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US sailors will die unless coronavirus-hit aircraft carrier evacuated, captain warns


Nov 4, 2011
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US sailors will die unless coronavirus-hit aircraft carrier evacuated, captain warns
Carrier with thousands onboard is docked in Guam, which is struggling to handle local caseload of Covid-19 infections

Wed 1 Apr 2020 02.54 BST


The captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier is asking for permission to isolate the bulk of his roughly 5,000 crew members on shore. Photograph: Bullit Marquez/AP

The captain of a US aircraft carrier, with 5,000 people onboard, including an unconfirmed number who have tested positive for Covid-19, has called for help to save the lives of his sailors.

The US aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt was in the Pacific when the navy reported its first coronavirus case a week ago. It has since pulled into port in Guam, a US island territory in the western Pacific.

A four-page letter, written by the ship’s captain, describes a bleak situation onboard the nuclear-powered carrier as more sailors test positive for the virus.

Captain Brett Crozier, the ship’s commanding officer, wrote that the carrier lacked enough quarantine and isolation facilities and warned the current strategy would slow but fail to eradicate the highly contagious respiratory virus.

In the letter dated Monday, he called for “decisive action” and removing over 4,000 sailors from the ship and isolating them. Along with the ship’s crew, naval aviators and others serve aboard the Roosevelt.

“We are not at war. Sailors do not need to die. If we do not act now, we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset - our sailors,” Crozier wrote.

US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters that nearly 80 people aboard the ship had tested positive for the coronavirus, a number likely to increase as all personnel on the ship are tested.

Still, the navy declined to confirm exactly how many people aboard the Roosevelt had been infected. The navy puts the ship’s complement at 5,000, the equivalent of a small American town.

The letter was first reported by the San Francisco Chronicle and its contents have been confirmed by US officials to Reuters.

The letter does not say where the sailors would be evacuated to and did say that there would be “challenges” in securing individual accommodation for his crew to safely quarantine themselves for 14 days. The island of Guam, where the carrier is docked, is the hotspot of Covid-19 in the Pacific region and is struggling to deal with the caseload it has.

Guam has 58 confirmed cases of the coronavirus and has had two Covid-19-related deaths. The Pacific Daily News reports that local authorities have been promised more testing kits by the US government and are sourcing others from Asia, but there are fears the island is fast approaching capacity in its hospitals and deaths could increase.

Acting US navy secretary Thomas Modly said the navy had been working for several days to get the sailors off the ship in Guam. Modly said Guam did not have enough beds and the Navy was in talks with the local government to use hotels and set up tents.

“We don’t disagree with the [commanding officer] on that ship, and we’re doing it in a very methodical way because it’s not the same as a cruise ship ... that ship has armaments on it, it has aircraft on it,” he said on CNN.

US defense secretary Mark Esper said on Tuesday it was not time to evacuate the carrier, adding he had not read the letter in detail.

Admiral John Aquilino, head of the US Navy’s Pacific Fleet, told reporters that the plan was to take some sailors off the ship, test and quarantine them, clean the ship and then rotate them with those on the carrier.

He said that there would be some sailors who would be in quarantine and isolation on the vessel. Asked if he was following what the ship’s captain wanted to do, but was not able to do it at the pace the commanding officer wanted, Aquilino said: “That is absolutely the case.”

US sailors will die unless coronavirus-hit aircraft carrier evacuated, captain warns
Carrier with thousands onboard is docked in Guam, which is struggling to handle local caseload of Covid-19 infections

Wed 1 Apr 2020 02.54 BST


The captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier is asking for permission to isolate the bulk of his roughly 5,000 crew members on shore. Photograph: Bullit Marquez/AP

The captain of a US aircraft carrier, with 5,000 people onboard, including an unconfirmed number who have tested positive for Covid-19, has called for help to save the lives of his sailors.

The US aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt was in the Pacific when the navy reported its first coronavirus case a week ago. It has since pulled into port in Guam, a US island territory in the western Pacific.

A four-page letter, written by the ship’s captain, describes a bleak situation onboard the nuclear-powered carrier as more sailors test positive for the virus.

Captain Brett Crozier, the ship’s commanding officer, wrote that the carrier lacked enough quarantine and isolation facilities and warned the current strategy would slow but fail to eradicate the highly contagious respiratory virus.

In the letter dated Monday, he called for “decisive action” and removing over 4,000 sailors from the ship and isolating them. Along with the ship’s crew, naval aviators and others serve aboard the Roosevelt.

“We are not at war. Sailors do not need to die. If we do not act now, we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset - our sailors,” Crozier wrote.

US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters that nearly 80 people aboard the ship had tested positive for the coronavirus, a number likely to increase as all personnel on the ship are tested.

