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US ramps up B-21 stealth bomber production ‘to take on China’

Communism has Been and will always remain the biggest threat to Islam

good news is human made laws cannot surpass Gods laws so you are destined to fail
Nobody cares about what an idiot thinks...LMAO...
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Communism has Been and will always remain the biggest threat to Islam

good news is human made laws cannot surpass Gods laws so you are destined to fail
God doesn't exist. Even if he would, for sure he wouldn't be properly described by some fairy tales on earth like Koran, the Bibble, or other Egyptian, Aztec mythology.
Pearl Harbor as a whole didn't have the oil to produce like you expect with oil producing countries.

You can sympathize all you want with the PRC currently. Just remember since you know your history what Japan's intentions were back in the 1930s and their view of Asia for Asians only even though it was more like for Japanese only since we have interests in Asia that was being threatened by Japan at the time. Now its with China and Japan views them as a threat to their interests as well, which I'm surprised you would sympathize with them in the first place.

Of course PH didn't have oil production. The US moved the Pacific fleet main port from the West Coast to Hawaii in 1940. Most of the fortification done on Hawaii was during the 1930s. That gesture is a signal that the US Pacific fleet could be sent over to the eastern side of the Pacific on much shorter notice. Hawaii wasn't even a state yet but US territory. That is why it became a target as part of the southern campaign

Hawaii annexation was just like colonization by any other of the other powers like GB, France, or Japan. Guam and the Philippines were also acts of imperialism. US interests were threatened? In what way? US as well as British interest in Shanghai was kept intact even after the Japanese occupied it along with much other parts of the north eastern half of the China mainland. That interest was cut only as December 7th came by. It would be a safe assumption that interest would have remained. Other interest? The Philippines perhaps? Was not under any threat whatsoever until the oil embargo was put in place. Japan wanted to end the war with China and would have been willing to accept truce with the Nationalist Chinese but Chiang Kai-shek did not want to end the war. Japan's original thinking in accordance to Matsui Iwani's planning was to end the war with a quick grab of the capital Nanking. Chaing Kai-shek did not want to surrender so the war dragged on. But his refusal to recognize Manchukuo coincided with US refusal to recognize Manchukuo so that put it on the line with the war going on between Japan and the Nationalists as well. Additionally, the spread of communism in China and emitting from the SU added more interest for Japan to not leave China. The US administration's decision to send lines of credits to the Nationalists Chinese is what prolonged the war. It may very well have ended by 1940/41. And in charge of Japanese occupied areas was already a Chinese regime established, the Wang Regime. Taiwan and Korea were part of Japan proper. Manchukuo was the puppet state. The Wang Regime would have been another separate entity, obviously for Han Chinese. His speeches were fully pan-Asia that backed Japan.

"US interest" gets used as some sort of gospel phrasing that the speaker assumes can not be challenged. US interest in Asia? Well first off, as I said in the beginning, US interest in Shanghai and the Philippines were not threatened unconditionally. But why should "US interest" in Asia be of such importance to be worth a total war with Japan? US GDP was already 4 to 5 times bigger than the entire empire of Japan. The US mainland was plentiful in oil, metals, and coal. Why should the US be entitled to its interest be of greater importance in an outside region than the interest of another countries interests in its ow local region?

There's other US interests that can be brought to the table as further examples of might makes right. Japan was in an alliance with Great Britain since around 1900. Great Britain provided technical assistance in naval warship building and provided intel on Russian maneuvers that helped Japan defeat Russia in the Russo-Japanese War. During WW1, in 1917 when Germany announced unrestricted submarine warfare, Great Britain requested Japan to two cruisers and eight destroyers to the Mediterranean Sea to escort convey. The workings of a good and enduring alliance was in place. But as WW1 happened, what happened, the US pressured British commonwealth and Britain itself to end that alliance at the new Naval Treaty. So comes to an end that alliance.

Well that was the doggy dog world of might makes right. Normally, I don't hold the US in such negative mind. But its posts like these that make "US interest" in some sort of extra special majestic form that really triggers me.

If Tojo is a "Class A War criminal" for starting the war, then so too is FDR. If Matsui Iwani is a "Class A War Criminal for Nanking" then so too is Truman for approving the atomic bombs.
The United States is speeding up production of its long-range B-21 Raider stealth bomber to take on challenges from China as the two countries tussle over the South China Sea and Taiwan.

US Air Force secretary Frank Kendall told a conference in Maryland on Monday that the US had five of the bombers in production, up from the previously reported two.

B21 been "in production" for the last 10-15 years, always "just 2-3 years until flying prototypes"
America has never fought in a war that has directly threatened US main land. The cold war is as close it got.

If push comes to shove, I think America will let China take Taiwan without direct military confrontation. I doubt that average Americans will find Taiwan worth the risk of a ballistic missile flying over New York!

For First Time, Half of Americans Favor Defending Taiwan If China Invades

A slimmer majority (53%) support the United States' signing a formal alliance with Taiwan, and a plurality (46%) favor explicitly committing to defend Taiwan if China invades.

When asked about a range of potential scenarios, just over half of Americans (52%) favor using US troops to defend if China were to invade the island. This is the highest level ever recorded in the Council’s surveys dating back to 1982, when the question was first asked.

Republicans (60%) are more likely to support sending US troops to Taiwan’s defense than Democrats (50%) or Independents (49%) – see appendix for more information on partisan divides and Taiwan.
I don't know how the American public opinion was about fighting the Soviet Union at the height of cold war. Regardless, I don't believe that America will risk loosing its position at the top of world economy and innovation by abruptly jumping into a war with China. Any such war will definitely hurt China, but China may recover faster than US because of their authoritarian political setup.
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