed on sounding rockets and scientific balloons in cooperation with NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility and the Earth Systems Science Pathfinder Program Office. RaD-X, one of two CiS opportunities, will carry more than 100 small cubes filled with experiments created by students around the U.S.

In 2013, RaD-X was chosen as a part of NASA’s Hands-On Project Experience (HOPE) project, a cooperative workforce development program sponsored by the Science Mission Directorate and the Office of the Chief Engineer’s Academy of Program/Project and Leadership (APPEL). The HOPE Training Program provides an opportunity for a team of early-career and career transitional NASA employees to propose, design, develop, build, and launch a suborbital flight project over the course of 18 months. The purpose of the program is to enable practitioners in the early years of their careers to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to manage NASA’s future flight projects.

“The RaD-X team carefully evaluated each phase of the operation from integration and launch, to recovery and data processing,” said Kevin Daugherty, RaD-X project manager. “It was great to receive this type of experience through the HOPE project, and we have all grown from the opportunity.”

RaD-X contributes to NASA’s Heliophysics Division Living With A Star (LWS) Program’s goal to understand those aspects of the connected sun-Earth system that affect life and society by improving prediction of biologically harmful radiation exposure to air travelers and by enhancing the understanding of cosmic ray transport processes and interactions with the atmosphere.

The RaD-X microsatellite structure was developed at NASA’s Langley Research Center, where the project is managed. RaD-X has partnered with NASA’s Ames Research Center for expertise on radiation detectors, and NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility for expertise with high-altitude balloons.
NASA | Getting the Big Picture

A brief animated look at the different types of remote sensing techniques that NASA uses to study the Earth.

NASA's MAVEN Mission Celebrates One Year in Martian Orbit, Delivers Fascinating Science About Red Planet's Atmosphere

NASA’s MAVEN Mission Celebrates One Year in Martian Orbit, Delivers Fascinating Science About Red Planet’s Atmosphere « AmericaSpace


Artist’s concept of the MAVEN spacecraft in orbit around Mars. The mission recently completed one year of successful science operations around the Red planet and is already primed for a year-long extended mission until at least September 2016. Image Credit: NASA/GSFC

One of the humorous remarks that have been circulating the Internet in recent years regarding the exploration of Mars, is that the Red Planet is the only one to this date to be solely inhabited by robots. With no less than five active spacecraft from the US, Europe and India currently in orbit around our planetary neighbor and two operating US rovers on its surface, Mars can be justifiably considered as a crowded and busy place. Throughout this time, most of the attention by the media has been focused on such milestone, high-profile missions like NASA’s Curiosity rover, whose daredevil-type landing in August 2012 and subsequent incredible imagery of the Martian landscape has wowed scientists and the public alike, as well as India’s first foray into planetary exploration with its highly successful Mars Orbiter Mission, or MOM. Yet, another latecomer in the Mars exploration arena has just passed a major milestone of its own, while quietly conducting important science along the way. Having successfully entered orbit around Mars on September 22, 2014, NASA’s relatively neglected Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN Mission, or MAVEN, celebrates exactly one year of studying the Red planet’s atmospheric dynamics in great detail for the first time ever by any robotic spacecraft.

The road to space for every planetary exploration mission is a decades-long process of conceptual studies, careful analysis, planning and implementation and MAVEN could not have been an exception. Even though it was first proposed as a concept to NASA in the early 2000’s, MAVEN actually traces its roots back to the Pioneer-Venus mission which had studied the upper atmosphere of Venus and its interaction with the solar wind in great length back in the late 1970’s and early ’80’s. The need for a similar mission around the Red planet soon arose within the planetary science community, yet several propositions for such a mission that were studied by NASA during the 1980’s, like the Mars Aeronomy Observer and the Earth/Mars Aeronomy Orbiter, ultimately failed to advance beyond the conceptual phase. NASA finally revisited the concept for a dedicated aeronomy mission around the Red planet in 2006, when it issued a request for proposals for its now-discontinued Mars Scout program. As part of that process MAVEN was ultimately downselected in 2008 from a list of 26 competing mission concepts for a launch opportunity in late 2011 that was pushed back to 2013 due to organisational concerns within the agency. Despite these setbacks and having succeeded in staying on track and on budget throughout its entire development phase, the $671-million MAVEN spacecraft was eventually launched on top an Atlas V rocket on November 18, 2013 for a 10-month journey towards the Red planet, with the specific goal of tracing the 4.5 billion-year history and evolution of the tenuous Martian atmosphere.

