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US Politics

The Republican leader announces Rex Tillerson's name to serve as the top diplomat of the US.

US President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday formally announced Exxon-Mobil Corp chairman and CEO Rex Tillerson as his nomination to serve as US Secretary of State.

"His tenacity, broad experience and deep understanding of geopolitics make him an excellent choice for Secretary of State," the Republican leader said in a statement released by his transition team on Tuesday.

"He will promote regional stability and focus on the core national security interests of the United States."

More soon.
he's back :D


"offered them 5 cents on the dollar for their fireworks but never heard back" - President Trump takes the piss on crooked hillary's yuge 7 million $ fireworks display that they had planned. :sarcastic:

man, did he ever Trump that bitch. 8-)
Of course Elon Tusk can only advance his sci fi projects under non other than Trump
Elon Musk and the chief executive of Uber are now advising Donald Trump

Travis Kalanick, the chief executive of Uber, and Elon Musk, the chief executive of Tesla, will “meet with the president frequently” and offer their expertise to Trump as part of his Strategic and Policy Forum, Trump officials said.

the best capitalists and the most tremendous minds. :P

srsly though, he is putting together a formidable cabinet with all those generals, Tillerson is another big step toward peace and better ties with Russia (hopefully).

how about Kanye earlier ? lol, redemption for KW, the crazies in his life/entourage put him in the loony bin for being pro Trump but here he was


stuff like this could go a long way in busting the leftist propaganda about Trump being a racist etc, nice 1. :cheers:

It is meant to be a heartfelt appeal from some of the US's most recognisable faces.

Actors Martin Sheen and Debra Messing are joined by a host of other celebrities - including musician Moby - to ask Republican electors to not cast their vote for President-elect Donald Trump on 19 December.

The argument put forward in the Unite for America clip is simple - Mr Trump is not fit to be president of the United States, and therefore members of the Electoral College should block his entry to the White House.

"Our founding fathers built the Electoral College to safeguard the American people from the dangers of a demagogue and to ensure that the presidency only goes to someone who is, to an eminent degree, endowed with the requisite qualifications," Sheen explains in the video.

Celebrity power

Mr Trump, the celebrities continue, is not "highly qualified for the job" - and therefore the electors could, and should, prevent him from taking office.

In theory, the Electoral College could do this: It would take 37 Republican electors to vote for someone other than Mr Trump - thereby taking the party under the 270-vote threshold necessary for victory - to technically block his path to the White House.

It is the latest stance taken by celebrities against Mr Trump's impending leadership. Others have been less direct - designers refusing to dress future First Lady Melania Trump, or rejecting offers to sing at the inauguration.

In stark contrast to his predecessor Barack Obama, only one A-list celebrity - Kanye West - has publicly endorsed Mr Trump since his election.

But in reality, how much does any of this matter - and how effective is such a direct plea to a group of Republicans?

If you believe the New York Daily News, not very.

"This video of celebs pleading with the Electoral College is why Hillary Clinton lost," the newspaper's website proclaimed in a headline.

Mrs Clinton did have a lot of celebrity supporters - on election night, actress Lena Dunham, singer Lady Gaga and comedian Amy Schumer were all in New York to support the Democrat they hoped would become the first female US leader.

They had all been vociferous campaigners for Mrs Clinton, as had Beyonce, whose plea to fans to vote for Mrs Clinton has had 2.4 million views to date.

In comparison, Mr Trump failed to attract any huge stars to support his campaign.

Yet Mr Trump won - suggesting celebrity endorsements do not have huge sway over voters.

Indeed, a study of possible voters in Ohio by professors Melissa Miller and David Jackson, both of Bowling Green State University, found that celebrity endorsements are potentially the opposite of helpful.

Writing in The Daily Beast, Mr Jackson revealed: "None of the celebrities [given as possible endorsers in the study] showed a net positive effect, and four of them showed double-digit net negative effects."

What's more, this election has taken a swipe at the so-called liberal elite - and nowhere is the elite more liberal than in Hollywood.

Oprah Winfrey may be credited with playing a major role in Barack Obama's 2008 election, but a quick glance at the response on Twitter to the Unite for America video shows there is no appetite for the 1% to lecture the majority on how they should vote.

"You stick to pretending to be somebody else," wrote one. "Nobody gives the rear end of a rodent what you and your pampered friends think."

Another tweeted: "Y'all prove one thing. being a so-called educated intellectual doesn't mean you have common sense."

Meanwhile, a meme mused whether celebrities were more upset about the election result, of "finding out people don't give a **** about their opinions".

And despite the odd tweet praising them for being a "glimmer of hope in an era of hopelessness", even fellow liberals have questioned the point of such a video.

So with a backlash against celebrities, it seems highly unlikely their doom-laden words will sway Republican electors on Sunday.

There is, of course, one huge irony in all of this: Mr Trump has, arguably, only been elected to the highest office in the land because he is a celebrity.

Celebrities couldn't get Clinton elected, so what influence do they have over the electors? Close to zero.

They don't have influence, but it does reveal how hostile and divided the US has become. A country that has been sowing division in other lands for decades is finally the victim of its own ploy.
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