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US senate votes to override Obama veto of 9/11 bill

During the anniversary of 9/11 there were some emotions running high and the greedy 9/11 victims decided to push the bill of suing foreign governments for acts of terrorism, because a couple years back I believe they asked for a TON of money from Saudi Arabia but were flat out denied from the courts not only because you couldn't sue foreign countries but also because the amount was ridiculous. Plus by voting for this bill congress officials have a higher chance of getting reelected which is all they care about.

I hope every middle eastern nations slaps them around with lawsuits for being such greedy idiots.
I doubt this has anything to do with victims something as big as this could change the way the meddle east works no way would the US government allow some citizens to shape the forging policy of the US
as for courts the US should give away their money and apologize for years for all they have done to the rest of the world
I think in recent times we have seen this sentiment in US media / Senate that some how Saudis was involved in anything criminal

a) How can anyone be held responsible for actions of people who were "Kicked out" or stripped of their citizenship long time ago

b) Act of individuals are not responsibility for whole Saudi Arabia , just like contractors operate separate from US army

If Saudia will be blamed then we can make same argument that US contractors who killed in Iraq or other nations make US responsible for Human Rights violations

  • There is 0% Evidence that all arab people on the plane , were indeed linked

Last but not least it is known fact many Saudi Citizens immediately after 911 had offered to donate cash to help , the victims of the unexplainable acts

If my memory serves me Prince Talal many times offered great incentive to New York communities to help heal the wounds
I doubt this has anything to do with victims something as big as this could change the way the meddle east works no way would the US government allow some citizens to shape the forging policy of the US
as for courts the US should give away their money and apologize for years for all they have done to the rest of the world

Maybe in a perfect world, but this world is far from perfect, that's how ridiculous it is on how a couple greedy citizens could possibly affect the entire middle east and possibly hurt their own country and all because these donkeys wanted to get re-elected. Goes to show how stupid and corrupt this nation has become.

a) How can anyone be held responsible for actions of people who were "Kicked out" or stripped of their citizenship long time ago

b) Act of individuals are not responsibility for whole Saudi Arabia , just like contractors operate separate from US army

I know it's blaming the 99% for the actions of the less then 1% even despite the fact that the majority constantly denounce the minority, in fact it almost sounds just like....
1- Saudi Family offered full support to US for the tragic events
2- Many Saudi folks have business in US they lost financially
3- King of then Saudia and as I said before Prince Talal had offered financial help (Rejected by Juliani)
4- When ever Saudis tried to help heal the wound someone local claimed it was slap to US sentiment (when it was not)

Obviously 1 Sided wars were conducted in Iraq , Afghanistan and then in Libya and tones of money was wasted this was not Saudi decision , and also the lives lost were the decision taken by members of US Senate who sent US soldiers on wild goose chase

Now the same Senate is shoving the whole burden to their own failiures on peaceful country of Saudi Arabia , very shocking

Juliani rejects Saudi help (10 Million donated to help victims)

Again another example

No problem with friendly ties with Bush , shows how the King was deeply involved to help
heal the wounds from tagic events

It is almost like US senate , has a case of Amnesia , it forgot its recent memory and now only remembers some part of the story
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give $5 million for each family affected by 9/11 sounds right.

defunding madrassas would be a start too.

build a large monument in NYC dedicated to the firefighters that lost their lives as well.

not saying the U.S is clean and shouldn't be sued by Afghanistan,Iraq, and particularly Syria.
i) They'll happily do it.
ii) They wont do it.(I don't think a US court can even make them do it.
iii)They might do it but there will be problems..remember how Talal wanted to help after 9/11 but it was rejected because he spoke against Israel...do you expect Saudis to completely change their foreign policy because of a fire fighter's family?
OBL was half Yemeni and half Syrian. The only reason why he even received Saudi Arabian nationality was due to his billionaire father's connections to the House of Saud and construction firm. Not to mention the fact that OBL became stateless back in 1994 as his Saudi Arabian nationality was annulled.


FBI and CIA already cleared KSA and concluded that there is no single evidence of Saudi Arabian involvement.

As for the 15 Saudi Arabian hijackers, most of Yemeni origin, so what? KSA had nothing to do with them. Not anymore than the US has anything to do with the 100's of American nationals who have joined ISIS, Al-Nusra and other groups in the Muslim world.

Anyway this law is not aimed at KSA nor will the victims of 9/11 receive a single penny.

In fact I believe that half of the world (almost) is entitled to sue the US for trillions due to their destruction of several countries from Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq etc.

Talk about desperation.

Anyway I do not care about the 9/11 the slightest. Yes, it was unfortunate but the US has committed 1000's upon 1000's of such 9/11's that receive no media exposure. In fact, if karma is the criteria, you deserve 1 million more of such incidents. Not even that number would make up for all the innocents that you have killed in the past 100 years across the world. ISIS, Al-Qaeda, let alone KSA, are angels in comparison. Anyway your time will come like that of everyone else. I would definitely support China and Russia against you in case of war and I hope that KSA will be on that side of the coin in the future, House of Saud or no House of Saud.

In fact I believe that the world and the Arab world should start arming African-Americas and Latinos who will become a majority in a few generations. Especially since 10% of all Latinos are of Arab origin.

Yes, and when the time of the House of Saud has expired, the Saudi Arabian public should sue the US for its support of that dynasty. As for those American companies, they should first learn how to pay their taxes abroad and stop cheating people.

Your elites have harmed the wold more than anyone else in the past many decades.
Dear stating the facts and these facts are published in papers. Its sad that Hijazi citizen feel the brunt of govt acts.
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