Following in the footsteps of the successful US missions that preceded during the past decade, MAVEN finally entered orbit around Mars on September 22, 2014, after a journey of more than 700 million km across interplanetary space. The timing couldn’t have been better, for the spacecraft’s arrival in the vicinity of Mars coincided with the passage of comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring, that came as close as 139,500 kilometers of the planet exactly a month later, on October 19. Even though MAVEN was still in the middle of its 6-week commissioning phase during the event and was positioned at the other side of the planet as a precaution, it nevertheless provided scientists with their first-ever views of the effects of a cometary passage and subsequent meteor shower on a planetary atmosphere other than Earth’s. More specifically, the spacecraft’s onboard Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph observed an intense ultraviolet emission as comet dust containing ionised iron particles slammed into the upper martian atmosphere, producing what would undoubtedly be a spectacular shooting star show as it would appear from the planet’s surface. In addition, MAVEN’s onboard Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer was able to detect eight other different types of metal ions, including sodium and magnesium, providing planetary scientists with their first-ever direct measurements of dust from a comet that had originated from the Oort cloud at the outskirts of the Solar System. “This historic event allowed us to observe the details of this fast-moving Oort Cloud comet in a way never before possible using our existing Mars missions,” says Dr. Jim Green, director of NASA’s Planetary Science Division at the agency’s headquarters in Washington,DC. “Observing the effects on Mars of the comet’s dust slamming into the upper atmosphere makes me very happy that we decided to put our spacecraft on the other side of Mars at the peak of the dust tail passage and out of harm’s way.”

As impressive as the data from the close passage of comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring were, MAVEN didn’t fail to deliver on its primary mission goals as well during its first year of operations around Mars. Right from the start and within just a few hours after achieving Mars orbital insertion, the spacecraft focused its 8 onboard science instruments on studying the properties of the Martian ionosphere and rarefied upper atmosphere and its interaction with the solar wind. As Mars lacks the type of global magnetic field that protects Earth from the harmful effects of the ultraviolet radiation and coronal mass ejections that are coming from the Sun, the latter hit and ionise the Martian upper atmosphere unimpeded, causing lighter elements like hydrogen, to freely escape into space. It is this process which is believed to be the main cause behind Mars’ atmospheric loss, turning the planet from what it is thought to have been a warm, wet and habitable planet early in its history to the dry and frozen world that is today. The physics of this transition from a potentially habitable Mars to a dead one is one of the biggest mysteries in planetary science today, the answer to which could also help shed light to the question of whether the planet had indeed harbored any kind of life in the past and whether it still does so today.

To that end, MAVEN was designed to study Mars from a highly elliptical polar orbit with an apogee of 6,200 km and a perigee of 150 km, thus ensuring a global coverage of the entire Martian atmosphere at many different altitudes. As part of its mission, the spacecraft was also tasked with executing five ‘deep-dip’ week-long dives throughout its primary mission that would bring it as close as 125 km above the martian surface, the four of which were successfully completed in February, April, July and September of this year.

Overall, the mission’s orbital profile and specialised science payload have helped planetary scientists so far to begin drawing the picture of the mechanics behind Mars’ atmospheric loss and have allowed them to make the first detailed compositional and structural measurements of the planet’s entire atmosphere for the first time. Some of the highlight science results so far, include the detection that solar particles penetrate deeper into the atmosphere of Mars than what was previously thought, all the way down to the lower atmospheric layers. As the atoms in the martian atmosphere are ionised by ultraviolet radiation from the Sun, they begin to ‘feel’ the magnetic field of the solar wind, causing them to slowly follow a trajectory along the solar magnetic field lines away from Mars through a narrow route along the planet’s poles, which makes the atmosphere thinner with time. “MAVEN is observing a polar plume of escaping atmospheric particles,” says Bruce Jakosky, principal investigator for the MAVEN mission, at the University of Colorado. “The amount of material escaping by this route could make it a major player in the loss of gas to space.”


Layout of the MAVEN spacecraft with its suite of science instruments. Image Credit: NASA

One other important result to have come from the mission this far, has been the discovery that Mars’ auroras are much more widespread in the planet’s atmosphere than what was thought possible. Even though the Mars doesn’t have a global magnetic field, it nevertheless harbors many localised, umbrella-like magnetic field patches, which are though to be the remnants of the global magnetic field that should have encircled the planet early on its history before it turned off. Scientists had previously theorised that auroras on Mars should be localised around these magnetic patches as well. Yet, what MAVEN’s Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph found, was that martian auroras were far more widespread, circling the entire planet, while the charged solar particles that caused them were found much deeper in the atmosphere than expected, at an altitude of approximately 100 km above the ground. “The canopies of the patchwork umbrellas are where we expect to find Martian auroras,” says Nick Schneider, member of the MAVEN science team at the University of Colorado and lead of the Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph instrument. “But MAVEN is seeing them outside these umbrellas, so this is something new. It really is amazing. Auroras on Mars appear to be more wide-ranging than we ever imagined.”

