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US requests NATO supply route from Iran.

Thousands of people will lose jobs in Pakistan but atleast at the end of the day, our MAHAAAAN leader Imran khan will sleep like a baby. What a shame, this man has never used his brain and rather resorted to arguments and fighting and threats instead of using diplomacy and thinking for once for the sake of Pakistan. Oh well. I hope Imran khan is happy now.
1-NATO supplies from Iran would cost 20% cheaper than Pakistan
2-If all goes well, US exit would likely to be routed through Iran than Pakistan.
3-Iran has agreed to provide necessary security for the supplies.
4-Northern Alliance leaders brokering the deal between US and Iran.
5-Once a formal agreement is reached, drone attacks likely to accelerate in Pakistan.

There is no Northern Alliance but Afghan security establishment.
The US is a user and a abuser when it comes to its international interest it uses who, when and where it wants simply ... This friendship is only for the exit time for its troops once that plan has taken place the tensions between the US and Iran will be back on the table. See people just don't seem to understand the whole logic the US and Iran will never be friends and always will be enemies simply because of Israel which is pretty much the US's son fig the rest of the drift out I think this is a good thing because any way you look at it the nation of Pakistan does not benefit from the money we get from the US for providing them service meaning a supply route for their troops next door more less all that money goes in to the pockets of these corrupt gov's so I think this should be good for us in the long run we need to be on our own feet to work towards a better future for our nation and its children plus the TTP will not be in a war with us anymore the only reason they are is because we are supporting the US in its pathetic WOT and that we are a US alley .
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I guess it's not good news for Pakistan.....if NATO supply takes the Iranian route, Pakistan will lose its only leverage against the drone strikes.....U.S will start bombing Pakistan more vigorously....
lol gotta call from my friend who said "yaar tunay Iran US ke deal kay baad jo kaha tha woh waqaye hogaya hye" hahahahhaha thats pure game! US/Iran tension will back after US withdrawal from Afghanistan ;)
I guess it's not good news for Pakistan.....if NATO supply takes the Iranian route, Pakistan will lose its only leverage against the drone strikes.....U.S will start bombing Pakistan more vigorously....

It will be good for Pakistan...TTP terrorists will left for Afghanistan & won't fight Pakistan anymore. Pakistan already has a secret deal with US to conduct drone strikes. Pakistan then will turn it's focus again on IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir. A win win situation for Pakistan, Iran & US.
TTP terrorists won't have reason to fight Pakistan. As of now they accuse Pakistan of fighting American war. A win win situation for Pakistan, Iran & US.
It will be good for Pakistan...TTP terrorists will left for Afghanistan & won't fight Pakistan anymore. Pakistan already has a secret deal with US to conduct drone strikes. Pakistan then will turn it's focus again on IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir. A win win situation for Pakistan, Iran & US.

This is a win win for both Pakistan and Iran.

Pakistan now can claim Sovereignty in the UN and challenge Drone attacks.

Subsequently , Pakistan will be free to shoot down US drones after having fairly warned US in a UN Forum. So far US sneeks around the Sovereignty issue by claiming that it has tacit permission from Pakistan to make drone attacks. Once Pakistan openly declares in United Nations that this is no longer true, it will have the right to enforce its Sovereignty over its territory.

As for the loss of Nato Supplies transportation charges, Pakistan losses more financially from this arrangement in form of terrorism and loss to life and property than it gains from revenues from NATO.

Also it will save the wear and tear of heavy equipment tearing up our highways.
I guess it's not good news for Pakistan.....if NATO supply takes the Iranian route, Pakistan will lose its only leverage against the drone strikes.....U.S will start bombing Pakistan more vigorously....
May be economic sanctions that Hillary used to say be enforced.
Lolz...if this happens, that's not a good news for Pakistan.
go to google earth and check the big container terminal at Qila Saif Ullah Afghanistan..-.... Indians feel happy making fool out of Iran loyalists.
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