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Was Trump’s dad member of the KKK?


Why Won't Donald Trump Repudiate the Ku Klux Klan?

The Republican frontrunner repeatedly declined to renounce the support of white supremacists—reinforcing questions about his rhetoric.


    On Sunday, CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Trump whether he’d repudiate the support of David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, or “other white supremacists.” Trump evaded the question:

    Donald Trump: Well, I have to look at the group. I mean, I don’t know what group you’re talking about. You wouldn’t want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I’d have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them, and certainly I would disavow if I thought that there was something wrong.

    Jake Tapper: The Ku Klux Klan…

    Trump: But you may have some groups in there that are totally fine, and it would be very unfair. So, give me a list of groups and I’ll let you know.

    Tapper: Okay, I’m just talking about David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan here but…

    Trump: Honestly, I don’t know David Duke. I don’t believe I’ve ever met him. I’m pretty sure I didn’t meet him, and I just don’t know anything about him.

    In 2000, Trump was unambiguous about condemning the intolerance of the Reform Party, because it “now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, Mr. Buchanan, and a communist, Ms. Fulani,” he said. “This is not company I wish to keep.'' On Friday, Trump was asked about Duke’s support, and replied, “I disavow him, OK?” But somehow, by Sunday, he’d forgotten both who Duke was, and how repellent his ideology is.
  • Most historians separate the Klan into three distinct movements. The first was a terrorist insurgency that flourished after the Civil War. The third was active in the civil-rights era, and is the direct progenitor of Duke’s group and other Klan factions that are still active today. Both of those groups were most active in the former Confederate states, and made the violent enforcement of inequality and segregation their primary aim. The second Klan, though, was something else. In the 1920s, it enrolled millions of members, crusading for the restoration of a white, Christian, Protestant America—targeting Catholics and Jews as well as blacks, and enjoying particular popularity in the lower Midwest.

    It even caught on in the cosmopolitan entrepôt of New York City. In 1927, Klansmen planned their first open parade, in Jamaica, Queens. Alerted to the plan by the editor of a Catholic paper, the police commissioner issued an order against wearing Klan regalia. The Klan defied that order, appearing clad in white robes and hoods in a Memorial Day parade.

    It gave its versions of events in a handbill, which read, in part:

  • Liberty and democracy have been trampled upon when native born Protestant Americans dare to organize to protect one flag, the American flag; one school, the public school; and one language, the English language; also when they march peaceably through the streets in honor of their forefathers.

    We charge that the Roman Catholic police force did deliberately precipitate a riot and did tear down American flags and did unmercifully beat and club defenseless Americans who conducted themselves as gentlemen under trying circumstances.

  • It’s hard not to hear echoes of this rhetoric of the 1920s in the current presidential campaign. There’s the anxiety about immigration; the fear that white, Protestant culture is being displaced; the rallying around patriotic symbols; the appeals to a mythic past.

    Seven men were arrested by the New York police that day, according to a New York Times report. There’s no proof that any were Klansmen; they might’ve been bystanders, or entirely innocent. Six were charged; one was released. As BoingBoing first noted, that man was listed as having the same name and address as Donald Trump’s father: Fred Trump.
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Hillary won South Carolina Democratic primary.

Hillary Clinton 271,514...........73.5%

Bernie Sanders 95,977...........26.0%

As expected, Hillary won 84% of black votes, and won all women voters by 58 points.

Just a note, High estimates were for her to beat Sanders by 25, not 50. beating Sanders by 50 was unexpected.
Just a note, High estimates were for her to beat Sanders by 25, not 50. beating Sanders by 50 was unexpected.
That was truly a landslide, we needed that, and hopefully after the Super Tuesday contests, Mr. Bernie can pack his bags so the Hillary campaign can focus on the Republican rivals.
CNN GOP Republican Presidential Debate Feb 25,2016

Rubio won the debate, it was a horrible night for Trump, in every exchange, Rubio came on top.

Here is one such exchange, Rubio repeatedly asked Trump to explain his healthcare plan, it was quite embarrassing moment for Trump. It was quite clear, Trump has no healthcare plan, he could only come up with his typical one-liner statements, Note, in 2014, US healthcare spending was almost $3 trillion.

