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US readies 'Plan B' to supply heavy weapons to militants: Report


Apr 29, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
US readies 'Plan B' to supply heavy weapons to militants: Report


US Secretary of State John Kerry officially floated the idea of a "Plan B" for Syria in February. (file photo)​
The United States and its regional allies have prepared plans to supply more-powerful weapons to militants fighting the Syrian government, amid concerns that a landmark ceasefire is threatening to fall apart.

US officials said the so-called Plan B is aimed at providing vetted “moderate” militant units with weapons system that would enable them to launch attacks against Syrian government aircraft and artillery positions, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

US-backed militants carried out a series of attacks in central and southern Syria on Monday even as the Damascus government was observing a ceasefire and holding talks with opposition groups to end the years-long conflict.

A ceasefire brokered by the US and Russia went into effect on February 27 across Syria. The truce agreement does not apply to Daesh and al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front. A new round of discussions is to resume between the two sides in Geneva this week.

Concern has been growing that the recent uptick in violence is putting intense strain on the fragile truce.

US Secretary of State John Kerry floated the idea of a “Plan B” for the first time late in February, stressing that partitioning of Syria was on the table if the ceasefire collapsed.

The preparations for the “Plan B” were discussed at a secret gathering of intelligence chiefs in the Middle East before the ceasefire went into effect and in exchanges between intelligence services, the Journal said.

During those sessions, the CIA gave assurances to allies that they would be given approval to expand arms shipments to Syria’s “moderate” militants.

Coalition members reportedly agreed to the outlines of the plan, but the White House must approve the list of proposed weapons systems before they can be sent to Syria.

“The agreement is to up the ante, if needed,” a senior US official said.


Militants carry their weapons as they walk along a street in a town in eastern Damascus, May 6, 2015. (Reuters photo)
The plan for introducing more sophisticated weapons into the Syrian battlefield is perceived as being part of a broader behind-the-scenes effort by the US to counter its adversaries in the conflict.

US officials have privately warned their Russian counterparts that the armed opposition will persist in Syria and that a return to full-scale fighting could put further strain on Russian pilots there, according to the Journal.

In addition, Pentagon officials said in recent weeks that the White House was looking to “greatly increase” the number of special forces deployed in Syria. The US military also said that it had resumed training new units of militants operating in the country.

The discussions for a possible escalation of the proxy war in Syria have been fueled to a large extent by a relatively successful Russian campaign in the country.

PressTV-US plans to send heavy arms to Syria

U.S. Government Reveals 3,000 Ton Delivery Of Weapons To Al-Qaeda-Linked Syrian Rebels | Zero Hedge

The Great Satan wants more destruction and bleeding.

Why don't they get lost to their country and stop supporting terrorism and barbarism in the ME?!!

Why the hell Arab monarchy dictatorship countries which rule by king and are without democracy are supported by the US? (double standard)

Why the US don't care about killing of hundreds of MB members in Egypt by sisi goon?!

Get lost Great Satan and take your illegitimate Israel (which has occupied Quds) with yourself and stop meddling looting and bringing good terrorists to Islamic countries.

Stop creating arming and supporting wahhabi/salafi terrorists and don't call them good terrorism.

You have killed millions of Muslims from Afghanistan to African countries directly or by creating extremist jihadi goons.
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Meh. Moderate rebels are not religious. Not religious meant not brave enough. In the past, leaders made religion to make their soldiers not afraid of death so they can fight war.
Baseless story.. John Kerry is not a warmonger, it may be Idea of officials from CIA if its true..
Baseless story.. John Kerry is not a warmonger, it may be Idea of officials from CIA if its true..

US is the main supporter of 'moderate terrorists' in the ME and also creator of ISIS. Creator of Taliban in Afghanistan, etc...