As an acknowledgment of MAVEN’s excellent performance and return of science results to date, NASA has already decided to extend the mission beyond its primary phase which ends on November, until at least September 2016 when the agency’s next planetary science mission review will take place. This extension will also give scientists the opportunity to further study Mars’ atmosphere in length for the full duration of one Martian year, which is 687 Earth days. “The success of the mission so far is a direct result of the incredibly hard work of everybody who works (and has worked) on ‪MAVEN‬”, said Jakosky, while commenting on the celebration of the mission’s first year around the Red planet. “This one year at ‪Mars‬ reflects the tremendous efforts over the preceding dozen years. And the mission continues—we still have two months to go in our primary mission, and then we begin our extended mission. We’re obtaining an incredibly rich data set that is on track to answer the questions we originally posed for MAVEN and that will serve the community for a long time to come. I hope everybody is as proud of what we’ve accomplished as I am! And here’s to the next year of exciting observations, analyses, and results!”

One factor that helps to ensure the mission’s longevity, is MAVEN’s secondary role as a communications and relay orbiter for the US rovers Opportunity and Curiosity that are currently active on the surface of Mars, a well as the landers and rovers that are scheduled to arrive on the Red planet within the next few years, like InSight and the Mars 2020 rover. At present, Curiosity and Opportunity use the Mars Odyssey and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, as well as ESA’s Mars Express for communicating with Earth, but these spacecraft are long past beyond their primary missions, having lodged more than a decade in orbit around Mars. Should one or more of them eventually fail, NASA will need to have a functioning replacement in orbit so that communication with present and future missions on the surface stay uninterrupted.

Besides its excellent return on investment as a science mission, it is expected that MAVEN’s productive lifetime around the Red planet in similar vein to its predecessors could well span for more than a decade, further adding to our knowledge of our mystifying and enchanting planetary neighbor.

Below are more images of some of the most important science results to have come from the MAVEN mission so far:


An ultraviolet image of comet Siding Spring on Friday taken by MAVEN on October 17 2014, two days before the comet’s closest approach to Mars. The image shows sunlight that has been scattered by atomic hydrogen coming off the comet and is shown as blue in this false-color representation. Image Credit/Caption: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics /University of Colorado; NASA


False-color images of Mars, taken with MAVEN’s Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph, just eight hours after orbit insertion, on September 2014. The image shows the planet from an altitude of 36,500 km in three ultraviolet wavelength bands. Blue shows the ultraviolet light from the sun scattered from atomic hydrogen gas in an extended cloud that goes to thousands of kilometers above the planet’s surface. Green shows a different wavelength of ultraviolet light that is primarily sunlight reflected off of atomic oxygen, showing the smaller oxygen cloud. Red shows ultraviolet sunlight reflected from the planet’s surface; the bright spot in the lower right is light reflected either from polar ice or clouds. Image Credit/Caption: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics /University of Colorado and NASA


Three views of an escaping atmosphere, obtained by MAVEN’s Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph. By observing all of the products of water and carbon dioxide breakdown, MAVEN’s science team can better characterize the processes that have driven atmospheric loss on Mars. Image Credit/Caption: University of Colorado; NASA)


A map of the Martian auroral detections that were taken by MAVEN’s Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph in December 2014 and shown here overlaid on a Mars topographic map. Image Credit/Caption: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics /University of Colorado


Computer simulation of the interaction of the solar wind with electrically charged particles (ions) in Mars’ upper atmosphere. The lines represent the paths of individual ions and the colors represent their energy, and show that the polar plume (red) contains the most-energetic ions. (Image Credit/Caption: X. Fang, University of Colorado, and the MAVEN science team)
Real Martians Moment: Low Density Supersonic Decelerator

NASA’s Ian Clark is the Principal Investigator for the Low Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) Project; it’s basically an inflatable airbrake designed to help spacecraft descending through a planet’s atmosphere to slow from breakneck speeds to a safe landing speed. The technology behind LDSD will allow NASA to safely land spacecraft with larger payloads on the surface of Mars, more accurately and at elevations we’ve never before had access to.

