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US signs deal to hand Bagram prison to Afghans

Sher Malang

Aug 3, 2010
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The United States on Friday signed a deal transferring control of the Bagram prison to the Afghan government, marking a breakthrough in negotiations on a strategic treaty between the two nations.
The accord, which will see authority over the prison transferred gradually over six months, was inked by Afghan Defence Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak and the US commander in Afghanistan, General John Allen at a signing ceremony.
The handover of the prison -- sometimes called Afghanistan's Guantanamo Bay -- has been a key sticking point in talks between Washington and the Afghan government on concluding a long-term strategic partnership treaty.
Karzai has repeatedly demanded in the name of Afghan sovereignty that the prison be transferred before he signs any deal governing Afghan-US relations after NATO combat troops pull out in 2014.
"This is an important step in the strategic partnership negotiations," Allen said at the signing ceremony.
Wardak said the transfer process would take place over six months.
"With the hand over of the Bagram prison, one of the conditions of the Loya Jirga (grand assembly of Afghan elders) will be implemented. We are feeling very proud about this important step," Wardak said.
Human rights campaigners have regularly criticised the prison, saying it fails to comply with international norms as some inmates are detained arbitrarily without trial or knowledge of the charges against them.
The prison at Bagram, a military base north of Kabul, holds rebel fighters detained by US-led NATO forces in their 10-year war against the Taliban-led insurgency trying to topple Karzai's government.

Source: US signs deal to hand Bagram prison to Afghans - Yahoo! News UK
US deal to hand Bagram and other prisons to Afghans

Afghanistan and the US have reached a deal to transfer US-run prisons in the country to Afghan control.

The largest and most controversial of these is Bagram jail, which holds 3,000 detainees, including terror suspects.

Under the deal the US will cede control of Bagram over six months. Reports say they will retain access and be able to block the release of certain detainees.

Handing over US-run jails has been a key demand of Afghan President Hamid Karzai ahead of Nato's withdrawal.

Analysts say the issue has cast a shadow over negotiations on Nato's withdrawal of all of its combat forces by the end of 2014 and the long-term relationship with Afghanistan.

Bagram prison, officially known as the Parwan Detention Centre, is located in one of the largest military bases for Nato-led forces in Afghanistan. It has been at the centre of a number of prisoner abuse allegations in recent years.

Nato is also under intense pressure after days of protests and targeted killings across Afghanistan - over the inadvertent burning of Korans at Bagram - left at least 30 people dead.

The US repeatedly apologised over the incident but that failed to quell public anger.

Ongoing US support

Correspondents say the deal is the first stage of a mechanism which is still being worked out but will eventually see US-run jails handed over to full Afghan control.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the US and Afghanistan comes after the US missed a deadline Mr Karzai set in January to hand over such jails.

He then gave the US another month to reach an agreement - that deadline was set to expire on 10 March.

On signing the agreement, Gen John Allen, Nato's commander in Afghanistan lauded it as " yet another example of the progress of transition".

Under the terms of the agreement, the US would provide support and advice to the Afghan commander at Bagram for up to a year.

"This MOU illustrates our commitment to Afghan sovereignty, our mutual obligations under international law, and our enduring partnership," a statement released by the US embassy reads.

"We have had our challenges and there will be challenges ahead as we continue negotiation on the framework for our strategic partnership, but this MOU marks an important step forward," it says.

The US has previously handed over responsibility for about 300 detainees at Bagram but said the Afghan government was not ready to fully take control of the prison, the Associated Press news agency reports.

Source: BBC News - US deal to hand Bagram and other prisons to Afghans
Oh look Karzai has grown some balls, he actually got what he demanded. Neve knew he had it in him.
what whould u gain from that,,,,as actuall control will be with the americans,,,,,,,,,,,,hate aside but karzai is a puppet,,,,,,,,,,,,and this hand over is just to curb voilence after burning of quran.
what whould u gain from that,,,,as actuall control will be with the americans,,,,,,,,,,,,hate aside but karzai is a puppet,,,,,,,,,,,,and this hand over is just to curb voilence after burning of quran.

Don't mind but reply's like yours comes from one whose source of knowledge is only 'media' not the real issues and situations inside Afghanistan.
Oh look Karzai has grown some balls, he actually got what he demanded. Neve knew he had it in him.

If he was strict from the day one we wouldn't see these circumstances today, his government was asleep for more than 8 years. Still late is better than never!
it's good to see afghans taking back control of their country. :tup:

Good to see how Indians faith on American News lol especially that US really handover anything to Afghaniz lol
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