RUBIO: You may not be aware of this, Donald, because you don't follow this stuff very closely, but here's what happened.When they passed Obamacare they put a bailout fund in Obamacare. All these lobbyists you keep talking about, they put a bailout fund in the law that would allow public money to be used, taxpayer money, to bail out companies when they lost money.

And, we led the effort and wiped out that bailout fund.The insurance companies are not in favor of me, they hate that. They're suing that now to get that bailout money put back in.

Here's what you didn't hear in that answer, and this isimportant guys, this is an important thing. What is your plan? I understand the lines around the state, whatever that means. This is not a game where you draw maps...

TRUMP: ... And, you don't know what it means...

RUBIO: ... What is your plan, Mr. Trump?


RUBIO: What is your plan on healthcare?

TRUMP: You don't know.

BASH: (inaudible)

TRUMP: ... The biggest problem...


RUBIO: ... What's your plan...

TRUMP: ... The biggest problem, I'll have you know...

RUBIO: ... What's your plan...

TRUMP: ... You know, I watched him meltdown two weeks ago with Chris Christie. I got to tell you, the biggest problem he's got is he really doesn't know about the lines. The biggest thing we've got, and the reason we've got no competition, is because we have lines around the state, and you have essentially....

RUBIO: ... We already mentioned that (inaudible) plan, I know what that is, but what else is part of your plan...

TRUMP: ... You don't know much...

RUBIO: ... So, you're only thing is to get rid of the lines around the states. What else is part of your healthcare plan...

TRUMP: ... The lines around the states...

RUBIO: ... That's your only plan...

TRUMP: ... and, it was almost done -- not now...

RUBIO: ... Alright, (inaudible)...

TRUMP: ... Excuse me. Excuse me.

RUBIO: ... His plan. That was the plan...

TRUMP: ... You get rid of the lines, it brings in competition. So, instead of having one insurance company taking care of New York, or Texas, you'll have many. They'll compete, and it'll be a beautiful thing.

RUBIO: Alright...


RUBIO: So, that's the only part of the plan? Just the lines?

TRUMP: The nice part of the plan -- you'll have many different plans. You'll have competition, you'll have so many different plans.

RUBIO: Now he's repeating himself.

TRUMP: No, no, no.



TRUMP: (inaudible) I watched him repeat himself five times four weeks ago... RUBIO: ... I just watched you repeat yourself five times five seconds ago...


TRUMP: I watched him meltdown on the stage like that, I've never seen it in anybody...

BASH: ... Let's stay focused on the subject...

TRUMP: ... I thought he came out of the swimming pool...

RUBIO: ... I see him repeat himself every night, he says five things, everyone's dumb, he's gonna make America great again...

RUBIO: ... We're going to win, win win, he's winning in the polls...

RUBIO: ... And the lines around the state.


RUBIO: ... Every night.


BASH: Senator Rubio, you will have time to respond if you would just let Mr. Trump respond to what you've just posed to him...

RUBIO: ... Yeah, he's going to give us his plan now, right? OK...

BASH: ... If you could talk a little bit more about your plan. I know you talked about...

TRUMP: ... We're going to have many different plans because...

BASH: ... Can you be a little specific...

TRUMP: ... competition...

RUBIO: ... He's done it again.


TRUMP: There is going to be competition among all of the states, and the insurance companies. They're going to have many, many different plans. BASH: Is there anything else you would like to add to that...

TRUMP: No, there's nothing to add.


TRUMP: What is to add? :D (There you have it folks, $3 trillion healthcare budget explained in 10 words)

Despite all this, Trump is currently leading in double digits in most states. Trump is going to crush the opposition coming Tuesday.

Despite all this, Trump is currently leading in double digits in most states. Trump is going to crush the opposition coming Tuesday.
Trump represents the worst of America, no matter what, his hard-core followers will keep on supporting him, all these dummies can hear is his promises to ban all Muslims from entering the US and building a wall on the Mexican US border.

