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US prefers European nations

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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US prefers European nations

India, China & Brazil are rising world powers but US relies on European nations for resolving key global issues like Iran and Libya, a top Obama Administration official said. "Obviously, the United States is a major power, China is an increasing power, (so is) India..., but when we in Washington lo ok around the world and ask ourselves, who is our potential partner on issue X or Y, first on the list tends to be Europe," Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip H Gordon said during a media roundtable in Sofia, Bulgaria.

India, China and Brazil are rising powers, but "they are not the ones that we are turning to help us deal with this (Libya) major global challenge, so that needs to be put in perspective," he was quoted as saying in a transcript released by the State Department on Friday.

"Take the cases I mentioned -- Iran -- the Europeans are our partners in trying to deal with the diplomacy of the Iranian nuclear issue; certainly in North Africa, Middle East in the last few weeks.

"Now, of course we are in touch with India and China on the Libya issue, but we are really working this together with the Europeans," he said.

Gordon accepted that India and China are emerging powers and Europe is now divided, but still when US needs to deal with global challenges "it's the democratic, prosperous, militarily capable members of the European Union we are working with first and foremost,and those are the countries with whom we share values and interests."

'India rising, but US prefers Europe' - Hindustan Times
Duh! It's because the so-called "rising" nations are way too self-absorbed to think about helping the peoples of other nations gain freedom. Crap! China abhors a free society and India and Brazil are too incompetent to help out on any "international" problem. They are, as they say in Texas: "All hat and no cattle."
Most nations have better policies on certain international issues than what the US has.

The problem with US is that neo-conservatives influence many policies and the result of that was the invasion of Iraq.
Duh! It's because the so-called "rising" nations are way too self-absorbed to think about helping the peoples of other nations gain freedom. Crap! China abhors a free society and India and Brazil are too incompetent to help out on any "international" problem. They are, as they say in Texas: "All hat and no cattle."

Oh gee terribly sorry China didn't support your invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. We would have loved to throw our army into a hopeless quagmire that antagonized half the world's Muslim population. You say that you're all cattle and no hat but what does the average American even think about the war anymore? Was it even an issue at the last midterm elections? and why not?

These are just wars that average Americans want to forget about while 0.5 percent of the population fights for the 99.5 percent that doesn't give a s hit anymore.
These are just wars that average Americans want to forget about while 0.5 percent of the population fights for the 99.5 percent that doesn't give a s hit anymore.

I think he was being satirical. Regardless, rest assured that the current war is very much on peoples' minds, and it does affect elections.
just like in risk.. you see a big army next to you.. but you cannot get your own army next to him away to continue your war against other front... because you're afraid he's gonna own you.
usa feels that about every single nation on earth.
they always want to be the worldleader.
I think he was being satirical. Regardless, rest assured that the current war is very much on peoples' minds, and it does affect elections.

He was being sarcastic about the potential of the developing world, not what he said about freedom etc (as if the world is so black and white). As for the war being on people's minds? The war was barely a blip on the last mid term elections. People moved on to other issues and the politicians started talk to those instead of what's happening in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The war was barely a blip on the last mid term elections. People moved on to other issues and the politicians started talk to those instead of what's happening in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And you know this how...? Unless your flags are not correct and you live in the U.S. Election material, debates, etc, exported as news outside the U.S. is about 1/10th of the material that we were bombarded with. Besides, my everyday interaction with people shows that yes indeed, it is VERY much on peoples' minds.
Why even bring India or Brazil into it? they are still emerging and at least they will stand up to genocide and terrorism.

China on the other hand - voted against terrorist outfits as being labeled as such and being sanctioned on the UN terror list

Look at Libya, China does not care their close partner nation, where they have some big deals within Libya ( yes, Qaddafi is very close to china) is committing genocide on its people. Chinese have no respect for humanitarian crisis, if they are not making money on it.
And you know this how...? Unless your flags are not correct and you live in the U.S. Election material, debates, etc, exported as news outside the U.S. is about 1/10th of the material that we were bombarded with. Besides, my everyday interaction with people shows that yes indeed, it is VERY much on peoples' minds.

If you have cable here you have the same coverage as the US.
Chogy - according to him , if they don't rant about it everyday - it ain't an issue. Fact that the people forced the govt to have a exit deadline date from Bush's era- does not register in his noggin. They are those who debate just because they want to be on the opposite side of everything logical. Meet card sharp - ala poster boy .
I understand... I guess. Apparently unless every headline every day is war related, it means people don't care anymore.

Is the nation in the same frenzy as the day after 9/11? Of course not, but it is very much on everybody's mind. But the nation must still function... we need to discuss the economy, medicine, industry, etc.
Thats expected..How can they treat us on par with their age old friends..We were practically on different sides 20 yrs. ago...
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