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The blue wave continues! Tomorrow is very interesting special election in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District between, moderate Democrat, Conor Lamp, a former Marine and a federal prosecutor and Republican Rick Saccone, an Air Force veteran.

The district was designed by the Republican, an extreme case of gerrymandering, and still, Republicans are really very nervous about the race in so-called “Trump country”. Saccone should win the race easily, given its solidly Republican performance in recent elections. Former Republican Rep. Tim Murphy, (who disgracefully resigned), ran unopposed in both 2014 and 2016, won the district by 28 points in 2012. And Trump won the district in presidential election 2016 by 20 points.

Trump has visited the state twice now supporting Rick Saccone and the Republican party has poured in almost $ 11 million supporting their candidate. But still, thanks to the blue wave, the polls are showing the race is neck to neck.

And thanks to a recent ruling by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court throwing out the state’s Congressional map as too gerrymandered in favor of the Republicans, the district will not even exist in the regularly scheduled November 2018 election.

@Gomig-21, I don’t know if you have been following the race, but I’m loving it, I have even contributed $ 10 to Conor’s campaign. The Republicans and Trump are really panicked, Conor is really a tough guy, and I think there are 90% chances that he can win this red district. Tomorrow is the big day, let’s hope for the best.


Come on with the fake news excuse! Everything we don't like now is immediately "Fake News!"

What did Sarah Sanders mean then when she said "the case has already been won in arbitration?"

What it means is they're doing everything they can to keep her quiet.

Look, Clinton was a GREAT president but he couldn't keep it in his pants either and this guy here?

I love the way they put Trump's alias on that hush-hush agreement, what was it, DD? LOL!

Seriously, though, if I was packing this package, I would've asked for a hell of a lot more than $130K!




I thought this was a goodone, Rabzon! lol


This was KILLER LOL!

Oh, and anyone who thinks North Korea is going to give up its nukes or ballistic missiles without asking for at least a complete withdrawal of all US involvement in SK as well as billions upon billions of $ for compensation for almost 2 decades of sanctions is sadly mistaken. What they'll want will make what Iran settled for look like child's play.

Fake Jews, fake orgasms and fake president. Super! :lol:

I love the tweet it very smartly exposed Trump’s meeting with North Korean dictator drama, as an attempt by him to knock down Stormy Daniels controversy from the front page/headline news.
@Gomig-21, I don’t know if you have been following the race, but I’m loving it, I have even contributed $ 10 to Conor’s campaign. The Republicans and Trump are really panicked, Conor is really a tough guy, and I think there are 90% chances that he can win this red district. Tomorrow is the big day, let’s hope for the best.

I am watching it, bro. We're snowed in today and tonight so I'll be able to follow it closely but what just happened a couple of minutes ago is just incredible, again, with this fruitcake of a president. Or should I say moron? Rex Tillerson just fired 5 minutes ago! loool.

And then think of all the positions that are still empty and have never been filled because this guy doesn't have a clue what he's doing.
I am watching it, bro. We're snowed in today and tonight so I'll be able to follow it closely but what just happened a couple of minutes ago is just incredible, again, with this fruitcake of a president. Or should I say moron? Rex Tillerson just fired 5 minutes ago! loool.

And then think of all the positions that are still empty and have never been filled because this guy doesn't have a clue what he's doing.
Yeah, I just read it. Trump administration is just a clown show. And the chaos continues.
Yeah, I just read it. Trump administration is just a clown show. And the chaos continues.

I actually liked Tillerson. Seemed like his head was in the right place and represented the US in a very dignified and powerful way to other nations just like the way it should be. AND, knowing that he was dealing with North Korea in a certain diplomatic way and wasn't going around threatening to nuke it to "bolivion" etc., that his stance on the Iran deal was also very firm and he accepted the fact that Iran was abiding by the deal. This idiot wants war, or to use the threat of war to get things done to come off like he's the tough guy who got things done with a stick and that's so dangerous and you know Rex Tillerson realizes that crucial fact. So the NK and the Iran deal are certainly what caused this which sucks because now you know this clown is going to find a way to shove the Iran deal aside an cause all kinds of problems just for his buddy Netanyahu and that thorn called Israel.
Top Intel Dem excoriates GOP over end of Russia probe

The Hill

Julia Manchester 15 hrs ago

The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) ripped into Republicans on the committee on Monday after they announced they were ending the probe into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russian election meddling.