His scapegoating of Mexicans and Muslims, and his fear driven appeals to angry Republican voters so far has been successful, but I’m pretty confident that it will not work in the general election.

Hillary has her shortcomings, but she is a far better candidate than Trump, and she is going to be our next president.
A new CNN poll has Clinton beating Trump by 8 points nationally.

Republican Super Tuesday States & Delegate Counts (Today)

The majority of the Super Tuesday states use the proportional method to award the delegates. Delegates are rewarded to multiple candidates based on the results. A candidate may not win a state but still has an opportunity to win some of the state’s delegates. The Colorado, North Dakota and Wyoming caucuses use the unbounded method of awarding delegates. The primaries on March 15 mark the beginning of the winner-take-all method that constitutes the majority of the remaining primaries.













(Notes: Republicans in Colorado will also hold their caucus on Super Tuesday, but the outcome will have no impact on how the state allocates its 37 delegates. Wyoming Republicans have a long nominating process that starts with precinct caucuses on Super Tuesday, but doesn’t wrap up until the state party convention in April.

Democratic Super Tuesday States & Delegate Counts

Aside from the Colorado caucus, all theprimarieson the Democratic side use the proportional method to award the delegates. This is good news for the Sanders campaign. Althoughearly pollssuggest he is trailing in nearly every Super Tuesday state, he still has an opportunity to win delegates even if he does not win the state.



American Samoa..................10











Democrats abroad....................17

(Note: Democrats abroad can cast ballots between March 1 and March 8 in their“global primary.”)
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Trump represents the worst of America, no matter what, his hard-core followers will keep on supporting him, all these dummies can hear is his promises to ban all Muslims from entering the US and building a wall on the Mexican US border.

His scapegoating of Mexicans and Muslims, and his fear driven appeals to angry Republican voters so far has been successful, but I’m pretty confident that it will not work in the general election.

Hillary has her shortcomings, but she is a far better candidate than Trump, and she is going to be our next president.

Polls suggest otherwise. It is going to be a very tight race in the general elections. Trump will snatch it. Believe it or not, he has enough Americans backing him to become the president of the USA. His anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican rhetoric is striking a chord with many Americans. There is no denying that. White America is angry and seeking vengeance. They have had enough of 8 years of African American rule as they put it. By coming this far Trump has already made a significant statement. His message is very clear. America must be reclaimed by white America. White angry Americans are on course of reclaiming America. They are lashing out at Trump rallies. It is for the entire world to witness. In the process, Trump has destroyed the Republican party to shreds and is now on path to take on Hillary. People are fooled when they believe that Hillary will survive against Trump. Hillary also belongs to the same elitist mainstream status qou like the conservative Republican candidates. That is how white angry Americans perceive Hillary. The world will be gobsmacked the day Trump becomes the president. Only a matter of time I'm afraid. Hate me for saying this, but Trump is what I term a by-product of US society. This ugly and intolerant sentiment has been brewing for decades. It is finally coming to frutition and the pundits are truly baffled. In short, Trump has exploited the worst of the worst. As it turns out, there is plenty of that.
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Voters back Trump's Muslim ban


Getty Images

A headline result from early exit poll data. Two-thirds of Republican primary voters in Texas, Virginia and Georgia, seven in 10 in Tennessee, and nearly eight in 10 in Alabama support Republican Donald Trump's proposal to temporarily ban all non-citizen Muslims from entering the United States.

But they are divided on another key Trump immigration pledge. In just one of the seven states where the question was asked, Alabama, did a majority of Republicans support deportation of immigrants already in the US illegally.

US election 2016: Trump and Clinton battle for big wins on Super Tuesday - BBC News

Says it all...
Super Tuesday looking good for Clinton & Trump. Hillary is nailed on to win democratic nomination. GOP is in a tricky situation. Cruz & Rubio are going to be neck & neck.. Neither of them going to suspend their campaign post Tuesday. This is going to work in Trump's favor. Establishment boy Rubio doomed...GOP is in disarray. Fox News will find itself in an embarrassing situation where they'll have to start cheerleading for Donald Trump. Oh yes..,I'm loving it! :coffee:

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