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US Recession fears & impact on world economy

US debt statistics shows that each American citizen owes the world one million dollar.

The big problem is that today US economy is tied with petro dollars. US have agreements with OPEC that they will trade oil in dollars.
This system of the US dollar acting as global reserve currency in oil trade keeps the demand for the dollar 'artificial' high. This enables the US to carry out printing dollars at the price of next to nothing to fund increased military spending and consumer spending on imports. There is no theoretical limit to the amount of dollars that can be printed. As long as the US has no serious challengers and the other states have confidence in the US dollar the system functions.

Other wise statistics shows all dollar based ecomomies have depriciated twice since 2003 basically there is no point for govt. to keep FE reserves in dollars.
Russia, Europe and China has already diversified their FE reserves, eventually more states will be joining in and leading to graduall collapse.
US is desperately looking for countries with large FE reserves in order to make them dependent on US.

This situation reminds me of Italy in second world war who spent all its resources in building war machhinery and eventuall had no money left for other things and hence was forced to wage war on various europen nations to grab their wealth. Today, I see US at same position in few years time it will have no other choice to wage more wars with mineral rich countries.
It doesn't matter who comes to power in the U.S. Republican or Democrat their policies are alway a continuation of the past government. All this stuff about pulling out troops and ending the war is all BS, the fact is U.S. foreign policy is not made in the White House but in the Pentagon.

Thats not true, if hillary clinton becomes president. she has promised to move all the troop out in 60 days after her presidentency. In America the president is considered to chief execute officer which means the head of the army,navy,marines, and air force. What the president says the army has to follow without the approval of congress. If the congress disagrees with the president wish they can vote for majority rule and turn it.
Thats not true, if hillary clinton becomes president. she has promised to move all the troop out in 60 days after her presidentency. In America the president is considered to chief execute officer which means the head of the army,navy,marines, and air force. What the president says the army has to follow without the approval of congress. If the congress disagrees with the president wish they can vote for majority rule and turn it.

Dont tell me about how the U.S. government works. I know how it works better then the President himself. I have studied the U.S. government extensively, I am going on the get a PhD on U.S. and world history so I know a few things and besides dont be fooled by the flag I have I am and always will be a Pakistani but I was born and raised and currently reside in the U.S.
Now lets get to the legal and not so legal stuff in your comment. Hillary will never or as a matter a fact who ever becomes the next U.S. President(in my opinion John McCain) cant and will not pull U.S. troops out of Iraq. The Pentagon wont let them. You must remember in 1970 Richard Nixon also promised to pull U.S. troops out of Vietman but he never did until it was time for reelection, wny because the Pentagon wanted to stay their.
Now you are right that the President is the Commander-in-Chief of the all Armed Forces but at the same time you must remember the Armed Forces have guns and in every country in the world the opinion of the Armed Forces matters more then the opinion of the government.
As far as the President sending troops is concerned the President infact can send troops to other country and they do require approval from Congress. But at the same time you must remember that the Iraq war was never declared a war. The last declared war by the U.S. was WW11. All the U.S. Congress can do in Iraq's case is cut off the funding for the war which they will never do because it would like the U.S. government deserting the soldiers.
So you see what these politicians say is never going to come true. They are just chants and slogans to get the people fired up and to win votes. This happens everywhere in the world.
Dont tell me about how the U.S. government works. I know how it works better then the President himself. I have studied the U.S. government extensively, I am going on the get a PhD on U.S. and world history so I know a few things and besides dont be fooled by the flag I have I am and always will be a Pakistani but I was born and raised and currently reside in the U.S.
Now lets get to the legal and not so legal stuff in your comment. Hillary will never or as a matter a fact who ever becomes the next U.S. President(in my opinion John McCain) cant and will not pull U.S. troops out of Iraq. The Pentagon wont let them. You must remember in 1970 Richard Nixon also promised to pull U.S. troops out of Vietman but he never did until it was time for reelection, wny because the Pentagon wanted to stay their.
Now you are right that the President is the Commander-in-Chief of the all Armed Forces but at the same time you must remember the Armed Forces have guns and in every country in the world the opinion of the Armed Forces matters more then the opinion of the government.
As far as the President sending troops is concerned the President infact can send troops to other country and they do require approval from Congress. But at the same time you must remember that the Iraq war was never declared a war. The last declared war by the U.S. was WW11. All the U.S. Congress can do in Iraq's case is cut off the funding for the war which they will never do because it would like the U.S. government deserting the soldiers.
So you see what these politicians say is never going to come true. They are just chants and slogans to get the people fired up and to win votes. This happens everywhere in the world.

