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US sees critical Pakistan role for inclusive govt in Afghanistan


May 21, 2006
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US sees critical Pakistan role for inclusive govt in Afghanistan
Anwar IqbalPublished September 8, 2021 - Updated about an hour agoFacebook Count
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US Senator Lindsey Graham addresses a gathering in Central, South Carolina, US on June 1, 2015. — Reuters/File
The US State Department has urged Pakistan to play a critical role in bringing an inclusive government in Kabul as a lawmaker warned that the United States could re-enter Afghanistan if the situation worsened.

The statements follow assurances from Pakistan’s US and UN envoys that Islamabad, too, wants an inclusive government in Kabul and is willing to work with the international community for achieving this objective.

“We have been in regular touch with the Pakistani leadership and have discussed Afghanistan in detail,” a State Department spokesperson told Dawn on Tuesday when asked to comment on Pakistan’s role in Afghanistan.

“Pakistan has frequently and publicly advocated for an inclusive government with broad support in Afghanistan and we look to Pakistan to play a critical role in enabling that outcome,” the official added.

On Tuesday, the Taliban announced an interim government dominated by the group’s old guard, with no women included. Mohammad Hasan Akhund, a close aide to the group’s late founder Mullah Omar, heads the new government, which does not reflect the inclusivity that Washington desires.

Hours before the announcement, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham suggested the US would reinvade Afghanistan if the Taliban allowed militants to regrow their roots in a country that was reportedly used for planning attacks on US soil in September 2001.

“The Taliban are not reformed, they are not new, … most importantly, they're going to give safe haven to Al Qaeda, who have ambitions to drive us out of the Mideast writ large and attack us because of our way of life," Senator Graham said.

"We will be going back into Afghanistan as we went back into Iraq and Syria."

The interviewer, Stephen Sackur, interrupted him and asked: "You seriously think the United States will once again, in the foreseeable future, put troops back into Afghanistan?"

Senator Graham replied: "We'll have to. We'll have to. Because the threat will be so large ... It will be a cauldron for radical Islamic behaviour."

The US invaded Iraq in 2003, withdrew its forces in 2011 but sent them back three years later. Nearly 2,500 American troops are still there. No US official, however, has spoken about the need to resend US troops to Afghanistan.

'Pakistan and the US retain the same interests'
President Joe Biden and his aides often talk about the need for bringing an inclusive government in Kabul that gives representation to all religious, ethnic and political groups in Afghanistan.

While responding to Dawn’s query, the State Department spokesperson noted that the entire international community had a stake in ensuring that the Taliban lived up to their public commitments and obligations.

“It’s critical that the members of the international community with the most influence in Afghanistan use all the means at their disposal to ensure that Afghanistan lives up to its obligations under the UN Charter,” the official added.

US officials have often said that they believe Pakistan has enough leverage in Afghanistan to influence critical developments and should do so.

In an opinion piece in The Washington Times newspaper, Pakistan’s US ambassador Asad Majeed Khan argued that “Pakistan and the United States retain the same interests in Afghanistan — the formation of an inclusive government that reflects Afghanistan’s ethnic and sectarian diversity.”

Such a government, he said, should also “preserve the country’s gains in advancing human rights and women’s access to education”.

In an interview with another US media outlet, Pakistan’s UN envoy Munir Akram indicated that while Islamabad had some influence in Afghanistan, it could not force the Taliban to do what they did not want to.

“We hope Afghan leaders will listen to a sincere friend in trying to form an inclusive government” where all the ethnic groups and minorities including Tajiks, Hazaras and Shia Muslims were represented.

“I think that if they are responsible, they will see the wisdom of [an] inclusive government, and hopefully, we will have a government which can actually bring peace to the country,” he added.

In an earlier statement, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had also addressed this issue, saying: “The Taliban seek international legitimacy and support. Our message is: any legitimacy and any support will have to be earned.”

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi also emphasised this point in a statement released before the Taliban announced their interim government. “Inclusive set-up is important for the Taliban to gain people’s confidence and international acceptability,” he said.

But both officials and scholars in Washington say that it’s not certain if Pakistan has enough influence on the Taliban to make them share power with people like former President Hamid Karzai and former chief executive Abdullah Abdullah.

Ambassador Khan, however, argues that Pakistan is working to expand the power base in Kabul because like the US it also “does not want to see Afghanistan become a sanctuary for terrorist groups ever again”.

In the piece he wrote for The Washington Times, the ambassador pointed out that Pakistan has always supported a negotiated, inclusive settlement between the Taliban and the other Afghan factions as it believed that this was “the only plausible pathway to sustainable peace in Afghanistan”.

A government formed as the result of such a settlement would be a credible security and development partner for the international community, he said, adding that “any government imposed by force would be internally unstable and externally destabilising.”