Still, the navy declined to confirm exactly how many people aboard the Roosevelt had been infected. The navy puts the ship’s complement at 5,000, the equivalent of a small American town.

The letter was first reported by the San Francisco Chronicle and its contents have been confirmed by US officials to Reuters.

The letter does not say where the sailors would be evacuated to and did say that there would be “challenges” in securing individual accommodation for his crew to safely quarantine themselves for 14 days. The island of Guam, where the carrier is docked, is the hotspot of Covid-19 in the Pacific region and is struggling to deal with the caseload it has.

Guam has 58 confirmed cases of the coronavirus and has had two Covid-19-related deaths. The Pacific Daily News reports that local authorities have been promised more testing kits by the US government and are sourcing others from Asia, but there are fears the island is fast approaching capacity in its hospitals and deaths could increase.

Acting US navy secretary Thomas Modly said the navy had been working for several days to get the sailors off the ship in Guam. Modly said Guam did not have enough beds and the Navy was in talks with the local government to use hotels and set up tents.

“We don’t disagree with the [commanding officer] on that ship, and we’re doing it in a very methodical way because it’s not the same as a cruise ship ... that ship has armaments on it, it has aircraft on it,” he said on CNN.

US defense secretary Mark Esper said on Tuesday it was not time to evacuate the carrier, adding he had not read the letter in detail.

Admiral John Aquilino, head of the US Navy’s Pacific Fleet, told reporters that the plan was to take some sailors off the ship, test and quarantine them, clean the ship and then rotate them with those on the carrier.

He said that there would be some sailors who would be in quarantine and isolation on the vessel. Asked if he was following what the ship’s captain wanted to do, but was not able to do it at the pace the commanding officer wanted, Aquilino said: “That is absolutely the case.”

China should help them for humanity
Captain of Aircraft Carrier Pleads for Help as Virus Cases Increase Onboard
“We are not at war,” the captain of the carrier Theodore Roosevelt wrote. “Sailors do not need to die. If we do not act now, we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset — our sailors.

March 31, 2020

WASHINGTON — The captain of an American aircraft carrier deployed to the Pacific Ocean has pleaded with the Pentagon for more help as a coronavirus outbreak aboard his ship continues to spread, officials said Tuesday. Military officials say dozens of sailors have been infected.

In a four-page letter dated Monday, first reported by The San Francisco Chronicle on Tuesday, Capt. Brett E. Crozier laid out the dire situation unfolding aboard the warship, the Theodore Roosevelt, which has more than 4,000 crew members. He described what he said were the Navy’s failures to provide him with the proper resources to combat the virus by moving sailors off the vessel.

“We are not at war,” Captain Crozier wrote. “Sailors do not need to die. If we do not act now, we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset — our sailors.”

The carrier is currently docked in Guam.

Thomas B. Modly, the acting Navy secretary, told CNN in an interview that the Navy was working to move sailors off the ship — but that there were not enough beds in Guam to accommodate the entire crew.

“We’re having to talk to the government there to see if we can get some hotel space, create some tent-type facilities there,” Mr. Modly said. “We’re doing it in a very methodical way because it’s not the same as a cruise ship.”

Speaking to reporters Tuesday night, the commander of the Pacific Fleet, Adm. John C. Aquilino, said that “we’re welcoming feedback” regarding the requests outlined by Captain Crozier.

Admiral Aquilino said that crew members would be rotated off the carrier for testing and quarantine before returning aboard. The intent, he said, was to keep the ship ready to carry out its missions. He said that no crew members had been hospitalized thus far, but he declined to specify the number of infections.

In his letter, Captain Crozier had recommended offloading his entire crew, and then quarantining and testing them while the ship was professionally cleaned.

The problem aboard the Roosevelt highlights a central dilemma facing the military: Top officials, who have spent years placing readiness to fight the next war as a top priority, are now finding that maintaining that readiness during a pandemic can endanger the health, and even the lives, of service members. At the same time that Americans are being told to stay at home and practice “social distancing” in public, many service members are instead being told to continue doing their jobs.

The mixed messages have emerged across the armed services. Last week, the Army ordered a halt to most training, exercises and nonessential activities that require troops to be in close contact, but abruptly reversed itself days later, even as the infection rate in the American military rose. Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper has insisted that the armed forces find a way to protect troops from the rampaging virus while performing the military’s essential operations.

The crisis aboard the Roosevelt played out like a slow-moving disaster and highlights the dangers to the Pentagon if the coronavirus manages to infiltrate some of its most important assets, such as bomber fleets, elite Special Operations units and the talisman of American military power, aircraft carriers.

In a statement, a Navy official said that the commanding officer of the Roosevelt “alerted leadership in the Pacific Fleet on Sunday evening of continuing challenges in isolating the virus.”

