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US pressure policy on Pakistan is working: US officials

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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US pressure policy on Pakistan is working: US officials
25 Feb, 2018



*WASHINGTON*: Pakistan need not kill or capture militants such as members of the Haqqani Network that use its territory to launch attacks in Afghanistan but could push them across the border instead, a senior US official said on Friday.

Evicting the militants would put them at risk of attack from Afghan and US forces trying to keep Afghanistan from becoming a launching pad for strikes on the West more than 16 years after September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington.

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The United States is pressuring Pakistan to cease providing sanctuary – which it denies giving – to Islamist militants unleashing chaos in neighbouring Afghanistan.

On January 4, Washington said it would suspend some security aid to Islamabad to get it to end support for the Afghan Taliban and the allied Haqqani Network whose attacks in Afghanistan have killed US , Afghan and other forces.

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The senior US official said in an interview that since the aid suspension – which US officials later said could affect as much as about $2 billion – the United States has not seen any sustained Pakistani effort against the militants.

In the latest US-led push to spur Pakistani action, a global money-laundering watchdog decided to put the country back on its terrorist financing watch list, a Pakistani government official and a diplomat told *Reuters* in Islamabad.

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The US official dismissed suggestions pressure from Washington may backfire and suggested that Pakistan might start by taking smaller, tactical steps, including forcing such groups into Afghanistan before the spring fighting season begins.

“I don’t think Pakistan is feeling its oats. I think it’s feeling pressure,” said the US official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “We have their attention.”

The official said the United States did not have a specific timeline to assess Pakistani cooperation and would be looking to see if Islamabad would take “tactical steps” such as “actions against … (the) Haqqanis, pushing them across the border.

“They don’t have to arrest them or kill them … just get them into Afghanistan, disrupt some of the infrastructure that exists, make it harder for them,” the official added. “We are about two months away from the fighting season, so now is the time to do some of this.”

Some in the US government doubt Pakistan will comply.

In a February 13 statement to Congress, US Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats said Pakistan would maintain “its ties with militant groups, restricting counter-terrorism cooperation” with the United States.
What ever these USA guys do, if Makkah or Madina are endangered by the actions of Israel, we will act. No matter what international community does with us.
Dear USA, you better stop protecting Israel, or die with them. We know why Jerusalem drama and this grey white black list dramas started at the same time.
What ever these USA guys do, if Makkah or Madina are endangered by the actions of Israel, we will act. No matter what international community does with us.
Dear USA, you better stop protecting Israel, or die with them. We know why Jerusalem drama and this grey white black list dramas started at the same time.
lolx.... do you really that we are that important and they fear us?
Day before yesterday, 25 afghan security official killed by Taliban
It's true.america is isolating Pakistan and Pakistan is doing nothing just tweets from khwaja asif.lol your enemy will continue to inflict damage until you tell them you have your own ways of damaging them.unfortunately Pakistan is doing nothing not even charging double on nato supplies.saudia was a backstabber long time ago, it proved it is still a backstabber and we still sending army for the protection of dirty Kings.china looking for it's own interest and left support for Pakistan at fatf at critical point.problem is nobody is serious in our establishment.everyone is doing slavery of other countries.
Americans are most afraid of Pakistan being lead by army general, this is why we have democracy being trumpeted 24x7 on TV, despite the fact that non of the civilians has potential or sense how to manage complex tasks.
Truth is ALL politicians has huge followership of idiots of all levels and classes.

if Makkah or Madina are endangered by the actions of Israel

Mekka Medina are protected by Allha, but the risk of attack is more from Iran and allies.
Saudi Arabia intercepts Houthi missile targeting Mecca - coalition
Americans are most afraid of Pakistan being lead by army general, this is why we have democracy being trumpeted 24x7 on TV, despite the fact that non of the civilians has potential or sense how to manage complex tasks.
Truth is ALL politicians has huge followership of idiots of all levels and classes.
Agreed. This is why the National Action plan cant be fully implemented because our politicians always create hurdles for fully implementing NAP. becuase they are involved in currption, money lundering.
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lolx.... do you really that we are that important and they fear us?
Yes we are important and they fear us because we can do whatever suits for our interests despite many threats. But in this specific FATF we should sweep before our on door. NAP should be fully implemented and mean while fulfill our interests too. We are enough capable for doing this but right now we have to get rid of currption and money lundering by our politicial elites that money can be utilized by some network. And perhaps our politicians providing the source to terrorists network unintentionally because of their currption and money lundering.
lolx.... do you really that we are that important and they fear us?
May be you don't know your potential, but they do.

Americans are most afraid of Pakistan being lead by army general, this is why we have democracy being trumpeted 24x7 on TV, despite the fact that non of the civilians has potential or sense how to manage complex tasks.
Truth is ALL politicians has huge followership of idiots of all levels and classes.

Mekka Medina are protected by Allha, but the risk of attack is more from Iran and allies.
Saudi Arabia intercepts Houthi missile targeting Mecca - coalition
I don't think any muslim can attack Makkah or Madina. There must be some misunderstanding. I know, Iranis have played against muslim world on many occasions, but this is something we should not expect from them. Either Saudis are lying or it is, as always, a conspiracy against muslim world.
It's true.america is isolating Pakistan and Pakistan is doing nothing just tweets from khwaja asif.lol your enemy will continue to inflict damage until you tell them you have your own ways of damaging them.unfortunately Pakistan is doing nothing not even charging double on nato supplies.saudia was a backstabber long time ago, it proved it is still a backstabber and we still sending army for the protection of dirty Kings.china looking for it's own interest and left support for Pakistan at fatf at critical point.problem is nobody is serious in our establishment.everyone is doing slavery of other countries.
Would you mind telling what should Pakistan do? Any brilliant idea that your brain has conceived?

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