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US sailor thwarts Dubai bus driver rapist

An off-duty US navy sailor
wrestled a bus driver to the
ground and beat him into
submission after he attempted
to rape her at knife point, a
court heard yesterday. Prosecutors said that she
knocked the knife from his
hand, broke it in two, bit him
in the hand, forced him to the
ground and locked him
between her thighs. The woman, 28, was on 24-
hour shore leave in Dubai and
was attacked as she returned
to the port where she was
based after a day shopping.

(STOCK IMAGE) She had been attempting to
hail a taxi after visiting
shopping centre, Mall of the
Emirates and a supermarket
when a bus pulled up next to
her After climbing aboard she
became suspicious of the
drivers route. She said: ‘I
noticed he did not take the
main road and when I asked
him he told me not to worry.’

He then drove for a further 10
minutes before stopping in an
area where other buses were
parked and attempting to kiss
her. When she refused him he
pulled the knife and
threatened to rape her but she
was able to subdue him. Following the attack, which
occurred on January 19 of this
year, she left the bus and
reported it to her commander
at Port Khalid.

The driver, named as K S, from Pakistan, was arrested the next day at his home and the attending police officer saidthat he was intoxicated at thetime. The court ordered that the21 year-old be examined to establish his age after he didnot produce a birth certificate. He has been charged with attempted rape, threatening to kill, assault and consuming alcohol illegally. Having confessed to thealcohol charge, the driver claims to have been too drunk to remember what happened. Traces of the woman’s hair and blood were found on his bus. The case was adjourned to May 1.

US sailor thwarts Dubai bus driver rapist after putting him in strangehold with her thighs and then beating him into submission | Mail Online

So heroic of Mard e momin from land of pure.

maybe what she did was only thing bus driver wanted, maybe he enjoyed it :undecided:
Of all the charges, DUI isn't one of them? What on earth is consuming aclohol illegally? There is legal and illegal way to drink aclohol?

If you're an western expat in Dubai, they consider it legal i suppose to consume alcohol because they're kuffar anyway and it is probably confined to the premises that sell alcohol. ie, clubs/bars, not allowed freely into the streets.
If you're a muslim, working in UAE and drunk while on your job, of course this would be illegal.

I don't know exactly, but using my brain helps.
As per law, he can only be charged for intoxication, not rape. However, Dubai laws would be different. Hope he's castrated and sent to the cooler for life!

Secondly, this thread has turned out to be a Muslim - Hindu flame fest. :fie: Sheeesh! I'm outta here.
As per law, he can only be charged for intoxication, not rape. However, Dubai laws would be different. Hope he's castrated and sent to the cooler for life!

I think attempted rape is also a crime in Dubai. I dont believe that he will get away with that "I was too drunk to know what I was doing defence" since he was capable of driving his bus even after the incident
knocked the knife from his
hand, broke it in two, bit him
in the hand, forced him to the
ground and locked him
between her thighs. [/B].

This part of the article reminds me of Hillary Clinton in her dealings with Pakistan :rofl:

What convert?
Who convert?
Islam is the one n only true religion in the face of the earth.
Going by yr logic then there were other religions before hinduism.

This isn't a Hindu - Muslim discussion. It is a thread about Pakistanis behaving badly. Please stick to the topic
He then drove for a further 10
before stopping in an
area where other buses were
parked and attempting to kiss

first of all there is no bus parking lot on a 10 minute route near Mall of the emirates, secondly the bus parking is in
warsan 3 area which miles away and takes more than 30 mins to reach from central business districts so from Mall of the emirates its more than 50 mins far.....buses here are tracked he cant enter the wrong taxi lane even if he does he is not allowed to pick up a passenger..and all lanes have a security guard at them so he cant enter anyways.....

typical mentality comprising of inferiority complexes :disagree:

rape is a crime which takes place everywhere at everyplace by atleast a member (not every member) of a whole huge a$$ country.....

if the brutal rape carried out by your community is very hard for u to digest perhaps you need HAJMOLA

@nuclearpak I think the report makes no sense !!!
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first of all there is no bus parking lot on a 10 minute route near Mall of the emirates, secondly the bus parking is in
warsan 3 area which miles away and takes more than 30 mins to reach from central business districts so from Mall of the emirates its more than 50 mins far.....buses here are tracked he cant enter the wrong taxi lane even if he does he is not allowed to pick up a passenger..and all lanes have a security guard at them so he cant enter anyways.....
Go and say that to reporter of mai online. :wave:
typical mentality comprising of inferiority complexes :disagree:

rape is a crime which takes place everywhere at everyplace by atleast a member (not every member) of a whole huge a$$ country.....

if the brutal rape carried out by your community is very hard for u to digest perhaps you need HAJMOLA

@nuclearpak I think the report makes no sense !!!

Why are you acting like drama queen , we will talk about rapes by Indian in different thread, just discuss if you can by being in perimeter of the post.I think you need that Hazmola right now.:wave:
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