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US risking its ties with Arab world — Bahrain


Sep 16, 2013
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United Arab Emirates
Ooops this is going to get controversial.....:disagree:

America’s “schizophrenic” approach to the Middle East could result in many key Arab states deciding to align themselves more closely with Russia, Bahrain warned on Sunday.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Shaikh Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince of Bahrain, said Barack Obama’s administration would lose influence in the region if it persisted with a “transient and reactive” foreign policy.

There has been a sharp rise in tensions between Washington and several Arab states after last month’s controversial interim agreement with Iran over its nuclear programme. Citing Mr Obama’s handling of the recent crisis over Syria’s chemical weapons, which allowed Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, to seize the initiative, Shaikh Salman said some states were reviewing their relations with America.

The Russians have proved they are reliable friends,” said Shaikh Salman, referring to Putin’s diplomatic intervention to prevent Western military action against Bashar Al Assad.

“As a result, some states in the region have already started to look at developing more multilateral relations rather than just relying on Washington. America seems to suffer from schizophrenia when it deals with the Arab world.”

Shaikh Salman, 44, who serves at Bahrain’s first deputy prime minister, said America’s recent involvement in the region’s conflicts meant that many Arab states doubted whether they could rely on the West to protect their interests.

The US cannot sit from afar making condescending judgments. It needs friends and partners to achieve its goals,” he said.

Bahrain is one of several Gulf states that were angered by the Obama administration’s decision to call for the removal of the Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak, following widespread anti-government protests three years ago, even though Mubarak had been a staunch pro-Western ally for 30 years.

Shaikh Salman said: “The problem is that policy in America operates in two-year election cycles, and there is no long-term planning.”

In common with other Gulf states, Bahrain also expressed concerns about the recent interim agreement negotiated in Geneva last month, between Washington and Tehran over Iran’s nuclear programme.

Britain and America used the annual Manama Dialogue regional security conference at the weekend, which is hosted by Bahrain and organised by the International Institute for Strategic Studies, to offer assurances that the Geneva deal will not affect their support for Arab states.

Shaikh Khalid Bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Bahrain’s foreign minister, said Arab states did not require reassurances. Instead, he said the West “need to listen to us, because we know Iran well”.

US risking its ties with Arab world — Bahrain | GulfNews.com
They are furious because US did not go to war and bomb Syria. So they punish them by realligning to the one country in the security council, Russia, that prevented the war, and has been a staunch ally and supporter of the Syrian government?
That makes sense in what universe now? haha

Lets also not forget that Russia has hosted Bahraini opposition leaders (Al-Wefaq), whom are Al-Khalifas enemies.
So what one can conclude is that this is not much more than bluster. Silly
One thing talking the talk, but no one takes yuo very seriously until you actually walk the walk.
They are furious because US did not go to war and bomb Syria. So they punish them by realligning to the one country in the security council, Russia, that prevented the war, and has been a staunch ally and supporter of the Syrian government?
That makes sense in what universe now? haha

True it doesnt make sense.And this is definitely not one of the reasons is my guess.
Ostensibly US is also reducing the cutting out on its forces here in GCC.So the countries are actually worried about their security.So adding the two and two brings me to the conclusion that US and GCC relationship has hit rock bottom.
Possible cut in US forces not a concern for GCC | GulfNews.com

And Bahrain has been its rebellious best against US recently.
But yes I do agree that gulf felt misled when US embraced the Russian initiative for Syria to relinquish its chemical arsenal.

I get the impression that almost all the GCC economic infrastructure is western.

I don't see how they can switch to the Russian camp.

From what I know GCC countries want to be included in the P5+1 talks.P5+1 includes Russia too.
Now that US is busy developing a new friendship with Iran,GCC doesnt have much choice other than go to the 2nd best option,which undoubtedly is Russia,compared to Communist China,France and Germany.
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