"While the Majority members of our committee have indicated for some time that they have been under great pressure to end the investigation, it is nonetheless another tragic milestone for this Congress, and represents yet another capitulation to the executive branch," Schiff said in a statement.

"By ending its oversight role in the only authorized investigation in the House, the Majority has placed the interests of protecting the President over protecting the country, and history will judge its actions harshly," he continued.

"If the Russians do have leverage over the President of the United States, the Majority has simply decided it would rather not know," he said. Read more

Papadopoulos says that Trump personally encouraged him to arrange meeting with Putin, new book reports

George Papadopoulos, a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign and potentially a key witness in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, told federal investigators that before the election, Donald Trump personally encouraged him to pursue a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to a new book being published Tuesday.

Papadopoulos’s account to Mueller — as reported in “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump,” by Yahoo News’ Michael Isikoff and Mother Jones’ David Corn — contradicts the public accounts of what took place at a critical meeting of Trump’s foreign policy team on March 31, 2016. It was at that meeting that Papadopoulos first informed Trump and the then candidate’s other foreign policy advisers that he had contacts in Britain who could arrange a summit between the GOP candidate and Putin.

Although one of the campaign officials present, J.D. Gordon, has said the idea was shot down by then Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, Papadopoulos told Mueller’s investigators that Trump encouraged him, saying he found the idea “interesting,” according to the book, which cites sources familiar with his questioning by Mueller’s investigators.

Trump looked at Sessions, as if he expected him to follow up with Papadopoulos, and Sessions nodded in response, the authors write. Sessions has said he has “no clear recollection” of the exchange with Papadopoulos. A White House official said that others at the meeting remember it differently than Papadopoulos. Read more

I actually liked Tillerson. Seemed like his head was in the right place and represented the US in a very dignified and powerful way to other nations just like the way it should be. AND, knowing that he was dealing with North Korea in a certain diplomatic way and wasn't going around threatening to nuke it to "bolivion" etc., that his stance on the Iran deal was also very firm and he accepted the fact that Iran was abiding by the deal. This idiot wants war, or to use the threat of war to get things done to come off like he's the tough guy who got things done with a stick and that's so dangerous and you know Rex Tillerson realizes that crucial fact. So the NK and the Iran deal are certainly what caused this which sucks because now you know this clown is going to find a way to shove the Iran deal aside an cause all kinds of problems just for his buddy Netanyahu and that thorn called Israel.
I was a little suspicious of him because of his close relationship with Russia when he was the CEO of ExxonMobil. But you’re right, on NATO, North Korea and Iran he was on the right track and had almost refused to follow Trump’s mad hawkish agenda. Netanyahu is a war monger, remember how he lobbied for Iraq War and now he’s trying to push the US to kill the Iran nuclear deal. Even though I do not trust the Iranian Ayatollahs, but so far, it seems the deal is working.
@Gomig-21, I don’t know if you have been following the race, but I’m loving it, I have even contributed $ 10 to Conor’s campaign. The Republicans and Trump are really panicked, Conor is really a tough guy, and I think there are 90% chances that he can win this red district. Tomorrow is the big day, let’s hope for the best.


Looks like your donation paid off, ma friend. For a lousy 18th congressional district vote to be this exciting and close!? That was ridiculous. As of this morning it's what, Lamb 49.9% to Saccone 49.5%? Has it ever been this close where they actually call it "too close to call?"

I remember checking in when it was pretty much over but they still had something like 7800 absentee ballots to count and even before counting them, the spread was under 1% and after counting those 8000 ballots to have almost the same exact difference in the result is nuts.

If this is what a lousy congressional district vote turns out to be, imagine the midterms? lol
lol nobody cares about these "comedian" leftist hacks

Donald J Trump = 45th President of the United States of America.

late night loser leftists hacks = comedians.

funny thing is, President Trump wipes the floor with them when it comes to comedy too.. :lol:
This is just the run up. As I have said many times before, these mid-terms will be crucial in determining not only the rest of this Presidential term but also the next elections.

I think we may see record turnout in November.
Hopefully Democrats take back the House or Senate so Trump don't start war in Syria and butcher innocent Syrians in the name of fighting Iran.

Minister Farrakhan Responds After CBC Accused of Burying 2005 Photo of Him Alongside President Obama
Tanasia Kenney
January 29, 2018


Photographer Askia Muhammad said he was contacted by the CBC the same day he took the photo of Obama and Farrakhan. (Youtube video screenshot)

Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan is setting the record straight amid reports the Congressional Black Caucus tried to bury a 2005 photo of he and then-Illinois senator Barack Obama.