Perplexing Pluto: New ‘Snakeskin’ Image and More from New Horizons

Perplexing Pluto: New ‘Snakeskin’ Image and More from New Horizons | NASA

The newest high-resolution images of Pluto from NASA’s New Horizons are both dazzling and mystifying, revealing a multitude of previously unseen topographic and compositional details. The image below -- showing an area near the line that separates day from night -- captures a vast rippling landscape of strange, aligned linear ridges that has astonished New Horizons team members.

“It’s a unique and perplexing landscape stretching over hundreds of miles,” said William McKinnon, New Horizons Geology, Geophysics and Imaging (GGI) team deputy lead from Washington University in St. Louis. “It looks more like tree bark or dragon scales than geology. This’ll really take time to figure out; maybe it’s some combination of internal tectonic forces and ice sublimation driven by Pluto’s faint sunlight.”

The “snakeskin” image of Pluto’s surface is just one tantalizing piece of data New Horizons sent back in recent days. The spacecraft also captured the highest-resolution color view yet of Pluto, as well as detailed spectral maps and other high-resolution images.


In this extended color image of Pluto taken by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft, rounded and bizarrely textured mountains, informally named the Tartarus Dorsa, rise up along Pluto’s day-night terminator and show intricate but puzzling patterns of blue-gray ridges and reddish material in between. This view, roughly 330 miles (530 kilometers) across, combines blue, red and infrared images taken by the Ralph/Multispectral Visual Imaging Camera (MVIC) on July 14, 2015, and resolves details and colors on scales as small as 0.8 miles (1.3 kilometers).

The new “extended color” view of Pluto – taken by New Horizons’ wide-angle Ralph/Multispectral Visual Imaging Camera (MVIC) on July 14 and downlinked to Earth on Sept. 19 – shows the extraordinarily rich color palette of Pluto.

“We used MVIC’s infrared channel to extend our spectral view of Pluto,” said John Spencer, a GGI deputy lead from Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in Boulder, Colorado. “Pluto’s surface colors were enhanced in this view to reveal subtle details in a rainbow of pale blues, yellows, oranges, and deep reds. Many landforms have their own distinct colors, telling a wonderfully complex geological and climatological story that we have only just begun to decode."


This cylindrical projection map of Pluto, in enhanced, extended color, is the most detailed color map of Pluto ever made. It uses recently returned color imagery from the New Horizons Ralph camera, which is draped onto a base map of images from the NASA’s spacecraft’s Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI). The map can be zoomed in to reveal exquisite detail with high scientific value. Color variations have been enhanced to bring out subtle differences. Colors used in this map are the blue, red, and near-infrared filter channels of the Ralph instrument.

Additionally, a high-resolution swath across Pluto taken by New Horizons’ narrow-angle Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) on July 14, and downlinked on Sept. 20, homes in on details of Pluto’s geology. These images -- the highest-resolution yet available of Pluto -- reveal features that resemble dunes, the older shoreline of a shrinking glacial ice lake, and fractured, angular water ice mountains with sheer cliffs. Color details have been added using MVIC’s global map shown above.


High-resolution images of Pluto taken by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft just before closest approach on July 14, 2015, reveal features as small as 270 yards (250 meters) across, from craters to faulted mountain blocks, to the textured surface of the vast basin informally called Sputnik Planum. Enhanced color has been added from the global color image. This image is about 330 miles (530 kilometers) across. For optimal viewing, zoom in on the image on a larger screen.

This closer look at the smooth, bright surface of the informally named Sputnik Planum shows that it is actually pockmarked by dense patterns of pits, low ridges and scalloped terrain. Dunes of bright volatile ice particles are a possible explanation, mission scientists say, but the ices of Sputnik may be especially susceptible to sublimation and formation of such corrugated ground.


High-resolution images of Pluto taken by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft just before closest approach on July 14, 2015, are the sharpest images to date of Pluto’s varied terrain—revealing details down to scales of 270 meters. In this 75-mile (120-kilometer) section of the taken from the larger, high-resolution mosaic above, the textured surface of the plain surrounds two isolated ice mountains.

Beyond the new images, new compositional information comes from a just-obtained map of methane ice across part of Pluto's surface that reveals striking contrasts: Sputnik Planum has abundant methane, while the region informally named Cthulhu Regio shows none, aside from a few isolated ridges and crater rims. Mountains along the west flank of Sputnik lack methane as well.

