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US responsible for the Murder of Pakistani Troops - Pak Rejects NATO Probe

VCheng few days back i told you about what will be in the upcoming report and you said that you will say anything after NATO's report . now here is the report and kindly compare it with previous claims of US and NATO . does not it look like a mixture and full of flaws and lies and its a vague report and still many questions are not answered in this

I am still going through the complete report.
I dont see an "intentional" intentional attack.. What I see is US troops fired upon by ours as warning...some of it gets too close for comfort and they decide to teach us a lesson. The whole miscommunication thing may be a canard at the side, but this read like a case of "Ill teach you to shoot at me"..

Btw.. I think that there is also an Afghan Badmash element we are missing here.

Well for me it is intentional. Warning does not continue for 2 or 3 hours. They had even come back for a second attack when other Pakistani troops were trying to help the injured troops. They have concocted the story of Pakistanis shooting at them. The Pakistani post there had only one 12.7mm machine gun and the rest were just Ak-47 and G-3. It would have been stupid for a Major and a Captain who are educated and trained to order start shooting at NATO and invite retaliation. Specially after as per NATO statement, AC-130 had lit up the moonless night sky like the day before any attack had begun. The commanding officer being a Major would not have started shooting at an AC-130 with his G-3. Americans are saying he did exactly that. It was a cold blooded slaughter, and yes there might have been some Afghan badmash trained by RAW. We know India is there and has made deep relations with Afghan army.
This report is nothing but yet another white-wash by the US Military-Intelligence Complex to hide their sins.

Millions killed across the world by 'American exceptionalism' in the US pursuit of 'American National Interests' at all costs - from Latin America to Asia, South Asia and the Middle East.

Will our 'liberals' finally wake up and realize they are worshiping at the altar of a mass-murdering colonialist regime that cares nothing for the consequences of its actions so long as 'American interests are advanced'?
It's interesting that the US Forces shot in self-defense, but no one was killed or even injured on their side, & all the casualties were on the Pakistani side, inside Pakistani territory.

The maps thing almost reminds me of the Miss Teen South Carolina speech, the statement about the maps comes out as a big joke: with all the sophisticated GPS systems & other precise systems, there is no way this incident could have been caused by bad maps or badly marked borders.
I know he was sarcastic about it and that is why I had thanked his post. I guess he could not get my anger though as emotions are raw here. I was angry that Americans think we are some stupid people who do not know anything and they can make up a story and shove it down our throats. It was an intentional attack. Though the reason for which we do not know. This is the point here.

Judging by our governments track record of bending over and being submissive i believe the US were under the misaprehension of perhaps a similar response this time. I think clearly they bit off too much for them to chew. Judging by the national response from our people the masses are fuming and will continue to do so. If the government caves in or allows the US a free access again - they will potentially sealing their own fate.
Guys now keep eye on our leaders govt. and military, don't let them defuse this pressure by mamooo gate, military coupe speculation type things. Pakistani nation should not let them to go back on business as usual.

You will see load shadings and other problem rising suddenly to divert public's interest.

I think not. because if this was a deliberate attack and I think it was one of american aims is to castrate pakistani army make indians dominant without resolving kashmir and PA will not take that no matter what in pakistan
I already know they were F-15E. But F15E is not used to fight troglodytes, rather for this job they use their Apache and A-10's. If they want massive fire power they use AC-130. F-15E are only and ONLY used to strike high value assets and they fire heavy precision ammunitions, for example banker buster, anti radiation kind of weapons. These are not really useful against troglodytes as cave dweller do not have air defense radars, under ground ammunition steel concrete bunkers, air base runways or such stuff against which F-15E is used. And again the PRIMARY mission of F-15E is air superiority. The strike capability was later on latched on it a an additional feature but still it is a superiority fighter. They had been there to deter Pakistan Air Force.

Incorrect.. the F-15E was designed from the outset as a dedicated strike fighter based on the F-15C airframe.
Its primary mission in Afghanistan is close air support.. believe me. Its on the USAF site as well.
That does not mean that the F-15E cannot perform CAP's or fighter sweeps.
Judging by our governments track record of bending over and being submissive i believe the US were under the misaprehension of perhaps a similar response this time. I think clearly they bit off too much for them to chew. Judging by the national response from our people the masses are fuming and will continue to do so. If the government caves in or allows the US a free access again - they will potentially sealing their own fate.

That is the shame we have to live by now. I wonder they do not write such things in our Pak studies books for schools. I you read those books it is like we are the most respected nation on earth and then the reality is so pathetic. That is why people are so angry.
I am still going through the complete report.
ok then i personally request NATO to send you a complete report with homemade evidences so that you come back full loaded guns of allegations against Pakistan
For the last month, we were hoping for something substantial coming out of this investigation, but as usual, it is a poor effort to discredit Pakistan & the events of November 26. And it is a poor effort indeed.
laughter will kill me sooner than cynide capsule
It can only be seen in my opinion in the context of wider geo political american interests of containing china making india stronger etc. But depends how high the authorisation came from. Was it or is it and I do think this is possible rogue elements in the pentagon and or cia or is it american president govt policy???

That is so right. Memogate, Abbottabad, Mehran base, etc, etc are all connected. There is conspiracy going on against Pakistan. I hope it does not become like 1971 all over again with Balochistan and Tribal areas boiling already. We have to smarten up. I guess you have all seen and heard about the 2015 maps for Pakistan in which Pakistan is broken up. Well, 2015 is coming up and things are getting messier by the day. We have to be careful.
Warning shot.. how else were they supposed to get the attention of the intruder..fireworks??

I think all border posts also have flares.....so you don't need fireworks...but just colored flares that can signal that Americans are in the wrong territory.

Warning shots and flares are all standard rules of engagement. But then VCheng........

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