Ambassadors Khan and Akram both also highlighted the role Pakistan has played in the US-led efforts for evacuating Americans and others stranded in Afghanistan. So far, more than 11,000 people have used the Pakistan route for leaving Afghanistan.

Yet, Pakistan’s role in the evacuation and its efforts for an inclusive government in Kabul get little attention in Washington or in other world capitals. While the US government continues to urge Pakistan to do more on both fronts, it does not publicly acknowledge Islamabad’s efforts.

This is going to become another "do more" story.

These vague terms like inclusive and international acceptance are not going to form policy over Afghanistan.

Pakistan has neither means nor resource to impose a foreign decision on sovereign countries.
This is going to become another "do more" story.

These vague terms like inclusive and international acceptance are not going to form policy over Afghanistan.

Pakistan has neither means nor resource to impose a foreign decision on sovereign countries.

Pakistan may (or not) want to become the appointed manager for Afghanistan, suitably reimbursed, of course.
Lmao Quoting Graham that is joke.. That man is irrelevant and his islamophobic can't believe dawn even qouted him as relevant in the US politics his a dying breed within us politics and isolated his one of the last holdouts like Mccain from a bygone era
Pakistan may (or not) want to become the appointed manager for Afghanistan, suitably reimbursed, of course.

Reimbursed implies you will spend first before claiming it back and management implies certain bit of accountability.

Let's all be fair. Like democracy to Afghanistan, accountability and responsibility are alien concepts in Pakistan.
Reimbursed implies you will spend first before claiming it back and management implies certain bit of accountability.

Let's all be fair. Like democracy to Afghanistan, accountability and responsibility are alien concepts in Pakistan.

nor we are adopted to take in criticism which comes with critical roles.

this is some neela tota yunani falsafa
India, that invested everything, worked everything & appeased with every mean always wanted to be an appointed manager but the end result dictates that one being employee is like a disposable asset. Pakistan earned the trust of people of Afghanistan and so from the ruling party, whosoever it is.
United States could re-enter Afghanistan if the situation worsened

How much more to be worsened in view of 20 years without achieving anything but withdrawal by signing an agreement with same people against whom, US once invaded Afghanistan.
Reimbursed implies you will spend first before claiming it back and management implies certain bit of accountability.

Let's all be fair. Like democracy to Afghanistan, accountability and responsibility are alien concepts in Pakistan.

Fair comment, but Pakistan has not let any conceptual deficiencies hinder it to date.
Fair comment, but Pakistan has not let any conceptual deficiencies hinder it to date.

But everytime Pakistan has maintained all international law and conventions despite their conceptual limitations.
Pakistan may (or not) want to become the appointed manager for Afghanistan, suitably reimbursed, of course.

It seems like Pakistan is the self-appointed manager of Afghanistan. The Taliban invites DG ISI to Kabul to help sort things out between the factions and, boom, an interim government is announced. The world community recognizes that the road to Kabul runs through Islamabad. Whether this is a good or bad thing is up for debate.
It seems like Pakistan is the self-appointed manager of Afghanistan. The Taliban invites DG ISI to Kabul to help sort things out between the factions and, boom, an interim government is announced. The world community recognizes that the road to Kabul runs through Islamabad. Whether this is a good or bad thing is up for debate.

All countries must follow their national interests in the game of geopoolitics. :enjoy:
It seems like Pakistan is the self-appointed manager of Afghanistan. The Taliban invites DG ISI to Kabul to help sort things out between the factions and, boom, an interim government is announced. The world community recognizes that the road to Kabul runs through Islamabad. Whether this is a good or bad thing is up for debate.

It will all become clearer in the months ahead.
How much more to be worsened in view of 20 years without achieving anything but withdrawal by signing an agreement with same people against whom, US once invaded Afghanistan.
Afghanistan is a lost case. We need to focus our border and no more Indian proxies hangouts. Auzbik, Tajik, Hazara etc etc .. they all want a major share in the govt, let them resolve their ego in battle ground and grab popcorn and watch .. we ll talk when all fall and tired. Turkey,Russia,China,KSA,UAE,Qatar,India,Iran.
Now slowly US is dragging Pakistan to resolve the security situation in Afghanistan. Seems something is coming ....
It seems like Pakistan is the self-appointed manager of Afghanistan. The Taliban invites DG ISI to Kabul to help sort things out between the factions and, boom, an interim government is announced. The world community recognizes that the road to Kabul runs through Islamabad. Whether this is a good or bad thing is up for debate.
We just wanted you guys off our western border everything else is just a bonus
It seems like Pakistan is the self-appointed manager of Afghanistan. The Taliban invites DG ISI to Kabul to help sort things out between the factions and, boom, an interim government is announced. The world community recognizes that the road to Kabul runs through Islamabad. Whether this is a good or bad thing is up for debate.

cloud has become philosophical LOL Defeat makes everyone philosophical. Soak it in bud. Inhale and exhale...

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