Farrakhan took to Twitter, Sunday, Jan. 28, to share a 2016 video explaining why he chose NOT to release the photo of him and the Black senator who would be elected president just three years later.


“You’ve never seen it,” Farrakhan said of the photo during a past speaking event in Atlanta, Ga. ” … It’s of me a Barack shaking hands [but ] I knew if I ever let that go out, they’d use that to hurt that brother. So, you never saw it.”



A message for those wondering why I chose not to release the photo I took with former President Barack Obama.

Watch more: http://dld.bz/g8K4A

7:08 PM - Jan 28, 2018

“I have always, by God’s grace, been able to see the bigger picture,” he wrote in a follow-up tweet.

The minister’s response comes after photojournalist Askia Muhammad released the top–secret photo last week, revealing that the Congressional Black Caucus pressured him to keep it under wraps all these years. Speaking to the Trice Edney News Wire, Muhammad said he believed it “absolutely would’ve made a difference” in the 2008 election had the photo been made public.

The photographer also appeared on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” where he claimed the CBC reached out to him the same day he took the photo of the pair following a group meeting on Capitol Hill.

“A staff member from the black caucus called me and said ‘we have to have the picture back,’ and I was kind of taken aback,” he told Carlson. “… And we talked a couple of times on the phone after that, and I said ‘Okay, I will give the picture back to Minister Farrakhan’s chief of staff.’ ”

After giving the original copy to a member of Farrakhan’s staff, Muhammad said he kept a secret copy for himself because “it’s my art, and it’s my intellectual property.”

“I owned it, and I wanted to keep it,” he said.

Like Farrakhan, however, Muhammad acknowledged that the minister’s reputation had the potential to hurt someone like Obama, who was at the time working “to win acceptance in the broad cross-section.” The young senator was also poised to make his bid for the U.S. presidency.

“The members of the Nation of Islam helped him in his Senate campaign and on the South Side of Chicago,” he revealed. ” … “In fact he had people from the Nation of Islam working on his staff and in his office in Chicago, his Senate staff.”

Watch the full interview below:
The Supreme Court rejects Republican case. The Republican wanted to preserve a 2011 gerrymandered map that the state Supreme Court said violated a provision in the state constitution guaranteeing free and equal elections, which gave Republicans a 13 – 5 advantages in elections. This was a great victory for voters, Democrat party, and most importantly, our democracy. :usflag:

Supreme Court Delivers Blow To Republicans, Declines To Take Up Pa. Redistricting
March 19, 2018

The U.S. Supreme Court declined to take up a Republican challenge to the newly drawn Pennsylvania congressional map ahead of the 2018 elections.

The decision means Republicans have few, if any, options remaining to try to stem a map that will almost certainly result in Democrats picking up potentially three or four seats and could make half a dozen or more competitive.

Tuesday is the filing deadline for candidates for Pennsylvania's April 26 primaries.

Last month, the Supreme Court also declined to block the state court decision that said the old GOP-drawn map violated the Pennsylvania Constitution.

Republicans drew a gerrymandered map in 2011 that resulted in a 13-5 congressional district advantage. That was despite Democrats having won the state in five straight presidential elections at the time.

Democrats need to win a net of 24 seats to win a majority in the U.S. House.

The decision comes on the same day a federal court dismissed a lawsuit filed by Republican congressmen challenging the new map. It's a double gut punch to the GOP and all but guarantees that Democrats pick up a few seats, and in an election with control of Congress at stake, every seat counts. Read more

Hooray, in a stunning upset, Democrat Conor Lamb last week won hotly-contested election in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District. Thanks to gerrymandering by the Republicans, it is, the mother of all red district.

Republican Tim Murphy who disgracefully resigned from the House seat, had won the district by 34 points in 2010 and by 28 points in 2012. And ran unopposed in the 2014 and 2016 general elections.

In the presidential election 2012, Mitt Romney defeated former Pres Obama with 17 points.

In the presidential election 2016, Trump carried the district by nearly 20 points.

More than 95% population are white, only 33% are college graduates, it has substantial number of Steelworkers and coal miners, in other words, white working class without college degree, rustbelt voters, they overwhelmingly supported Trump in the last election and were considered Trump’s powerful base. But now it seems Trump is losing some support among them.


Conor Lamb Democrat victory speech


Conor Lamb supporters celebrating his victory.

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