The next president of the US will be more aggressive than today's obama and God knows how much they will loot Islamic countries.
Artillery not aircraft causes the most casualties. 90% of casualties is caused by artillery. Aircraft are few and logically difficult to operate. Artillery are many and easy to build and operate. Artillery can do everything aircraft can do, and more. For every bomb aircraft can drop, artillery can drop 10 times as many.
US is the main supporter of 'moderate terrorists' in the ME and also creator of ISIS. Creator of Taliban in Afghanistan, etc...

The next president of the US will be more aggressive than today's obama and God knows how much they will loot Islamic countries.

I am talking about Kerry, he deal with US foreign policy that too advised by President...

Fighting and all that stuff is responsibility of CIA, defense sectary, Pentagon etc..
U.S. Government Reveals 3,000 Ton Delivery Of Weapons To Al-Qaeda-Linked Syrian Rebels

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/09/2016 12:32 -0400

U.S. Delivers 3,000 Tons Of Weapons And Ammo To Al-Qaeda & Co in Syria

The United States via its Central Intelligence Agency is still delivering thousands of tons of additional weapons to al-Qaeda and others in Syria.

The FBO has released two solicitations in recent months looking for shipping companies to transport explosive material from Eastern Europe to the Jordanian port of Aqaba on behalf of the US Navy's Military Sealift Command.

Released on 3 November 2015, the first solicitation sought a contractor to ship 81 containers of cargo that included explosive material from Constanta in Bulgaria to Aqaba.

The cargo listed in the document included AK-47 rifles, PKM general-purpose machine guns, DShK heavy machine guns, RPG-7 rocket launchers, and 9K111M Faktoria anti-tank guided weapon (ATGW) systems. The Faktoria is an improved version of the 9K111 Fagot ATGW, the primary difference being that its missile has a tandem warhead for defeating explosive reactive armour (ERA) fitted to some tanks.

One ship with nearly one thousand tons of weapons and ammo left Constanta in Romania on December 5. The weapons are from Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania. It sailed to Agalar in Turkey which is a military pier and then to Aqaba in Jordan. Another ship with more than two-thousand tons of weapons and ammo left in late March, followed the same route and was last recorded on its way to Aqaba on April 4.

We already knew that the "rebels" in Syria received plenty of weapons during the official ceasefire. We also know that these "rebels" regularly deliver half of their weapon hauls from Turkey and Jordan to al-Qaeda in Syria (aka Jabhat al-Nusra):

Hard-core Islamists in the Nusra Front have long outgunned the more secular, nationalist, Western-supported rebels. According to FSA officers, Nusra routinely harvests up to half the weapons supplied by the Friends of Syria, a collection of countries opposed to Assad, ..

U.S. and Turkey supported "rebels" took part in the recent attack on Tal al-Eis against Syrian government forces which was launched with three suicide bombs by al-Qaeda in Syria. This was an indisputable breaking of the ceasefire agreement negotiated between Russia and the U.S. It is very likely that some of the weapons and ammunition the U.S. delivered in December were used in this attack.

Millions of rifle, machine-gun and mortar shots, thousands of new light and heavy weapons and hundreds of new anti-tank missiles were delivered by the U.S.. Neither Turkey nor Jordan use such weapons of Soviet provenience. These weapons are going to Syria where, as has been reported for years by multiple independent sources, half of them go directly to al-Qaeda.

From historic experience we can be sure that the consequence of this weaponizing of takfiris will be not only be the death of "brown people" in the Middle East, but also attacks on "western" people and interests.

Skyscrapers falling in New York and hundreds of random people getting killed in Paris, Brussels, London and (likely soon) Berlin seem not enough to deter the politicians and "experts" that actively support this criminal war on Syria and its people.

U.S. Government Reveals 3,000 Ton Delivery Of Weapons To Al-Qaeda-Linked Syrian Rebels | Zero Hedge

Americans love Muslims because of that they send help (terrorists) for them.
The "good" rebel terrorists. Just wait till these "good" guys become bad in the near future. They arm terrorists who do their bidding and cry rivers afterwards when the milk has been spilt.

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