“The ship’s commanding officer advocated for housing more members of the crew in facilities that allow for better isolation,” the statement said. “Navy leadership is moving quickly to take all necessary measures to ensure the health and safety of the crew of U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt, and is pursuing options to address the concerns raised by the commanding officer.”

At its core, the issue on the Roosevelt and other warships stems from the near impossibility of putting adequate social distance among people to stop the spread of the illness. The enormous ship, about 20 stories high, is its own city, but one with an extremely dense population.

Life aboard the Roosevelt means learning to live on top of other people: Many of the berths where sailors sleep include bunk beds. Hallways and doorways are cramped. Bathrooms and cafeterias are shared areas. Low ceilings and narrow, ladderlike stairwells that require the use of hands to maneuver up and down all contribute to an ever-present opportunity to spread the virus.

The flight deck of the Roosevelt, on the other hand, is enormous. The Navy likes to describe its carriers as five acres of sovereign territory. But the Navy imposes strict limits on how many people can be on the flight deck at any time.

Navy officials have acknowledged the dangers that ships pose during an outbreak of an infectious disease. As the world has seen with cruise ships, viruses can spread with frightening ease aboard these vessels. That is one reason Navy officials have been doing all they can to keep the hospital ship Comfort virus-free during its current mission in New York, where it is taking patients with other medical problems to relieve hospitals overrun by coronavirus patients.

In his letter, Captain Crozier clearly outlined the challenge. “None of the berthing aboard a warship is appropriate for quarantine or isolation,” he wrote.

A senior Navy official on Sunday sought to play down the urgency of the situation on the Roosevelt, saying that while it was unfortunate, most of the reported symptoms among the sickened sailors and other crew members had been mild.

Mr. Modly, the acting Navy secretary, defended the ship’s decision to have made a port call in Da Nang, Vietnam, despite the spread of the virus across Asia. He said that, at the time, coronavirus cases in Vietnam numbered fewer than 100 and were in the north of the country, around Hanoi. Port calls for Navy ships have since been canceled.

Maj. Gen. Jeff Taliaferro, the vice director for operations with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, acknowledged on Monday that there had been news reports about the coronavirus aboard the Roosevelt. He declined to go into details for security reasons, he said.

But, echoing a line that the military has consistently taken during the pandemic, General Taliaferro insisted that the Roosevelt could nonetheless perform its missions. If the Roosevelt had to sail immediately, he told reporters on a conference call, it was “ready to sail.”

Aren't they suppose to be trained and ready for conventional, bioweapons and nuclear attack?
COVID-19 Stricken Navy Carrier Faces Tough Choices, Limited Options
Don't fall for this BS propaganda. US is the master of warfare - don't underestimate the US.
Defense Secretary Mark Esper said the US Navy was not yet “at that point” where it ought to evacuate crew members of an aircraft carrier reportedly with a growing number of coronavirus cases.

Basically he is just abandoning the sailors and leave them over to fate or the almighty one.
China should help them for humanity
These are the same ship going for freedom navigation in SCS during when China is hardest hit by covid-19 during Feb 2020.

USN brag as the most capable navy can deal with themselves.

The Chronicle said that more than 100 aboard the warship had been confirmed infected with the new coronavirus, around four times the figures given last Friday.

Crozier asked in the letter for quarantine facilities for the entire crew on Guam.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper said the US Navy was not yet “at that point” where it ought to evacuate crew members of an aircraft carrier reportedly with a growing number of coronavirus cases.

Basically he is just abandoning the sailors and leave them over to fate or the almighty one.
I am not surprised. Typical US elite action. Sailors and soldiers lives are dispensable.
wonder why they can't put some emergency measure to control the disease spread.
Captain Begs Navy to Help Stop Coronavirus Outbreak Aboard Aircraft Carrier | TODAY
Don't fall for this BS propaganda. US is the master of warfare - don't underestimate the US.
"1 US aircraft carrier is also now out of service..."

wonder why they can't put some emergency measure to control the disease spread.
No space though bro...they're mostly or always probably close to someone else on that AC.
These are the same ship going for freedom navigation in SCS during when China is hardest hit by covid-19 during Feb 2020.

USN brag as the most capable navy can deal with themselves.

The Chronicle said that more than 100 aboard the warship had been confirmed infected with the new coronavirus, around four times the figures given last Friday.

Crozier asked in the letter for quarantine facilities for the entire crew on Guam.

I am not surprised. Typical US elite action. Sailors and soldiers lives are dispensable.

I bet you wouldn't even accept any cruise ships asking for help.
"1 US aircraft carrier is also now out of service..."

No space though bro...they're mostly or always probably close to someone else on that AC.
they have lots of storage room , they can move some aircraft on the deck and use 1 or 2 of hangers as makeshift sickbay for quarantine area.
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