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US Senate bill recommends $3 billion assistance to Pakistan

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Nov 1, 2005
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US Senate bill recommends $3 billion assistance to Pakistan

WASHINGTON: A bill moved in the US Senate on implementation of recommendations of the9/11 commission report, recommends to the president to provide $3 billion in assistance to Pakistan for the next five years.

The bill says that "it is the sense of Congress that the commitment of the President to provide $3 billion in assistance over the next 5 years to Pakistan should be commended."

A bill recently moved in the US House of Representatives conditioned the military and other aid to Pakistan with anti-terror cooperation.

The Senate bill says that the Government of the United States should provide assistance to Pakistan to improve Pakistan’s basic education system and to emphasize development. The Bill urges Pakistan to increase its efforts against terrorism but contains no conditionality, as does a proposed legislation of the US House of Representative.

The US administration has expressed its strong support for Pakistan’s efforts against terrorism under President Pervez Musharraf and said the country continues to demonstrate commitment to cooperation with US counterterrorism efforts.

The US officials have said the administration will work with Congress for removal of certain provisions vis a vis assistance for Pakistan from the proposed House legislation.

The bill recently moved in the US House of Representatives had recommended conditions for military and other aid to Pakistan.

According to the US legislative process the two versions of a bill are eventually reconciled between the two chambers.

I think all the fuss that was being done was a way to force Pakistan to do more. Did it work? Hardly.. It reminded the Pakistani public that United States is an unreliable strategic partner.
I think all the fuss that was being done was a way to force Pakistan to do more. Did it work? Hardly.. It reminded the Pakistani public that United States is an unreliable strategic partner.

BINGo Faster we realize that better of we would be.:pdf:
I think all the fuss that was being done was a way to force Pakistan to do more. Did it work? Hardly.. It reminded the Pakistani public that United States is an unreliable strategic partner.

This is morale boost for our president and the people of Pakistan who again proved that Pakistan is not a push over. :flag:
I think all the fuss that was being done was a way to force Pakistan to do more. Did it work? Hardly.. It reminded the Pakistani public that United States is an unreliable strategic partner.

But the govt still tows the US line.
This is morale boost for our president and the people of Pakistan who again proved that Pakistan is not a push over. :flag:

how did you reach that conclusion ?
I think all the fuss that was being done was a way to force Pakistan to do more. Did it work? Hardly.. It reminded the Pakistani public that United States is an unreliable strategic partner.

They give you everything for free, Ofcourse they will have their national interest; It is your governments duty to say where to stop or the draw line, but if u expect them to fight your wars, then i have to nothing to say, 1971 US sent the Enterprise to Bay of Bengal, only reason they didnt attack was Adm Gorshkov Subs tailing them, and a stern warning from Soviet Union to stay out of it.
They give you everything for free, Ofcourse they will have their national interest; It is your governments duty to say where to stop or the draw line, but if u expect them to fight your wars, then i have to nothing to say, 1971 US sent the Enterprise to Bay of Bengal, only reason they didnt attack was Adm Gorshkov Subs tailing them, and a stern warning from Soviet Union to stay out of it.

so let me get this straight there was india bengladesh and russia fighting pakistan.

And i remmeber in 80s pakistan gave Russkies a pay back.but indians couldn't help there russian friends:bunny: i wonder who told the indians dont even breath in that direction oh yes it was uncle sam.cheers mate :flag:
how did you reach that conclusion ?
By simply following the news and daily events. ;)
Mush has been under severe pressure eversince Bush visited Kabul and slamabad yet we made no changes in our foreign policy.

The controvertial deal we made with the tribes last summer again is a proof that we put our national interests first despite strong protest from Washington and Brussels.

We're moving ahead with IPI and don't support military action against Iran.

If anyone thinks that blocking aid to Pakistan would make us change our policy they're wrong. We've seen worse but we've reemerged way stronger after every low...time and time again. :flag:
so let me get this straight there was india bengladesh and russia fighting pakistan.

And i remmeber in 80s pakistan gave Russkies a pay back.but indians couldn't help there russian friends:bunny: i wonder who told the indians dont even breath in that direction oh yes it was uncle sam.cheers mate :flag:

Bullseye! :thumbsup:
:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
so let me get this straight there was india bengladesh and russia fighting pakistan.

And i remmeber in 80s pakistan gave Russkies a pay back.but indians couldn't help there russian friends:bunny: i wonder who told the indians dont even breath in that direction oh yes it was uncle sam.cheers mate :flag:

How did that come to that conclusion, Pakistan didnt even do anything for the breakup-soivet union, Its utterly hilarious when you say that, Go read up on History my friend. India Never supported the Afghanistan Invasion, We did not have any treaty like SENTO or CENTO, we were a Non Aligned Nation, NAM....

Read the de-classified telegrams from US Ambassador in Dacca to US President Nixon. Nobody fought for you or Nobody fought for us.. Everybody stayed back, and we broke your country into two. Go figure.
There was a great pressur on Musharraf but if anyone had watched he was interacting with national and intrnation media person two days back wherein he said clearly that what they meant by doing more "tell me what more" he said and cleared that ISI was at best and they can not can not over with the mess without the help of ISI. Pak Army is the most deciplined forced so dont need to press us more he said :)

Bingo they had to releas the aid and BTW even if they dont they are already dumping weapons in Afghanistan which just like 80s will land in the hands of War lords and They will again had to start cleaning it from the start ahhhhhhhhhh brianless American policy makers.
The controvertial deal we made with the tribes last summer again is a proof that we put our national interests first despite strong protest from Washington and Brussels.

But Pakistan is currently preparing for a major offensive in Wazirstan i have heard.

National interest or fear of strong reprisals?

We're moving ahead with IPI and don't support military action against Iran..:

India isnt interested.

If anyone thinks that blocking aid to Pakistan would make us change our policy they're wrong. We've seen worse but we've reemerged way stronger after every low...time and time again. :flag:

Your policies have changed. From arming and abetting extremists to snatch away kashmir, now your govt speaks about peace.

The Taleban you and US created are now being hunted down by both of you.
There was a great pressur on Musharraf but if anyone had watched he was interacting with national and intrnation media person two days back wherein he said clearly that what they meant by doing more "tell me what more" he said and cleared that ISI was at best and they can not can not over with the mess without the help of ISI. Pak Army is the most deciplined forced so dont need to press us more he said :).

Can you point out one leader from any nation who says their " Intelligence agency and Army is not the best " ?

Jana, everybody says that.

The point is that, there is something seriously wrong in Western Pakistan. Every time your Army does a kill, its immediately revenged by bombings. And that bombing is not limited to the area of conflict, but areas far away.

Pakistan needs to educate the mass and not make a enemy of them. US is looked upon as a enemy( or suspicion) in the developing nation and so is in Pakistan, if they see their own very Govt supporting the yankees, things would turn ugly.

Now by the above statement I'm not saying your govt is towing the US line , but saying that "its perceived by the mass to be towing the US lines".

Bingo they had to releas the aid and BTW even if they dont they are already dumping weapons in Afghanistan which just like 80s will land in the hands of War lords and They will again had to start cleaning it from the start ahhhhhhhhhh brianless American policy makers.

Whats the relationship between Aid to Pakistan and dumping weapons in Afghanistan? :rolleyes:
Bull will reply u 2mrw me in hurry i need the text of the Biull suggestign ban on aid to Pak. can u provide any link?
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