The distribution of methane across the surface is anything but simple, with higher concentrations on bright plains and crater rims, but usually none in the centers of craters or darker regions. Outside of Sputnik Planum, methane ice appears to favor brighter areas, but scientists aren’t sure if that’s because methane is more likely to condense there or that its condensation brightens those regions.

“It's like the classic chicken-or-egg problem,” said Will Grundy, New Horizons surface composition team lead from Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. “We’re unsure why this is so, but the cool thing is that New Horizons has the ability to make exquisite compositional maps across the surface of Pluto, and that’ll be crucial to resolving how enigmatic Pluto works.”

“With these just-downlinked images and maps, we’ve turned a new page in the study of Pluto beginning to reveal the planet at high resolution in both color and composition,” added New Horizons Principal Investigator Alan Stern, of SwRI. “I wish Pluto’s discoverer Clyde Tombaugh had lived to see this day.”


The Ralph/LEISA infrared spectrometer on NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft mapped compositions across Pluto’s surface as it flew by on July 14. On the left, a map of methane ice abundance shows striking regional differences, with stronger methane absorption indicated by the brighter purple colors here, and lower abundances shown in black. Data have only been received so far for the left half of Pluto’s disk. At right, the methane map is merged with higher-resolution images from the spacecraft’s Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI).
Bask in the Beautiful Destruction of This Space Junk Collision Test

January 1, 1963
: This is what happens when a piece of space junk hits a spacecraft in orbit. While gorgeous, the energy flash of a hypervelocity impact packs a serious punch.


A projectile launched at 7,600 meters per second (17,000 mph) at a solid surface produced this beautiful starburst energy flash in an effort to simulate collisions between spacecraft and orbital debris. The potential for these hypervelocity collisions make even tiny grains a major hazard for spacecraft.

The test was conducted at the Hypervelocity Ballistic Range at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California.
NASA Is Sending Bacteria to the Edge of Space to See if They Can Hitchhike to Mars


Discovering life on another planet, only to contaminate that world with our own pesky microbes, is one of NASA’s nightmare scenarios. To find out whether single-celled Earthlings can hitchhike to Mars and survive on the Red Planet’s surface, NASA is going to see how they like it 120,000 feet up.

Today, weather permitting, a helium balloon carrying a very special scientific experiment will launch to the edge of space from NASA’s Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility in Fort Sumner, New Mexico. Its passengers — a collection of bacteria — are loaded into containers that’ll shield them from the elements during their ascent into Earth’s stratosphere. Once the balloon reaches its target altitude, the sample chambers will pop open, exposing their hapless test subjects for a pre-determined period of time: 6, 12, 18, or 24 hours. At the end of the experiment, the balloon will explode and its microbial payload will parachute back to Earth.


A 2014 test of the E-MIST system at NASA’s Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility in Fort Sumner, New Mexico, via NASA / David J. Smith

Earth’s upper stratosphere is a pretty hellish environment: It’s well below freezing, bone dry, practically a vacuum, and awash in ultraviolet radiation. Sorta like the surface of Mars. It’s hard to imagine anything surviving up there, and yet, previous studies have shown that some fearless bugs do make a living in the stratosphere after being blown skyward by dust storms or hurricanes. Even more impressive, recent work on the ISS shows that dormant bacteria, fungal spores, and even plant seeds can survive strapped to the outside of a spacecraft — if they’re shielded from the intense UV radiation.

Given life’s tenacity, the possibility of contaminating an alien environment is one that deserves to be studied and understood. Beyond Mars, there’s NASA’s recently announced Europa mission, and further down the line, we might even send a space probe to Saturn’s ice moon Enceladus. Both of these missions, if and when they happen, will be on the hunt for alien life. It sure would be a bummer to mistake a stowaway for the biggest scientific discovery of all time.
Pluto's Moon Charon Seen in Beautiful New Images


A series of canyons near its equator is four times the length of the Grand Canyon
New images of Pluto’s largest moon, Charon, reveal details of markedly violent past.

NASA published striking photos taken by the New Horizons spacecraft at the culmination of its 9-year mission to Pluto, which show an array of mountains, valleys, and canyons on the dwarf planet’s moon.

According to NASA, a system of canyons located just north of the moon’s equator is quadruple the length of the the Grand Canyon, and twice as deep in some areas indicating a “titanic geological upheaval in Charon’s past.”

The images were captured by New Horizons when the spacecraft traveled past the dwarf planet and its moon on July 14 and they were transmitted to Earth on Sept. 21.
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