I was not teaching you about anything especially american government system. All i am saying is that pulling the troops out of iraq is one of things hillary clinton is running for. i am saying if hillary wins, she will pull those troops out from iraq. And by the way she is only canadate that is saying this.

Ps. i grew up in american, with 1st to college, so please don't you teaching me how american gov't works, and you don't have get so pissy about this because i did not accuse you of not knowing, i just made a general statement.
I was not teaching you about anything especially american government system. All i am saying is that pulling the troops out of iraq is one of things hillary clinton is running for. i am saying if hillary wins, she will pull those troops out from iraq. And by the way she is only canadate that is saying this.

Ps. i grew up in american, with 1st to college, so please don't you teaching me how american gov't works, and you don't have get so pissy about this because i did not accuse you of not knowing, i just made a general statement.

what about barack obama? wasnt he saying that he would have all troops out of iraq by 2009 if he became president?
what about barack obama? wasnt he saying that he would have all troops out of iraq by 2009 if he became president?

No barack obama is suggesting to take the troops out, but he has seriouly not considered it, McCain wants to keep a permenant base, and hilliary wants to pull them out right away.
No barack obama is suggesting to take the troops out, but he has seriouly not considered it, McCain wants to keep a permenant base, and hilliary wants to pull them out right away.

I am sorry but I cant agree with your statement. Obama wans to pull trops out right away. Clinton still has not made her plan clear. Remember she voted to keep troops in Iraq. As far as McCain is concerned he is a conservative, but he is wiser then Bush but he will keep troops their and continue on with the policy of Bush.
I am sorry but I cant agree with your statement. Obama wans to pull trops out right away. Clinton still has not made her plan clear. Remember she voted to keep troops in Iraq. As far as McCain is concerned he is a conservative, but he is wiser then Bush but he will keep troops their and continue on with the policy of Bush.

First of all Mujahideen i accept your apoligy, and likewise i must apoligize to you:cheers:

you can go to youtube and look up hilliary speaches, she has consistantly has said i will pull troops out within 60 days, while if you listen to obama he is not giving any time line, yes he is saying we need to get out, but no time line
you can go to youtube and look up hilliary speaches, she has consistantly has said i will pull troops out within 60 days, while if you listen to obama he is not giving any time line, yes he is saying we need to get out, but no time line

I know that Hillary has said that she will pull out troops within 60 days but she has also on numerous occassions said she will change the strategy in Iraq. As far as Obama is concerned he has said we need to get out of Iraq immediately but has given no time frame. You see these are the type of speeches given by politicians. It usually depends on the crowd which is around them. If the crowd is conservative they will favour the war but if the crowd is liberal they will curse the war.
In my opinion I dont see U.S. troops pulling out any time in the near future, unless the stack market crashes. Honestly speaking I dont think even the people of the U.S. know what they want. They are against the war, but when asked if troops should be pulled out the say no, because to them it is a retreat meaning they have lost the war. So what needs to happen no one knows.
I know that Hillary has said that she will pull out troops within 60 days but she has also on numerous occassions said she will change the strategy in Iraq. As far as Obama is concerned he has said we need to get out of Iraq immediately but has given no time frame. You see these are the type of speeches given by politicians. It usually depends on the crowd which is around them. If the crowd is conservative they will favour the war but if the crowd is liberal they will curse the war.
In my opinion I dont see U.S. troops pulling out any time in the near future, unless the stack market crashes. Honestly speaking I dont think even the people of the U.S. know what they want. They are against the war, but when asked if troops should be pulled out the say no, because to them it is a retreat meaning they have lost the war. So what needs to happen no one knows.

Well i will agree with you on this point, and maybe you have change my mind on the democrats. even thought i don't vote. I feel they will open a base like in north korea, and germany.
Well i will agree with you on this point, and maybe you have change my mind on the democrats. even thought i don't vote. I feel they will open a base like in north korea, and germany.

Well the U.S. has one of its biggest overseas base in Germany. I think 80,000 men are stationed their. As far as North Korea is concerned I think the next government need to talk openly with the Koreans to see what exactly is their problem or what is it that they want.
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